Chapter 11:

Chapter 5.1


(Rin’s Perspective)

After slamming the door shut, I planted the palm of my hand on the door and closed my eyes. Concentrating my mind, I attempted to enwrap the entire hideout in my Hoshi.

Glimmering, dazzling stars engulfed my very body and grew outwards. Then they concentrated into my palm. I opened my eyes and slowly, a thick layer of my hoshi, covered the walls. Spreading to the roof and making its way around the back.

In no time, I had covered the entire hideout with a wall of protection, or should I say prevention. This wasn’t any ordinary wall of hoshi. This one was made to constantly emit a small shockwave every second for extra insurance.

I sighed from the exhaustion.

(I didn’t expect that to be so hard.)

“I sure hope they don't die… Maybe I should have been a little more specific… Aww they’ll be alright.”

With a sudden change in mood, I skipped over to the kitchen and began prepping some tea. I filled the kettle with water from a pipe, then I placed it on the stove and turned the burner knob.

Blue flames erupted from the burners and heated the tea kettle and I sat there, patiently waiting to hear its screams.

I purred the tea into my cup, and rose the mug to take a small sip. Just like always, it was beyond delicious.

(Maybe I should check on them… No, I mustn't. I'm sure they will figure it out.)

With my mind glued to the thought of checking on them, I hadn't even realized that I finished my cup of tea. I placed the cup in the sink, washed it and flopped on a living room sofa.

(Might as well take a short nap while I wait. Just a short one though.)

My eyes flickered as I slowly lost myself in comfort. Before I realized, I was fast asleep, and was having dreams about the past. Or maybe it would be better to say nightmares.

I was about 10 years of age. At first, I was running in a field of beautiful flowers. The scent was like a sunrise. I felt nothing but happiness as I danced in its arms.

My mother came to me from a distance and joined me in my dancing. We had a wonderful time, laughing and playing in the field. Until it all came to an abrupt end.

The field of flowers, originally a beautiful white and green, covered with a deep red. The smell of blood could be smelt anywhere. And next to my feet was my mother’s lifeless corpse. When I look up, I see my father crying his eyes out, as he clenched a bloody knife in hand. He dropped to his knees as the insanity ate him away, and he let out a wild roar. Laughing as they watched this all unravel, is the figure of a man. A monster that I would come to despise with every fiber of my being.

I opened my eyes and awoke from my nightmare. It felt like I was knocked out for 9 hours.

(The same dream huh.)

I went to grab a glass of water, until I realized.

“Wait, what time is it?”, I asked myself in a sudden worry.

(The boys?!)

I rushed to the door to check on Akuma and Tenshi. Normally I would have to undo my barrier to open the door, but as it was only a temporary one, it long disappeared when I fell asleep.

I slammed the entrance open, and rushed out. It’s hard to say if I was more surprised, or worried between the two.

Meditating on a hill of snow to the left, Akuma -who should have been reduced to a block of ice- had successfully wrapped himself in a thin layer of hoshi and was shielded from the elements. I was amazed to see him succeed so quickly.

On a hill to the right however, was someone who didn’t seem to share such prodigious traits. Though meditating, he seemed to have skipped the hoshi and instead trapped himself in a block of ice.

I palmed my face from the sight of him. It was actually kinda funny if i'm being honest.

Before helping Tenshi, I felt that I needed to test the boy’s defenses. A way to see how sturdy his wall was, without disturbing his state of mind.

I raised my right hand and aimed it towards Akuma. A collection of glimmering stars bounced around my palm and formed a weapon. It took the shape of a pistol, but with a silencer attached to its beak. And with one pull of the trigger I shot right at Akuma’s shoulder. Just in case it actually penetrated.

The bullet traveled through the snow, and was headed right for the boy. It was meant to rip right through his shoulder and zoom into the distance, but to my surprise it was crushed. Completely pancaked by his defenses. And even through all of this, he held a tranquil state of mind.

I hadn’t quite gotten my answer, but I didn’t feel like testing him any longer. Something in me felt that I could create a sniper and even then it might not work.

To get his attention, I let out a roar that could be heard across the entire arctic.

“WAKE UP!!!”

Though he wasn’t asleep, I felt that this was the most appropriate for this situation.

He jumped from my sudden shout. With his mind disrupted, the layer of energy that surrounded him faded away.

He turned to face the source of the noise.

“It’s about time for you to come back in”, I told him.

He stood up and looked over to Tenshi’s hill.

He seemed a bit speechless from the sight, but he didn't look too surprised.

He jumped down from the hill and walked back to the house.

“What about him?”, I asked him as I pointed to Tenshi.

“The hell am I supposed to do? Aren’t you supposed to be some wizard or sum?”

His response kinda ticked me off, but I managed to hold my cool.

I welcomed him back to the entrance with a bright smile, or so he wished. I waited for him to step into my range and when he did, I launched a kick right across his gut. The force sent him crashing into the hill under Tenshi.

And being the “wizard” I am, I conjured another weapon. But this time, it wasn't any pistol, shotgun or anything of that nature. An entirely different beast. A bazooka.

The round was made of two layers of hoshi. The first being normal hoshi that formed the bazooka round. And the second layer covered the round in fire.

Smoke was released from one end, and on the other end came destruction. It completely decimated the hill of ice and snow, and erupting from the impact was a grand hellfire.

The ice that trapped Tenshi immediately melted and exposed him to the flames. They both yelled out with all their might but all for naught.

The only person in sight had no thought of helping them in the slightest. Not yet anyways.

The flames calmed and then vanquished. It revealed a spot of tartars and two crisped bodies.

“Hmph, serve you clowns right.”

Without moving a step from my spot, I conjured another pistol and quickly shot both bodies. As the bullets made contact with the bodies, they regained their lost muscles, and skin. Everything burnt was regenerated to a state twice as better than it started. Even better than new.

They gasped as they sat up. The expressions they wore, was one that had somehow escaped certain death. They were sweating bullets, after all, they were in the one spot in all of the arctic that was hot.

“Now get in, there is much to discuss”.

I slammed the door shut after those words, sat at a table and awaited their arrival.