Chapter 9:

Experiment 7: It is an Idea

An Experimental Collection of The Absurd

Let’s think. Yes, let’s think. Amongst the crowded words of the mind, the collected thoughts, are incoherent babblings, like noises wild throughout a wild zoo and the many creatures, critters babbling, creatures babbling, never shutting up. Is that right? Yes, the lively things and lovely things—loving things that love things—live in the present and live in the past and live in the future but only in thought. Is that true, though? A question for a certain statement. No, a question for an uncertain statement. Does that imply I’m being uncertain? No, it’s outright—I’m saying it outright. To clarify, when thinking like a babbling animal or like a baby learning how to speak for the first time, is anything you think valid? Babbling is incoherent, isn’t it? Isn’t it? Yes, isn’t it? It is, isn’t it? Repeating incoherent babbling is meaningless, isn’t it? Yes, isn’t it? It is, it is. Isn’t it, isn’t it? The voices bouncing around, swinging from one point to another—monkey-style, tree from tree and tree to tree—are connected by each branch, each thought, each idea. Ideas, ideas, ideas! Yes, ideas, ideas, ideas. Why do ideas have to be logical?! They need to be clear. Why do they need to be clear? But how can you know what it means if it’s not clear. It’s true, it's true. But I understand: why does it have to make sense? It? explain ‘it’. It doesn’t have to be something. No, it does have to be something. Let’s say it is an apple; by it being an apple you can picture it and know that that is it. It? that it is it?

Let’s think. Yes, let’s think. Amongst the crowded words of the mind, the collected thoughts, are incoherent babblings, like noises wild throughout a wild zoo: it, it, it, it?! Explain to me: it. The idea of it depends on context. Tell me the context. Tell me your context. It, it, it, it. Next, let’s consider ‘that’. It and that—this and there—is all the same. Was all the same. Will always be the same. Concepts and concepts without a concrete thing to relate it to. There we go, again: it, it, it, it. Why does it need to be about it all the time? It’s meaningless. It’s meaningful.

It is something.

Lucid Levia