Chapter 29:

Enigma Mist at Advent

Silent Shards

Arin listened intently as I poured out my story, revealing the truth about my arrival in their world and my struggles to find a way back home. Sylpha remained by my side, her presence offering both comfort and strength as I divulged the secrets that weighed heavily on my heart.

When I finished, there was a brief moment of silence. Arin seemed to be processing the information, his expression contemplative. Finally, he spoke, "I must admit, this is a lot to take in. But I appreciate your honesty and trust in sharing this with me."

"I understand if you find it hard to believe," I replied, feeling a mix of anxiety and relief at finally confiding in someone about my predicament.

Arin shook his head, a small smile crossing his lips. "It's not that I find it hard to believe. In our world, we have seen extraordinary things, and your tale isn't the most bizarre by any means. I have learned not to dismiss anything outright."

"I'm glad to hear that," I said, grateful for his open-mindedness.

"Now, let's focus on the task at hand," Arin said, shifting the conversation back to the matter of his brother revelation. "We need to find my brother minor information in my village at any cost."

"I'll do whatever I can to help," I assured him, determined to assist in any way possible.

"We leave at first light," Arin declared, his gaze unwavering. "You, Sylpha, and I will head to my village. Hopefully, we can gather some information there. As for the guild members, we'll have to choose wisely. This won't be an ordinary journey."

With a plan in place, I felt a newfound sense of purpose and excitement. But there was still one nagging thought on my mind. "What about King Harlan? What will happen if we leave the palace?"

Arin's face softened with concern. "Don't worry. Vice Captain Foria is capable, and she will ensure the king's safety. Besides, I trust the queen and Princess Vespa to handle things here. Right now, our focus must be on uncovering the truth behind my brother."

As the night wore on, we made preparations for our journey. Arin informed Vice Captain Foria of our plans, and she promised to keep a close eye on things while we were away. He also sought the advice of trusted courtiers to select the two guild members who would accompany us on our quest.

Morning arrived swiftly, and our small group gathered at the palace gates, ready to embark on our mission. Princess Vespa was there to see us off, her eyes filled with both hope and concern. "Please be careful, all of you," she implored, holding back tears.

"We'll do our best, Princess," Arin assured her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

He comforted the princess, saying, "Don't worry about Piro. Captain Iriella is already working on finding her."

With farewell wishes exchanged, we set off on a horse-drawn cart, accompanied by two ladies, each with their distinct charm. One of them had a composed demeanor and a physique similar to Captain Iriella's, while the other had a lively and expressive nature. Before Arin began discussing the plan, the vivacious girl exclaimed, "Oh, are you the renowned Genius Sage?"

"Come on, Sof, cut it out," said the other girl.

Despite being the youngest among us, Arin took charge and said, "Enough now. Let's focus on the main points."

He then proceeded to explain the plan and the purpose for which they were gathered. He introduced the two girls to me; the one with the composed demeanor was named Ferro, and the lively girl was Sof.

Sof, with admiration in her eyes, like a big fan of Arin, stood close to him and said, "Please, tell me more about what it takes to become a sage."

This made me realize that she aspired to be a sage. I sat beside Ferro, and we exchanged greetings. Despite her serious appearance, Ferro had a calming voice. I asked, "So, is this girl aiming to become a sage?"

"Yeah," she replied, then shared some details about herself, saying, "I'm going to be even more physically capable than a man."

Although it sounded a bit peculiar, I didn't mind. As we continued on our journey through the countryside, the scenery changed, and signs of civilization gradually disappeared. It was a long and challenging journey, but Arin's determination pushed us forward, acting as the driving force for this important quest.

Sof persistently looked up to him as her mentor, which was quite fortunate for someone of her age to have such a mentor figure like Arin.

Meanwhile, Ferro and I quickly bonded, and she recounted her previous adventures as a guild member, regaling me with tales of her bravery and daring accomplishments.

After enduring the long-awaited days, the cart finally came to a halt, signaling our arrival at Arin's village. A mix of anticipation and anxiety filled the air, knowing that the truth awaited us, and the fate of the kingdom relied on our shoulders.

Little did we realize that our journey had merely begun, and the revelations we would uncover would shake the very foundations of our understanding of the world and my connection to it. Nevertheless, armed with courage and camaraderie, we were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to restore peace and safeguard the kingdom from impending doom.

As we stepped out of the cart and set foot on Arin's birth land, he suggested, "Let's go to a quiet place to begin."

Sof, Ferro, and I nodded in agreement, and we proceeded on our way. As Arin had mentioned earlier, this village was quite old, as it had been abandoned by the Drance members after the curse of the Occult. They had shifted to a distant east side from here.

During our journey, Sof maintained close proximity to Arin, drawn to his wisdom and allured by his nature. Ferro and I followed behind, remaining cautious of our surroundings.

Unexpectedly, none of us noticed the approach of a mysterious mist, not even Sylpha, who resided within my inner scape. As we drew closer, the mist enveloped everyone and separated us from our camaraderie.

However, Ferro and I managed to stay together. Concerned, she asked, "Where is this mist coming from?"

"I don't know either, and it looks like we've lost track of two of them," I replied.

Now, we find ourselves entangled in a web of mist and conspiracy, unsure of what lies ahead.
