Chapter 3:
Accidental Encounter
Beep, beep, beep. Eric’s steady heartbeat pulsed on the monitor.
“Please be okay,” the woman on the chair beside his bed held onto his hand. She closed her eyes and kissed his hand, wishing he'd awaken.
“Ugh…” Eric’s fingers twitched, and he slowly opened his eyes. Someone's holding my hand?
“You’re awake?!” She perked up. “Doctor,” she ran out of the hospital room. “He’s awake!” Her heels clicked against the floor as she ran. She came back in a moment later with a doctor.
The doctor checked on his chart and vitals. “How are you feeling?” he asked.
Eric forced himself to sit up despite the pain shooting through his body and stared at the two of them, his head still feeling fuzzy. “What… Who?” he asked, his voice strained.
“Here,” the woman held up a glass of water to him. When he reached for it, she brought it up to his mouth and tilted it back.
Gulp, gulp. “Ah, thanks… Miss…?”
“Miss Burne, Charlotte Burne,” she smiled at him.
That name sounds familiar.
“How are you feeling?” the doctor asked him again.
“Uh…” Eric thought for a moment and shuffled his body around. Every part of my body feels stiff and achy, but I can feel them all. “Everything hurts a bit, especially my ribs.”
“Well, you fractured more than one of your ribs when the car hit you, but the box you were holding minimized the damage. Still, you went flying and hit your head and injured your left wrist. You're lucky it didn't end up being worse.”
Eric looked at his injured wrist and touched the bandage on his head. How did I not even feel the bandages?
“I think we should do a scan when you’re feeling up to it. Now, we have your name and address, but there was no ‘in-case of emergency’ number listed.”
“Ah…” Eric looked away from them. There isn’t anyone to list.
“Is there someone we can call for you?”
“No one?” he frowned.
“Nope…” Crap; I’m in a hospital and that means bills! Doesn't it? I don't even know how our health care system works; I hoped never to need it. And if I didn’t have enough for rent, I definitely can't afford to stay here. Eric gripped the sheets. I wonder what happened to my stuff too… not that there was really anything worth keeping, but it was still mine.
“I’m so sorry,” Charlotte laid her hand on his.
“Um, how long until I can leave? I can’t exactly afford to stay here,” Eric mumbled the last part. This looks like a private room, so that's definitely not free...
“I’ll be right back,” the doctor excused himself.
“Oh! Don’t worry about the hospital bills; I’m paying for all of it,” Charlotte said.
“What? I can’t—“
“I insist. This was my fault, anyway.”
“Was it? I don’t remember much. I was so out of it I could’ve walked into the middle of traffic without noticing.” Eric held onto his head as he remembered a honk and the headlights on him. He finally looked at her and froze for a moment, his heart skipping a beat. Wow… She’s gorgeous. A slight blush formed on his cheeks.
“It sounds like you were having a rough time... I know we don’t know each other or anything, but if you don’t mind talking to me, could you tell me what happened? It might help.”
“Well, I lost my job because of a missing piece of paper that my boss didn’t notice was missing until it was too late—”
“Sounds like negligence on his part.”
“And if that wasn’t bad enough, I’m already behind on rent and with no job, I’ll soon be homeless. I’m an orphan with no family to turn to, and with the few friends I have, I don’t want to bother them and turn into a burden. I guess it’s time for me to give up and live under a bridge like a troll…”
Charlotte sat back, biting her lip as she processed everything he said. “That’s… a really tough situation to be in.”
“No kidding…” Eric hung his head. “Maybe I’d be better off ending it; it's not like anyone will miss me, anyway.”
“What? No, you can’t do that!” she gripped his hand tightly, leaning in towards him as she stared into his steel-blue eyes.
“Why not?”
“Just because things are bad now doesn’t mean they will always be that way. And I’m sure there are people who would miss you…” She took a deep breath. “I’ll tell you what; you can live with me until things turn around for you.”
“No, that’s too much; there’s no benefit for you, and I don’t know any way to make it fair. Besides, you don’t even know me. You can't have a stranger living in your house.”
“True, I don’t know you yet, but I’d like the chance to. Hmm… Unless…” Her eyes slid to the side, away from him as she thought.
“Unless what?” Eric leaned away, suddenly weary of her. She's not going to suggest something crazy, right?
Her face lit up. “We could have a different arrangement."
“Oh?” Eric frowned, not sure he liked the glint in her eyes.
“You said you have no home or job, right?”
“Pretty much…” Or rather I won't soon. This is what happens when you have no savings in the bank.
“Then stay with me as a… kept man,” Charlotte suggested.
“A what?”
“Someone who’s every expense and need is taken care of.”
“Isn’t that what you were already suggesting?”
“Not quite… In this sense, you’re mine; more like a pet.”
“A pet? Are you crazy?”
“No…” she sighed. “But at least pets are loyal.”
“Then get a dog.”
“But I’m not home enough to get a dog. Besides, I’m offering a lavish lifestyle with all expenses paid, and all I want is someone to come home to…”
Is she just lonely? But she’s gorgeous… Why can’t she just find a boyfriend?
“It’s not like it’s for forever,” she continued. “Just until you want to leave and you can stand on your own… so to speak.”
“What if I never leave and mooch off you for a lifetime?”
Her eyes dipped at the sides and she smiled at him softly. “That’s your choice.”
She’s crazy. Stunning, but crazy.
“You don’t have to decide right now. I just ask that you think about it.”
“If you’re as wealthy as you sound, why bother with me? I'm sure you'd have men better than myself lined up around the block for that kind of... situation with you.”
“I’m worried about your well-being after I hit you with my car, and maybe I believe in fate. Anyway, I have to get back to work,” she patted his hand. “I’ll visit tomorrow. Goodbye, Eric.”
“Bye…” Eric sighed and laid back, still feeling the heat from her hand on his. What is she really after? Is it just guilt driving her? Or maybe she really is just lonely… Can I chance living with someone crazy? Then again, do I really have any other options? He groaned as he adjusted his position and pain shot through his core. Maybe I could at least stay with her until I heal and find a new job, and then I can find somewhere to live. Here’s hoping she’s not going to do something worse than hit me with her car.
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