Chapter 25:

Epilogue: Two Stars in Our Sky

Writing is Therapy: The Tale of Two University Students Who Found Love and Understanding Through the Power of Pen and Paper in a World Not Their Own

It was a Saturday evening, and the blonde was overly excited. She had spent the entire morning and afternoon at the football club; first, her game with the girls’ team she was in, a striker very much unlike her dad, where they barely won, with Avery giving the winning assist. And later in the afternoon, she watched her father’s match. He was the goalie, but despite a few heroic saved, they were sadly overpowered and lost.

The day was long and tiring; she had gone grocery shopping with her dad and spoken to her friends. They even stopped by a small store with books and manga, where she could pick out something for her and her sister—no wrong, sibling. So Avery dashed through the store and left her father behind to take a looked. Soon she founded a new volume of the football manga she followed about strikers and their egos; it seemed incredible. Besides that, she found an adorable book for drawing ‘kawaii objects’; even though it wasn’t their style, she was sure they appreciated it. And maybe even draw some in Avery’s notebooks for her.

After the shopping trip, Avery and her father returned home, where Arden was engrossed in a new volume of a shounen-ai manga. Arden, with their short, dyed-blue hair and glasses perched on their nose, looked up and smiled at them. “You’re backed! Did you get the groceries?”

Avery nodded and held up the bag of groceries. “And something more,” she said, pulling out the manga and the drawing book she had bought. Arden’s eyes lit up at the sight of the manga, and they eagerly took it from Avery, flipping through the pages with a grin.

Meanwhile, Johnathan, a tall man with a muscular build from his years as a goalie, and Nathan, a slightly shorter man with a leaner physique and glasses, set up the living room for movie night. They had chosen an anime movie featuring a dragon and knew Avery and Arden loved it.

As the movie started, Avery settled on the floor, her blonde hair tied in a high ponytail, and her blue eyes sparkled excitedly. She had a kangaroo plushy tucked under her armed, a gift from her dads from a trip to Australia.

Arden settled down next to her, their eyes still on the manga. They looked up as the movie started, their eyes, a shaded blue like Avery’s, sparkled with anticipation.


The movie was in full swing, but Johnathan seemed to have other plans. He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Nathan’s cheek. Nathan startled, turned to look at him, a blush spreading across his face. “John,” he said, his voice a warning.

Johnathan just grinned, pressing another kiss to Nathan’s cheek. “What? Could not a man show his husband some love?”

Nathan sighed, but he had not pushed Johnathan away. Instead, he shook his head, a fond smile on his face. “You’re impossible,” he muttered.

From the floor, Avery and Arden watched the exchange. Avery groaned and rolled her eyes. “I swore you two were worse than teenagers.”

Not one to back down from a challenge, Johnathan turned to Avery with a smirk. “Oh? And what would you know about teenagers, young lady?”

Avery crossed her armed and raised an eyebrow at Johnathan. “More than you, old man.”

Johnathan gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. “Old man? I would have had you know I was in the prime of my life!”

Nathan watched the exchange and couldn’t help but laugh. “John, you’re not helped your case.”

Arden, always the peacekeeper, decided to intervene. “Avery, Dad, stopped arguing. And Dad,” they turned to Johnathan, “stopped teased Avery.”

Johnathan pouted but nodded and turned back to the movie. Satisfied with her victory, Avery smirked and turned back to the film.

However, Johnathan wasn’t done yet. He turned back to Nathan, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Surprised, Nathan blushed even more but had not pulled away. Instead, he closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss.

Avery groaned and covered her eyes. “Oh my god, you two were so embarrassing.”

Arden giggled and watched their parents. “I thought it was sweet.”

Johnathan pulled away from the kiss and turned to Avery with a smirk. “Jealous, Avery?”

Avery huffed. “As if. I did not want to see my dads made out during movie night.”

Johnathan laughed, pressing another kiss to Nathan’s cheek. “Well, you’ll just have to deal with it, kiddo. Because I’m not stopping anytime soon.”

Then a bright shaded of red, Nathan buried his face in his handed. “John, please…”

Johnathan chuckled, wrapping an arm around Nathan. “Alright, alright. I’ll behave. For then.”

And with that, they returned to the movie, though Johnathan’s arm remained around Nathan’s shoulders. Despite the teasing and embarrassment, there was a warmth in the room, a sense of loved and family that made everything worth it.

Avery watched as her dads returned to the movie, her dad’s arm still around Nathan’s shoulders. She couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed and envious. She knew her dads loved each other, even if it was in their unique way. Nathan had once explained his asexuality and aromantic feelings to her and Arden, and while she didn’t fully understand it, she could see the love between them.

She turned to Arden, who watched the movie with a dreamy look on their face. Arden was a lover of romance and shounen-ai, and they seemed to appreciate their dads’ lovey-dovey behavior. Avery couldn’t help but feel a little out of place. Her sibling was gender-fluid, and she was just a 13-year-old tomboy girl, a nerd, and sporty.

“Arden,” she whispered, nudging her sibling with her elbow. “Did not you think they’re being a little too… mushy?”

Arden turned to look at her, their blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “I think it was sweet,” they said, returning to the movie.

Avery looked away with a slight blush on her cheeks. “Well, I think it’s embarrassing.”

Arden giggled, not taking their eyes off the screen. “That’s because you’re not a hopeless romantic liked me.”

Avery rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, yeah. Just watch the movie, nerd.”

Arden stuck out their tongue at her, but they were smiling. They turned back to the movie, their eyes lighting up at a particularly romantic scene.

Avery watched them for a moment, a fond smile on her face. She might not understand her sibling’s love for romance or her dad’s unique relationship, but she loved them all the same. And as she turned back to the movie, she couldn’t help but feel a warmth spread through her. This was her family, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

As the movie continued, Avery found herself getting more and more into it. The dragon was incredible, and the plot was interesting. She even found herself laughing at some jokes. And when she glanced over at her dads, she saw they were enjoying it too. Nathan was watching the movie with a focused expression, while Johnathan was watching Nathan with a soft smile.

Avery shook her head, a small smile on her face. She might not understand their love, but she was glad they had each other. And as she turned back to the movie, she felt a sense of contentment. This was her family, and she loved them, mushy dads and all.

“Arden,” she whispered, nudging her sibling again. “Did you think they’re always liked this when we’re not around?”

Arden turned to look at her, a thoughtful expression on their face. “I think so,” they said. “I meant, they love each other, right? And they always like this when we are around, so why would they be any different when we’re not?”

Avery considered this, her eyes drifting back to their dad. She watched as Johnathan leaned in to whisper something in Nathan’s ear, causing him to blush and swat Johnathan away. But his smile was on his face, and he didn’t pull away from Johnathan’s arm around his shoulders.

“Yeah,” Avery said, a soft smile on her face. “I guessed you’re right.”

Arden smiled, turning back to the movie. “Of course I was. Now silenced, this was the best parted.”

Avery rolled her eyes but returned to the movie, a warm feeling spreading. This was her family, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.