Chapter 9:

Conflicting Interests

Our History

After getting the books, I made a schedule and decided to read about fifty pages a day in order to not lose my sanity and still get the job done within as short a time as humanly possible. But as it turned out Mr. CEO had other plans for me. If he didn't forget any of his textbooks at home and didn't ask me to bring it to him, it was a good day. If he hadn't askedgf me to either buy some food for him or bring Mrs. Nichols' food to him because he suddenly craves homemade lunch in between classes, it would have been a perfect day. I get it, he just wants me to work for the money I earn but sometimes I almost feel as if he just enjoys ordering me around. Whatever his reasoning may be, I still made little progress in my reading schedule, and by the time the month ended, I managed to finish at least one damned book. And it wasn't even worth it. I couldn't find anything worth noting down in it, only boring calculations supporting even more boring theories that were too far-fetched to be real. Still, I appreciate his effort. The thought is what counts.

I went in the usual direction but even though I have been to his school countless times, the porter still asked my reason for coming even though he clearly knew. But I'm trying not to get mad, since he is just doing his job after all. We all are. He was even in a good mood today and cracked some jokes as well about rich kids and their entitled personalities. I couldn't help but think that he considers my boss an entitled rich brat just like the others. And I have to admit there are times I think the same but there are also times when he is actually kinda nice. I couldn't yet find the switch which brings him to either direction but if I do, I'll definitely pull it towards the latter one and I will pull it hard.

I finally reached my destination and the same chaos greeted me as during all the other times I came here. I felt like I was in a zoo surrounded by people running around screaming, laughing hysterically, throwing around paper, a ball, a pen, and apparently... a scrunchie.

This one was pink with purple butterflies on it and landed right in front of my shoes. And the gentleman I am, I had to bend down and pick it up doesn't matter whomever this might belong to. I didn't have to wait long to figure it out, since I heard running footsteps and light, girly laughter coming near me. I looked up, now with the scrunchie in my hand, and saw a stylishly dressed beauty with long, blonde hair and a smile to die for. Well, if you are into types like her that is.

"Oh, sorry, I'm such a klutz, I dropped it," she said with an even bigger smile, followed by a light giggle. I don't know who she was trying to win over but it wasn't working. Does she take me for a fool? I definitely saw from the corner of my eyes that she threw it deliberately in order to start a conversation with me. But I'm not gonna humiliate her and point that out.

"No worries. Just be careful next time. You might hit someone's eyes with it. I told her and gave her back the scrunchie. She took it with a bright smile and a giggle as if this was a laughing matter.

"So, you wish there'll be a next time?" She asked seductively and even brushed my face with the scrunchie I had just given back to her. She must have watched too many dramas.

Suddenly, a crash was heard and as I looked in the direction where the sound came from, I saw Mr. CEO standing next to his desk with broken pieces of glass before him and only said an "Oops," and nothing else. He was surrounded by girls and I wasn't even surprised that he is clearly popular. I just feel the number of girls around him has increased since the last time I came here. And it was just yesterday.

When he finally saw me, he stepped over the glasses carefully and I almost thought he was gonna come over, take his food, go with the hoards of women to have lunch, and let me leave. But as it turned out, this time he had other plans.

He waved at me to come over, so I couldn't do anything else but do so, leaving the disappointed blonde in the doorway of the classroom.

"Here's your lunch, young master," I said in a neutral tone and handed the bag to him, containing his food. He took it and as usual, he immediately looked into it, as if he didn't already know what he was gonna get. After being done looking at it, he turned away to casually put it on his desk. I took this as a sign of my presence not being wanted anymore since I had already served my purpose, so I also turned away in order to leave.

"Hey," he said, in a way, as if he just remembered something. "Before you go, could you please clean this up? Someone may get injured stepping on the glass shards."

Hearing this, I turned back my head in response and just stared at him for a solid thirty seconds.

"I'm sure this school has a cleaning lady to take care of it," I replied, which was not to his liking, since he seemed rather annoyed. And I didn't even mention that he might as well do the cleanup. These rich people seem to get pissed off every time someone suggests they should do such mundane things as cleaning up their own mess.

"She is not here now and it's dangerous to leave this here. You should do it," he said and by now several of his classmates came closer and were looking at us. I get it, he just wants to show his dominance before his friends, and show off a little, even though there's nothing that unusual about his behavior. I bet some of them behave just like this as well towards people of lower status.

I took a step forward, carefully stepping over the shards. I looked into his dark eyes and I saw some defiance in them and something else I could not identify.

"I am your assistant, not your servant," I told him sternly, looking straight into his eyes. Hearing this, he looked a bit hurt, as if my words cut him through like a knife.

I didn't wait for his response, just turned my back on him. I knew he could fire me for this but I also knew he won't. Otherwise, who would he boss around if I'm not there? Just as I wanted to take my leave, I heard the voice of the girl with the scrunchie telling him to never mind it and that she'll clean it up.

I don't know why, but I immediately turned back again and squatted down to help her. Or rather, to avoid her getting hurt. She may not be a klutz but she can still cut her hand easily. As it turned out, she already expected my gesture. The way her hand seemingly accidentally bumped into mine felt way too deliberate. Or I'm just too old for this. I hope none of their teachers saw it. But he certainly did, as I felt his gaze on me, even though I didn't look up even once.

Without a broom, I quickened the pace of picking up the glass shards which made her do the same. I don't know if she was careless or I wasn't careful enough but at one point, her hand knocked into mine which made me clench my fist out of reflex.

Within seconds, I felt a sharp pain in my fingers and palm and I opened my fist and let all the glass in it fall back onto the floor again. The cut on my hand didn't seem deep but it still hurt and made me quickly get up.

"Are you all right?" I heard Mr. CEO's concerned voice. He seemed genuinely worried about me but it's probably only because he needs an uninjured workforce and not out of concern. Not that I care, of course.

"Yeah. I'm going home."

"No, you won't. There's an infirmary here. You should get it bandaged."

"There's no need. I have bandages in the car," I told him. As I walked towards the door, I heard him asking someone to call the cleaning lady and another to watch the shards and not let anyone else get injured because of them. He clearly has a knack for ordering people around, isn't he? A guy his age ran past me out of the room, probably to get the cleaning lady. While the others might have sensed that the show was over since they continued their chatter and nonsensical ruckus.