Chapter 4:

Complication or Comprehension

Art in Heart

The college campus lay veiled in the ethereal embrace of early morning mist, a delicate shroud that added an air of mystery to my purposeful stride toward the designated meeting point. The cryptic letter had ignited a spark of insatiable curiosity within me, compelling me to unravel the enigma behind the mysterious visitor. Despite the fragile state of my awakening and the remnants of yesterday's attire clinging to me, determination fueled my steps. An internal nagging whispered that this might be more than just a prank. "If this turns out to be a jest," I muttered to myself, "I'll be utterly…"

The rendezvous spot stood nestled within the heart of the college, a secluded courtyard cocooned by ancient stone walls adorned with ivy. Its tranquility offered a stark contrast to the campus's bustling energy during daylight hours.

"Hello?" I ventured tentatively, my voice punctuating the silence as I cautiously approached the figure, who remained yet unknown to me.

With an almost deliberate slowness, the figure turned, revealing features that struck a chord of familiarity. Her sapphire eyes danced with a blend of enigmatic charm and anticipatory mischief. A weary sigh escaped her lips before she re-immersed herself in her canvas, as though guarding a precious secret.

As she stroked the canvas with her brush, her expression revealed a whirlwind of emotions—intense focus, a hint of vulnerability, and a determination to capture something elusive. I lowered myself onto the cool, smooth surface of the marble bench, my gaze keenly fixed upon her as she coaxed vibrant hues onto the canvas. "What's brought you to this place, Flaire?" I inquired, my curiosity unabated.

She chose to ignore my question, her attention consumed by the creative dance between brush and canvas. As moments unfurled, I found myself envious of her unwavering creation. Amidst this, my thoughts raced, leading me to unfold the crumpled letter, in hopes of unearthing further clues from its awkwardly strung words.

The writing proved a puzzle, requiring deciphering akin to unraveling a labyrinthine riddle. My patience began to fray. "Why not just extend an apology? Must we escalate this into a contest?"

Her response mirrored exasperation, a shared sentiment manifesting in different forms. "And why not just let it go?" she shot back, her eyes fixated once more upon the evolving masterpiece she conjured.

Initially, her proposition held merit, yet why relinquish my stance? I had, after all, extended my hand to aid the old lady and sought justice for the wronged elder. Yes, resolve coursed through me. Musing on this, I asserted, "No! A contest it shall be, and an apology extracted."

"Morning's already here, you dimwit. Don’t dream," she retorted, her attention reverting to the canvas, an enclave of artistic creation.

Time flowed with an uncanny rhythm, and the elusive visitor remained a no-show. My interest was piqued by her artistic endeavor, a captivating tableau springing forth. Suppressing any remnants of arrogance, I acknowledged, "Well, that's quite an impressive piece."

Her ensuing rejoinder unveiled an insight into our inherent discord. "Oh, spare me. If you can't grasp my vision, don't meddle."

Collecting her belongings, she swung her bag over her shoulder and departed, leaving me to contemplate the riddle of her reaction. Why had she chosen to depict such a vivid scene: a sprawling tree with an inviting swing, a lone girl beneath it, a witness to the cascade of stars above?

Yet, such musings soon receded. It was time for me to take my leave as well. The mysterious visitor remained a phantom, and the college was awakening to the hustle of a new day. I followed suit, my footsteps leading me back to the classroom, leaving the enigmatic courtyard behind.

The classroom gradually filled with students, each taking their seats. Three imposing figures cast glances my way, their intentions clear even without words exchanged. Despite the tension, silence prevailed. As the lecture commenced, our attention shifted to the front of the room.

Today's schedule heavily favored Physical Education, and we all found ourselves in the changing room. Sid, leaning against my shoulder, questioned, "So, you decided to grace the college with your presence without us?"

Akhish, ever the bookworm regardless of the circumstances, chimed in, "Indeed, what prompted this?"

Even Pam eagerly awaited my response, his curiosity palpable. Before I could reply, another individual stepped into our midst. He seemed to have been waiting for his moment, finally seizing it. His voice cut through the air as he addressed us, his demeanor confident yet tinged with an air of familiarity. Adjusting his glasses.

"Ah, are you Akhish Fuguna?" he inquired, singling out Akhish. Turning to me, Sid, and Pam, he continued, "And you're Endrick? Pam Matoru? And Sid Gawanki? Am I right?"

A glance was exchanged between us, a silent communication of surprise at his knowledge of our names. Pam, ever direct, sought clarity, "Do we know you? And who might you be?"

He answered our unvoiced queries, "I am Enka Eshara. We all attended the same high school. My presence wasn't particularly noticeable due to my fondness for being shadowy. However, I've long been an admirer of Akhish."

Sid found new fodder for teasing, "Akhish, you got subordinates."

Akhish's response was dry, "Keep talking, and you might find yourself sans clothes, courtesy of my bag."

Sid's retort was stifled, and we found ourselves engaged in conversation, welcoming Enka into our circle as the professor's call beckoned us. Descending to the grounds, Enka remained by Akhish's side, an unwelcome shadow.

On the field, Akhish was seated, engrossed in his reading, while Enka lingered nearby, an unwanted companion.

Meanwhile, Pam, Sid, and I charged ahead with boundless energy. Our professor hadn't prescribed any particular activity for the day. Arriving at Akhish's spot, Sid couldn't resist a comment, "Did you notice, guys? Professor Jelsa was totally my type."

In jest, I responded, "How would we know your type? Keep indulging in your daydreams. It's a good way to pass the time." Pam and Akhish's lips curled into shared smiles.

Sid retaliated, "You'll never understand, Endie. Speaking of which, you still haven't explained why you arrived at college so early."

Yet again, before I could answer, an interloper inserted themselves into our conversation. Just as my frustration began to mount, a melodious voice broke through, its presence as soothing as the fragrance wafting from her hair. Her eyes held a familiarity, resembling those of the girl from yesterday, yet her features were distinct.

With a graceful bow, she addressed us, "I want to express my gratitude for helping my grandmother."

Recognition dawned upon all of us regarding whom she spoke. I responded, "It was our duty, and it wasn't just me; all my friends lent a hand."

Pam chimed in, "Absolutely, hold your head high."

"No, your actions deserve more than mere gratitude," she persisted.

Glances were exchanged amongst us, but her words continued, "If you're willing, could you meet me after college? Alone."

Her gaze was pointedly directed at me, leaving me bewildered once more.

Despite the confusion, a question emerged, "How did you learn that we assisted your grandmother? And were you the one who left the letter in my mailbox?"

She explained, "I asked the Doctor. He mentioned a young man with an eye patch and bandaged left hand. And no, I didn't send any letter."

With that, she concluded, "Please meet me after college."

As she walked away, I was left grappling with a puzzle – who was the enigmatic visitor, and what did this encounter portend?
