Chapter 32:

(Volume 5) From Okaa-san to Okaa-san

ALAE ~Reunion~

"Oh.... Hoooooh...."

Grandpa laughed. "These beans really make the best coffee, ne, Yoshiyuki? The aroma alone can knock you out!"

Yoshiyuki made no comment, choosing to focus on the coffee itself. Equally silent on the other side of the table and next to the man was Nanaka, seated a little to the back, as if hiding behind her grandfather. Mr. Mori did not sem to mind... but with his easygoing nature, it was rather hard to tell whether he was just being his jolly old self or was actively trying to shove the awkwardness under the rug.

"The concert is tomorrow, isn't it?" Grandpa said finishing his cup. "We will have to work extra hard today, especially with the circling maneuver, we haven't practiced it much so far. Say, Nanaka, what was he supposed to do again?"

"Huh--?" She looked as though stung by a bee. "Well he... He will fly in a circle over the audience, and, uh, drop the confetti."

"Eh? Wouldn't that be hard for Yoshiyuki whilst he is piloting?"

"Ah--I mean, I will drop the confetti over the crowd while he flies the glider."

"Since you will be in the cockpit with him, why not practice with him up there after we breakfast?"

Irritated sigh. "Grandpa... I'm not really needed there..."

"But the actual maneuver involves you both. It only makes sense that you practice it together."

"Then can I have the confetti right now? Seriously, making me clutter the whole cove."

Grandpa laughed, somewhat aggravatingly this time, silently annoying the two young people, especially Nanaka who stood to go. "I will prep the glider now. Please orient the pilot." The man watched his grandchild sweep out of the house, and he could only shrug. "Welp. You heard her. Let me coach you on today's crosswinds."

"I already know everything about wind."

"But do you, really? The environment over the concert grounds can be different from what we have here. Gah! That's one thing we didn't consider so far. What about you make a pass over the beach there in Otou-san? You can land at the airfield."


"You can fly clear over the water, right?"

"Um... Yeah?"

"Then that settles it. I will follow you on the boat. Get enough updraft from the mountain behind us. Then make sure to head for the outcrop and see if you can catch a thermal. It could be sunny today, I can tell, but there's no saying how the ocean might act up tomorrow at this part of the year. I think you should land on Otou-san. Nanjou-san can send a tow plane for your liftoff tomorrow before the show starts."



"Then I will stay over at the Kubo mansion."

Shrug. "Do what you want."

There was a slight crosswind at around eight in the morning, and Grandpa was a bit concerned, but his student was calm with a silent confidence borne over many days of practice, something he did not really want to dampen now, so he decided to have Yoshiyuki fly on his own for this run. He instructed Nanaka to close the shop and accompany him on the boat and serve as an extra pair of eyes to closely watch the flight given the wind.

Fortunately enough the liftoff proceeded without a hitch and Yoshiyuki was in the air sooner than they expected. It was tricky to use the binoculars now as the boat began to bounce on the mildly choppy seas, but Nanaka never could take her eyes away from the aircraft. The wind was strong enough, on top of the updraft for Okaa-san, for Yoshiyuki to stay aloft for hours and he did not even need to head over to the rock, something he radioed to Grandpa and which received his assent.

He knows every inch of this side of the islands now, mused Mr. Mori approvingly as he watched the glider go on ahead of them in a direction he knew would take him to the airfield on Otou-san. He looked back at his granddaughter, and saw that she was smiling back at him, having had the same thoughts. Everything will be alright with the young man.

For what seemed to be a whole day, Yoshiyuki soared over Otou-san. He felt as though he was just in a cloud, floating high in a sort of sky throne taking the island under his wings as his own. It was surreal. The grassy mountaintop that overlooked the runway beckoned from far under his feet. He could stay up here forever and still find that summit, waiting on him to lead him to that final touchdown. But he won't make it wait. The sense of mastery of the skies urged him to steer the plane onward.

Mr. Minase and his wife rode on to the airfield on his bicycle to catch the refreshing breeze. The Aquasports club had begun to set up the stage at the beach. It would be best not to be in the way, as this was the day before the big event.

"Are you feeling well right now, dear? asked Mr. Minase.

"What are you talking about?" she replied shyly. "I've always felt fine the whole time we were here in the islands... well, so-so at least, it's certainly better than being at that awful ship."

"You haven't been out in the sun too often."

"Are we really going back to Tokyo on that ferry? Is there really no flight around here?"

"We can stay here for life, you know."

"Humph... "

They found the road to the runway where Grandma said it would be, and turned onto the freshly-paved pathway, although parts of it had no asphalt yet. The wind was now to thir backes, so the pace of the pedaling was quicker and they arrived at the airfield soon enough. Dad stopped the bike at the gate and alighted.

"Are we going in, hon?" said Mom.

"Look of that huge space. You will have much better practice walking."

"What? That whole way across? You must be kidding."

"We have all day today."

Irritated sigh. But she let herself be led by the hand off the bike and out to the field.

After about half an hour of shaky practice, in which Man kept holding on to Dad half the time, she leaned back on him and quit. "This is stupid. Am I going to be some drooling toddler all over again?"

"You know I'd much rather you didn't have to hold on to that cane."

Sigh. "If that's how it is, then so be it. I'd rather look like an old matron than a kid."

"What about a lovely young lady dancing around?"


Laugh. "You just want me to hold you instead of a piece of wood."

Shrug. "I got no complaints."

"I knew it."


The rising wind raised Mom's Iustrous, long, jet-black hair, and for a good while Dad regarded her wife's unearthly beauty, holding her close to him.

The breeze seemed to have lulled Mom into a mood; she stayed pensive, staring emptily at the line of trees at the far side of the field across the runway. "Are you alright, dear?" asked Dad. When she failed to reply, he hugged a little more tightly and said, "Are you still hung up about seeing Yoshiyuki?"


"Are you really over and done with him forever?"

"No--I... Well... I guess I'm just a little... undecided."

"Then you'll just have to see our boy again. I am sure. Once you meet again... face to face... your true feelings will emerge."


The wind strengthened and drowned out all further conversation. Dad let himself slide into the mood and joined his wife in savoring the cool weather.

The wind seemed to be getting in the way of a proper landing. But Yoshiyuki was sure of himself. This was the time to let all that practice show...