Chapter 5:
Accidental Encounter
After a short, quiet ride in a luxury car, Timo drove them through the gates leading to a white mansion with a roundabout in front with a fountain.
“Holy crap,” Eric’s eyes widened as he stared out the back passenger window. “This is your home?”
“Your home now, too,” Charlotte smiled at him, reaching out to place her hand over his in his lap.
“This is huge, though. Um… I never asked, but what do you do?” A business woman of some kind, anyway...
Her eyes widened. “Wait, you don’t know who I am?”
“I've heard your name, but I don't really know anything about you," Eric swallowed hard, worried his attitude would get him kicked out right away.
She thought for a moment. “No wonder you didn’t want to sue me right away for a big payout… You know, this might be a good thing; someone who doesn't know my reputation or anything.”
“Oh?” Wait, what's her reputation?
“You don’t have some preconceived notion of who I am, and you can judge for yourself.”
“That is already giving me some idea of it,” he pointed at the house.
“That only shows my wealth; I want you to know me.”
Her head tilted down as she sighed. “I’m just tired of all… the plastic people.”
Plastic people?
She noticed his expression. “Ah, I guess you wouldn’t understand. Once you’re feeling a bit better, I can take you into my world a bit more, and you’ll see what I mean.”
Timo opened the car door and helped him back into the wheelchair.
“Thanks…” Eric swallowed hard again, his nerves on edge as Timo wheeled him into the mansion. I've never been in such an extravagant place.
They entered the foyer that was bigger than Eric’s entire apartment.
“Your room is upstairs with all of your belongings,” Timo said as they approached the stairs.
“Uh… I can walk up the stairs—”
“No worries,” Charlotte pushed a button on the end of the steps and a metal device popped out. “This will take the wheelchair up and down.”
Eric’s eyes widened. “Did you install this for me? I don’t expect to need it for long.” Barely know her, and she’s probably one of the nicest people I’ve met. So much for Karen’s theory of rich people all being jerks.
“Oh, no, I already had it for…” Charlotte trailed off, a distant look in her eyes.
“Miss Burne?”
“Sorry… Um, someone else used to use it… And it’s Charlotte; please don’t call me Miss Burne.”
“Okay.” Maybe it’s better not to ask about it.
“Timo, let’s show him to his room so he can settle in.”
Timo set up the wheelchair in the device, and it ascended the stairs.
“Are they supposed to be that fast?” Eric asked, feeling dizzy at the top of the stairs.
“Ah… They hated it being slow, so she had it… souped up to zoom.” Charlotte averted her gaze.
“I see…”
Timo took his wheelchair again and wheeled him down the hall to the last room on the right. “This is yours,” Timo wheeled him into the middle of a large, furnished room. There was a table in the middle, in front of a TV with couches around it.
In the back, there was a tiny eat-in kitchen, and a few doors.
“Is this a room or an apartment?” It’s bigger than my old one.
“Miss Burne was worried you’d feel out of place, wandering around on your own after you’re healed. She figured you’d do well with your own space, so she set up this area for you. It also works well while you’re recovering, so you have everything you need without the stairs.” Timo pointed to an intercom. “This button to answer the door, and this one to see who’s at the door. This one for the kitchen – you can ask for anything and they’ll bring it up. This one to call for assistance. This one for me, and this one for Miss Burne. You can also be called using it," Timo explained.
“Thanks.” That’s a lot to take in. I guess she really is taking care of everything I need.
“Are you okay?”
“Uh… Yeah… I’m just a bit overwhelmed,” Eric took a deep breath as he looked around. Definitely more stuff in here than I'm used to, not that it was by choice.
“Would you like to see the bedroom?”
Timo wheeled him into the back room. The large, fully furnished bedroom had a huge landscape window. All of his things – though there wasn’t much – were set up in the room. The dresser and closet held all his clothes, along with some new clothes, both casual and formal.
Eric glanced at the price tag that hadn’t been taken off yet, and he froze, his eyes wide. I could pay a month’s rent with one suit, and then some! She lives in a different world than me!
“Oh, I should’ve had those removed. Timo, please get rid of the price tags,” Charlotte said, watching Eric’s reactions from the doorway.
“Yes, ma’am,” Timo retrieved a pair of scissors from Eric’s main room and started removing tags.
“This… This is all way too much,” Eric sighed, having trouble taking it all in.
“You already agreed to come, so just enjoy yourself and heal up,” Charlotte said. "It didn't take much for me to have all this set up."
“Eric,” her voice sharpened. “Don’t fight me over this. I wanted to do this, so accept it.”
Eric flinched back at her tone. Damn, I thought she was just pushy, but she’s kinda scary when she’s angry. He glanced at her, and when their eyes met, he averted his gaze, shivering.
“Oh, no!” she gasped. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” she rushed up to him and stroked his head. “Don’t be afraid; I’m not going to hurt you or anything like that.”
“Miss Burne has a low tolerance for disobedient people. I suggest you listen to her if you want a peaceful life,” Timo whispered to him.
“I-I see…”
“You’re scaring him more!” Charlotte exclaimed.
Timo snickered. “I’m not wrong, though.”
Charlotte lightly smacked Timo in the arm. “Quit it.”
They seem close. I guess they’re pretty similar in age, despite his graying hair. Eric looked between them as Timo continued to tease her.
Charlotte leaned in close to Timo, her face red. “Stop embarrassing me in front of Eric.”
Timo’s smile widened. “Interesting…”
“What’s interesting?” Eric asked, feeling left out.
“Nothing! Now, Timo, get us something warm to drink,” Charlotte practically shoved him out of the room.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes, so take your time and relax,” Timo winked at her as he left.
“Ugh…” She turned to Eric. “So… Do you need anything else to help you settle in?”
“You’ve gotten me plenty,” he waved his hands around frantically. “There’s no need to give me more. Honestly, I’m happy with a warm bed, food and no debt… Well, I have two out of three; that’s not bad.”
“Three out of three.”
“I paid any withstanding debt you had off. Oh, right,” Charlotte dug through her purse. “Ah, here it is,” she held up a card. “This is for you.”
“A credit card?” he hesitated to take it.
“Of course; I said I’d take care of your every need, and shopping for whatever you want – if you don’t feel like asking for it – you can use this.” She forced the card into his hand. “Please, use it.”
“No buts! You know what? Make sure you use it at least a few times this month. I’ll be checking to make sure you do. Oh, and don’t worry about a limit; there is none!”
“What?” That’s insane. He stared at the black card in awe.
“Don’t worry; you’ll get used to all of this before you know it,” she stroked his head.
This… Feels nice. A warmth flowed through his body.
Ring, ring, ring.
“Oh, it’s work. Excuse me,” Charlotte walked away, answering her phone.
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