Chapter 30:

Into The Whiteness

Silent Shards

The mist closed in around us, thickening and obscuring our vision. It was an enigma, a strange phenomenon that seemed to have a mind of its own. Ferro and I clung to each other, trying not to lose sight of one another amidst the hazy whiteness.

"Sylpha!" I called out, hoping my inner companion could provide some insight into this perplexing situation. But there was no response. It was as if the mist had swallowed her as well.

"What do we do?" Ferro asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"We need to stay calm and stick together," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Let's keep moving forward and see if we can find the others."

As we ventured deeper into the mist, strange things began to happen. Whispers echoed around us, and faint shadows flitted in and out of view. It was as if the mist was playing with our senses, toying with our perception of reality.

"Sof! Arin!" Ferro called out, her voice echoing into the distance.

No response came, and the mist seemed to grow denser. The ground beneath our feet felt unstable, and I could sense an unseen force tugging at us, trying to pull us apart.

"We have to stay close!" I urged, gripping Ferro's hand tightly.

"I won't let go," she assured me, determination in her eyes.

As we pressed on, the mist seemed to shift, revealing eerie glimpses of another world within its foggy embrace. Shadows danced around us, and faint outlines of ancient structures emerged from the haze.

"This mist... it feels alive," Ferro whispered, her gaze scanning the surroundings.

I nodded, feeling a strange connection to this mist, as if it held some hidden knowledge. But there was no time to ponder its nature; we had to find the others and uncover the truth behind this enigmatic mist.

Suddenly, we heard a faint voice calling out from a distance. It was Sof's voice! Without hesitation, we followed the sound, pushing through the dense fog.

"Sof! We're coming!" Ferro shouted.

The mist thinned around the area from where Sof's voice reverberated. As her figure became visible to our eyes, I and Ferro were shocked to see her alone and wounded. Sof was barely standing, blood sprouting from her neck as if someone had cut her deeply. Despite the severe injury, she managed to stay on her feet, utilizing her healing spell to slow down the bleeding, but it seemed to be a time-consuming process.

We rushed close to her, Ferro's concern evident in her voice as she asked, "Hey, Sof. What happened? Who did this to you?" Gently, we helped Sof lie down on the ground and covered her to keep her warm.

I joined in, my worry evident as well. "Where is Arin? He was supposed to be with you."

Sof's voice was weak, and she struggled to speak, but she managed to get some words out, " o..out..."

Before she could finish, a sharp weapon sliced through the air with a rhythm of chains, swinging dangerously close towards us. My mind froze for a moment, bewildered at the sudden attack. But Ferro's agility saved us; she swiftly moved, pulling me back and protecting us both from the swing of the deadly weapon.

My heart pounded as I realized that the mist wasn't just a mysterious phenomenon—it was a dangerous trap, concealing an assailant who sought to harm us. My mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation.

Ferro's eyes darted around, scanning for any sign of the attacker. "We need to get out of here," she said firmly. "Can you walk, Sof?"

Sof nodded weakly, and with Ferro's support and mine, we helped her up. The mist seemed to thicken once more, making it difficult to see far ahead. We had to move carefully and swiftly to avoid any further attacks.

As we stumbled forward, trying to find a way out of this ominous mist, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone had deliberately led us into this trap. Questions filled my mind: Who could have done this? Where was Arin? And what was the purpose behind this nefarious scheme?

The mist seemed like an endless, perplexing maze, leaving us with nowhere to stop and rest. Despite the fear and worry pressing down on me, I drew strength from the memory of overcoming previous trials. "How is she now?" I asked Ferro.

Ferro, still carrying the wounded Sof on her back, glanced at me while guarding our surroundings. "She is healing herself," she replied, her voice tinged with concern.

As we cautiously continued, we noticed that the assailants had ceased their pursuit. This sudden shift in their behavior only deepened my sense of unease. "Why had they stopped chasing us? What was their purpose in leading us into this mysterious mist?" I wondered silently.

With no immediate danger, we slowed down to catch our breath, but the foggy expanse seemed to have no end. We walked and walked, losing track of time and direction. There was no sign of Arin, and my attempts to connect with Sylpha proved futile. The mist seemed to be isolating us, cutting off all communication with the outside world.

As we proceeded, I heard a sudden thud and turned around to find Ferro and Sof on the ground. "Ferro, Sof, are you okay?" I called out anxiously. Before I could reach them, the mist thickened, obscuring my view. Panic surged within me as I lost sight of my companions. It was as if the mist was playing cruel tricks on us, toying with our ability to stay together.

Struggling to breathe, the mist grew heavier, and my vision blurred. The lack of visibility and the overwhelming atmosphere took its toll on my body. My strength waned, and I fell to my knees, wondering what was really happening. It felt like we were trapped in a nightmare with no escape.

Just as I thought I couldn't hold on any longer, a figure emerged from the shadows—a silhouette in the haze. My body weakened further, and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. But before the darkness engulfed me entirely, I heard a voice, filled with disdain, whisper, "Idiot."

And then, everything went black. I found myself in an indeterminate state, neither fully conscious nor entirely unconscious. There was no sense of time or space. I was lost, adrift in the void, trying to make sense of what had transpired and what lay ahead. The mist had swallowed us whole, leaving us in a realm of uncertainty and darkness.
