Chapter 8:

Summertime Rendezvous: Energy, Sleep & Early Mornings

Love Does Not Exist in This World!





Time to wake up.


I rubbed my hands together and applied their warmth to my face.

A video I watched recently explored the benefits of applying ancient yogic methods to improve your sleep quality and your morning routine.

One of the methods was rubbing your hands together and applying its warmth to your face, almost like applying a lotion. By applying the warmth, it makes you less lethargic after waking up. 

How does this work?

Well, the video explained that when you rub your hands together, you generate, energy. And when you apply this, energy, to your face, your mind becomes more energised. And as a result, you wake up feeling fresh.

Doesn't that sound like a hoax?


Yes, it does.

It definitely sounds like a hoax.


If you ever try rubbing your hands together and separating them just a bit, you will feel a tingling sensation. 

And that tingling sensation is what you call Qi/Chi. 

The lifeforce energy that flows through your body.

And those who can utilise this Qi, can perform miracles beyond human capabilities. 

That includes things way better than just applying warmth to your face of course.


Qi can be utilised to perform miracles such as healing your body.

Ranging from diseases to disorders. 

We suffer from these in the first place because of Qi imbalances in our bodies. And these imbalances, can be fixed by utilising our Qi through various techniques.  Most of these techniques have been lost over time or hidden from society. But some are still available for the world to see, on one and only ViewTube.

The only concern is their authenticity. 

Well, you'll never know unless you try.

There is also another common usage of Qi. 

Empowering one's physicality. 

This does not mean creating an energy ball like characters from Gorilla Ball Z or flying on a sword like Heavenly Immortals in Manhuas. 

I mean it may be possible, but good luck finding out how.

A more realistic example would be the Shaolin Monks, through the utilisation of Qi, they can withstand almost anything and go beyond human capabilities. 

There is also that one famous moment in history. 

I wasn't born to see it live.

But it is... 

The 1-inch punch.

Performed by the late martial artist Bruce Lee. He was able to perform such a miracle by concentrating all of his Qi towards his punch. 


The World Heavyweight Karate Champion falls back on the chair.

The possibilities are endless on what you can do by utilising your Qi.

It is just a matter of how you utilise it. 

Now another doubt people may have in their mind is, how is Qi supplied in the first place. If Qi is a type of energy, then surely there must be something supplying it.

That's an easy answer.

Qi is already stored in our body. 

And the one who provides Qi is no other than...

The Universe.

Universal Creator.


Qi aside, the other methods explained in the video were, sleeping in a room with just a bed. This meant the room had no devices, paperwork nor any distractions. 

Almost like a prison cell. 

The goal of this method was to manipulate the mind that the bedroom was only for sleep purposes. This effectively removes the thoughts of work, and most of all, the world. Enabling you to have a more peaceful sleep. 

This of course isn't possible for most people. 

Not everyone has spare rooms nor the capacity to move things to another room. 

There are people who are desperately trying to live off in a small cubicle flat. 

It's difficult. 

However, there were two other methods that could be performed by almost anyone.

The first one was, before you sleep, write on a piece of paper, your name, your occupation and your likes and dislikes, in simple terms, write your identity. Then put that paper under your pillow and go to sleep. This effectively makes you forget about your worldly identity before you sleep. 

This removes all the worries you are having or may have. 

You are...

Sleeping without an identity. 

You are still the soul, but just, not the body.

The body that holds your identity.

The second method was something that most people may not want to do. 

It is to sleep on a hard surface or a hard mattress. 

Although this is perfect for people who find difficulties getting out of bed. And I can definitely understand the struggles during winter months, it's almost impossible. Sleeping on hard surfaces diminishes the desire to stay in bed due to discomfort. 

It is such a simple solution if you think about it.

But if you still need motivation.


Ask yourself this.

Why am I wasting my life sleeping?

Humans in general waste around 1/3 of their life just sleeping.

That's nearly 26 years!

If you really want to make a change in your life then the answer is simple.

Sleep less.

Do the things you wanted to do but never had the time to do.

Even I, am guilty of sleeping too much.

People say it is mandatory to sleep 7 to 8 hours to live a healthy life. 

But what about all the successful politicians, CEOs, and Great Thinkers like Leonardo Da Vinci?

They only slept around 4-5 hours, and look at them. 

They have achieved so much in their lives. 

And so can we, there is no excuse.

There was also another video related to yogic science. It explained you can still live a healthy life with just a few hours of sleep. Especially, if you sleep around 10 PM, you will naturally wake up around 2 to 3 AM fully rested, complementing our natural circadian rhythm. The atmosphere during early mornings, is also at full vibrance, and you can feel the purity of the air too. 

It's a whole new world.

But regardless of whether you wake up early or not, if you want to make a change then...

Everything takes just one step. 

The sooner we do these things, the better. 


Right then, it's about time I get up and get ready.