Chapter 6:


The Comfy Life of Retired Heroes

Hi everyone, TheGrompFather here.

A brief, unfortunate notice about the release of tonight's The Comfy Life of Retired Heroes - basically, it won't be happening today. While I have the chapter written and edited, ready to go live, something has come up at work today that has shaken me to my core. Even as I write this, my hands are shaking and I'm on the verge of crying.

As a result, I will be taking the rest of today off and I want to disconnect from everything for now, to work on improving my own current mental state. I don't intend for this to stop me for long, and I'll be back tomorrow with the next chapter of Guardians and of Comfy Life, it will NOT be posted later tonight.

Thank you all for your understanding and I'm grateful for all of your continued support of my novels here on Honeyfeed (I'm also grateful that I'm leaving this job come Friday and I intend to re-focus my goals on writing even more for Honeyfeed than I'm currently doing).


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