Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

Morbid Havoc Lane Vol 1

helicopters are seen transporting the various Team Memory leaders to the off-shore location to gather there in secret. Alex commented on how it has been a long time since they had all been together like this and confirmed that she had gathered them all so they could decide what to do about Selver. Mark Ikusaba pointed out that, if they were all gathered together like this, they could be wiped out easily, and feeds a macaroon to Lexa who is resting her head on his lap. Alex mentions that this building was personally constructed by Kosu and that under her control they would be safe, though Mark remained doubtful.

Kate tries to reassure her by saying that the Warriors of Havoc have been less active, and June began to argue. She said that just because there was less activity doesn't mean a thing and that the problem is that the Warriors of Havoc are still alive at all. June turns to Emma and tries to remind her of the "old" Emma, who would have agreed to exterminate the Warriors without a second thought. Mark, Dev, Lexa, and Monika begin to argue and get off-topic, then they fall silent when Kosu entered the room. She climbs onto a chair and walks across the boardroom table to Emma. He said that, as long as the Warriors are still active, more people will continue to die, and that this was no time to be indecisive. He tried to persuade him similar to June and was interrupted by Kate, who told him to act more respectfully in the Chairman's presence. Kosu sits down and they begin the meeting.

As Selver arrived by helicopter, Kosu showed the room photos of the Warriors of Havoc, and several people question why Selver would have saved them. Emma mentioned his status as the Lead of Harmony and the one who defeated Poison Berry, reasoning that they should at least talk to him in-depth before jumping to conclusions. Kosu wonders if Selver really is the Lead of Harmony, and Mark theorizes that his defeating Poison Berry was really an act and he was allied with the Lead of Havoc the entire time. They continue speaking until Selver, Annie, and Jake entered the room. Selver greeted the room and everyone turned their attention to glare at him, with the exception of Iroha. Kosu immediately placed Selver under arrest and ordered June to handcuff him, despite protests.

June sarcastically apologized that he has to do this to the "hero" who brought down Poison Berry, and then punched Selver in the stomach once he was handcuffed. Despite Jake patronizing her, June continued to assault Selver, saying that none of them deserve to be seen as heroes after all of the lives they sacrificed. She hits him again and when Annie attempted to intervene, Lexa threw a kunai at the wall directly behind her. Mark threatened her, saying that next time she'll have Lexa throw one at her head. June pulled at Selver's hair and told him to stand. Kate tried to intervene, politely asking June to stop, then threatened to be her next opponent if she continues. Jake insisted that Selver is unfit for questioning and deserves time to recover from his injuries, causing Kuso to agree and temporarily adjourn the meeting.

While waiting to call the meeting back, Kosu was left in a room alone with Chester. She asked him if he wanted to rest, and Chester playfully told him that he doesn't have to be so formal when they were alone together. He went to stand beside her and told her not to push herself so hard. Kosu began to say something, then stops herself, instead telling Chester to go and check on Selver, leaving her alone in the room.

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