Chapter 1:

The Lost Connection

Cupid's Cat

Haruki Takahashi stood alone, under the soft glow of a streetlight. His gaze was fixed upon the missing cat poster, its small grey subject peering back at him with large, green eyes. This particular poster was a recent addition, not having been there the day before, signaling that the cat was still lost. Haruki remembered spotting the first of these missing cat posters about a month ago.

Haruki felt a profound sadness as he stared at the missing cat poster. He empathized with the person who must be missing their furry friend, and wished for the cat's safety. He hoped the cat did not feel alone as the dark night fell upon the town. Alone, like he did.

Haruki had taken one of his routine night-time strolls to clear his mind with the cool air. It had been months since he last engaged in a meaningful conversation with someone close to him. He didn’t see his parents often as they both worked late hours. Even when they were physically present in his life, they were always absent in his life.

His only solace had been his best friend, Kazuki Nakamura, who had been by his side since they were kids. But in September, Kazuki had moved away with his parents, leaving Haruki feeling adrift in a sea of loneliness. Over half a year had passed, and not a day went by without him yearning for their adventurous escapades and heartfelt conversations. However, lately, Kazuki's responses to Haruki's messages had become more sporadic, a stark contrast to their once inseparable bond. Haruki knew Kazuki had a new girlfriend in his new town, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, wondering if he was gradually being replaced.

As he continued walking along the dimly lit sidewalk, Haruki found himself near the old park where he and Kazuki had spent their younger years playing and laughing. The memories flooded back, both bittersweet and heartwarming. His gaze drifted towards the park's entrance, where the worn-out swings and the creaky slide stood as a testament to their shared childhood.

His heart aching with nostalgia, he decided to enter the park. The faded laughter of the past echoed in his mind as he walked along the familiar path. A lump formed in his throat when he saw the outline of the big oak tree in the distance, the one they had climbed countless times to share secrets and dreams.

Haruki went to sit on one of the old swings, rocking slowly back and forth. Lost in his thoughts, the night gradually deepened around him.

As Haruki reminisced about the past, a poignant memory resurfaced; Kazuki's words from the last summer before he moved away echoed in his mind: "Let's capture this moment to cherish our good times together, in case you ever feel lonely." Haruki reached into his pocket and pulled out the photograph they had taken that day, a selfie of the two of them on the oak tree – their revered hang-out spot and a precious memento of their time together. He thought what he said at the time was deep but now he knew the idea was silly. Looking at his goofy face wouldn’t cure his loneliness. What he truly missed were their heartfelt conversations, carefree hangouts, and shared moments of laughter.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the park. The force of the breeze caught the photograph, yanking it from his hand and carrying it through the air. Immediately, Haruki launched into action, sprinting after the picture as it soared and danced with the whims of the wind. He ran, trying to snatch the photo in the air, but just as he was about to grab it, another strong gust of wind blew by, carrying the picture much further than the night allowed Haruki to see. Undeterred, he dashed after the photo's general direction.

Just as he was on the verge of grasping the photograph, another spirited stream of wind snatched it away, propelling it far beyond the bounds of his limited nighttime sight. Unwavering, Haruki followed blindly towards the photo's general trajectory.

Finally, he found himself near the spot where the playful gust might have carried the picture. The recognition dawned upon him as he caught sight of the gnarled trunk of the tree he had climbed countless times—the mighty oak tree that had been a steadfast confidant to their secrets and dreams.

In the soft glow of his phone's flashlight, Haruki's eyes widened with astonishment as he beheld the missing grey cat, its striking bright green eyes seemingly glowing in the darkness. It was the very same cat from the lost poster, and nestled neatly beneath its left paw was the precious photograph of him and Kazuki.

Haruki couldn't believe his luck, and a mixture of relief and gratitude washed over him. With an excited but gentle tone, he called out, "Here, kitty." The cat, inched forward cautiously, first extending its right paw, then its left, as if testing the waters of trust.

Carefully, Haruki crouched down to meet the cat at eye level, hoping to establish a bond of understanding. His heart skipped a beat as the feline drew nearer, and he noticed a slight tremor in the cat's tail, hinting at its uncertain emotions.

Haruki spoke soothingly, "It's alright, little one. You've been on quite the adventure, haven't you?" He made sure to maintain a calm demeanor, not wanting to startle the timid creature.

After what seemed like an eternity, the cat finally closed the remaining distance and approached Haruki cautiously. With a tender touch, he offered his hand, allowing the cat to sniff and inspect it, forging a connection based on mutual trust.

As if sensing Haruki's intentions, the feline nudged closer and nuzzled against his hand, its tail now swishing with a touch of newfound comfort. Haruki smiled warmly, feeling a sense of triumph in bringing the lost cat back to safety.

Gently, he scooped the cat into his arms, cradling it close to his chest. The cat nestled against him, seeking warmth and reassurance. Haruki could feel the soft vibration of its purring resonating through its tiny body, a sign that the cat felt safe and at ease in his embrace.

As Haruki extended his hand to retrieve the photo, the burst of wind picked up again, snatching the picture from his reach once again. Startled, he instinctively jerked his arm in a desperate attempt to capture it, causing the cat in his arms to grow restless, sensing his tension.

The wind began to carry the picture far away. Haruki took a lept towards it, as he did so the cat startled, jumped out of Haruki’s hands and onto the ground. As he took another step towards the picture, he remembered the tear-stained poster of the missing cat he had seen all throughout town in the past month. Knowing that if he chased after the picture, he might not see the cat again and the cat and might never be reunited. He let out a sigh and stood there as the wind carried the picture away.

Haruki sat back down and apologized to the cat “Sorry, for startling you. It’s okay now.” The cat stared at him with puzzled and assessing eyes before entering a relaxed sitting position next to Haruki. He gave the cat a gentle pat on its head

It was quite late now and Haruki knew he couldn’t return home with the cat as his mother was severely allergic to cats. He flipped through his phone camera roll, until he found the picture of the lost cat poster with the contact number on it. He took a deep breath and dialed the phone number.

As Haruki dialed the phone number listed on the missing cat poster, his heart raced with anticipation. He listened carefully as the phone rang, praying that someone would answer despite the late hour. The phone rang three times before he heard a voice.

“Hi, this is Moriko Sakurai,” the voicemail started, and to Haruki's surprise and joy, the cat meowed immediately in response to hearing the voice missing its owner. Haruki could hear the concern and compassion in Sakurai’s voice as she introduced herself.

The voicemail continued, “If you have information about my missing cat, Mochi, I need to speak with you. Please leave your name and number and repeat them. If you don’t have a callback number, this phone should be answered by a live person between 7:00 am to 9:30 pm. If I don’t call you back, it means that I couldn’t hear your number clearly, so please try me again. Thank you!”

Taking a deep breath, Haruki left a concise message. "This is Haruki Takahashi. I have found your cat, Mochi." He proceeded to provide his phone number, ensuring that he repeated it as instructed in the voicemail greeting.

After the call ended, the silence filled the night again. Under the vast oak tree, sat Haruki and Mochi together.