Chapter 17:

Chapter 17 – Caught Already

Accidental Encounter

"All we did was walk around the building; how are you tired already?" Timo asked as Eric sat on the bench outside in the picnic area, his stack of papers and tablet on the table.

"These papers get heavy after a while... and we've been walking around all morning," Eric complained.

"You're going to need to do some strength training and self-defence training. I need you to be able to protect her."

"Um... When would I have time for those? Aren't I going to be her assistant right away? And aren't I not allowed to do anything strenuous due to my injuries?" Can't say I haven't already disturbed them a few times today.

"I'm going to get a doctor to check how much I can put you through, and we'll train you in the evenings."

"Wait, you want me to work all day and train at night?" Eric's leg shook as he resisted the urge to run away.

"Until you meet my standards, yes."

"I'm not sure Charlotte will like that. She's grown used to eating dinner with me."

"And she'll still get to, but you have time after that before bed. Besides, she's got a heavy workload coming in, and she might not even have much time for you, anyway."

"Oh..." His shoulders slouched.

Timo smirked. "I guess she wasn't the only one enjoying your time together."

"Of course not; Char's amazing, and I love hanging out with her," Eric's cheeks flushed. "Um... I mean... We're good friends already. It's not like we can be more; this is all temporary." Eric bit his lip. He'd want it to be more, but he was certain he wasn't good enough.

"Sure, that's all it is. And in case you were wondering, you have my blessing."

"Your blessing?"

"To go after Charlotte for real. I think you two would make a good couple."

"Oh? But I thought you didn't even want us seen together, let alone actually date."

"That was before I got to know you," he thought for a moment. "And I'm still not sure you're ready for what follows her. If you can learn to handle that, then you'd be good for her."

"Are you telling me it's okay to be seen together with her now?"


Eric's shoulders slumped. This is so confusing. "So, even if we went out again, we'd have to keep it a secret?"

"For now."

"Is there some reason for that?"


"Won't that always be an issue, though? Why does she have to worry about all this when she's already successful and powerful?"

"It's... complicated. The others will look down on her if her partner is..."

"A low class bum like me?"

"To put it bluntly, yes. They're a bunch of snobs, and they know it. But if she doesn't go by their rules, they can and will use any method they can to snub her, and it'll hurt her business."

"I'm not sure why anyone cares about her private life; shouldn't only the business matter in that world? Why do they want to control love lives?"

"They think if she's dating someone of inferior status, she has no place at the top seat."

"But why? That makes no sense."

"I know it doesn't; that's just the world she lives in."

Beep. Timo's phone buzzed a few times. He glanced at his phone, frowning.

"What's wrong?"

"I suppose it's too late..." He flicked through the article that pinged his phone. He held it up for Eric to see. "What did I tell you about being in public with her?"

"We were followed?" Eric scrolled through the pictures, his jaw hanging open.

"You two were looking pretty intimate, and people are already asking who you are..." Timo trailed off as he searched deeper. "It's only a matter of time before they find out who you are and start digging deeper."

"Well, Char already told some of the suits I was her assistant at dinner... and that we were together..."

"Did she? As long as you they don't find out you didn't start as one yet, it should help us, but it probably won't be long until the paparazzi follow you and asking questions."

"But even with the pictures, how would they know who I am? I'm a nobody... so it should be hard to find me, shouldn't it?"

"Don't underestimate the press."

Eric nodded. "I'll try not to."

"I'm going to grab us lunch. You stay here and relax," Timo tapped on the table and headed off.

"Ugh," Eric laid his head on the table, listening to the wind and birds chirping. There was a rustle in the bushes and his ear twitched.

"That was Timo, right? Miss Burne's personal butler?" A woman approached Eric. "Are you the one in the photos?"

Eric sat up and stared at her. "Who are you?"

"Melissa Wheeler, I'm with the Business Gossip newspaper."

Eric froze. Newspaper? Why is there even such a thing as a business gossip newspaper? Ugh, she's a part of the paparazzi. He looked around. Timo, please come back!

"I'd like to ask you a few questions," she drew closer to him.

"Whatever you have to ask, I have no answer." Eric picked up his stack of things. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"Wait a moment," she stepped in front of him. "Can you at least tell me your full name?"

"Uh... No..." He stumbled back. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Interesting... You don't want to say anything... It is you, right?" She held up a photo of Eric and Charlotte together, headed into the movie theatre.

"B-bye..." Eric turned and ran off, hiding amongst the trees. "Ah..." he huffed. I need to up my stamina. He peeked behind the tree, but didn't spot her. He pulled out the phone and called Timo. "Help."

"What's wrong now?" Timo asked.

"There's a reporter lady on the grounds, hounding me for answers."

"Tch, how did she get in here? It's private property. I'll deal with her. Where are you?"

"Um... Surrounded by trees somewhere."

"You ran into the forest beside the building?"

"What?! This is an actual forest? I thought it was a grove or something. Why is the building beside a forest?"

"Well, Charlotte owns it too... She's working to preserve the forest and its animals."

"Shouldn't it be fenced off from the building so people don't wander in?"

"It is fenced off, but she got the forest included, and we haven't had any issues of people getting lost in there... until now."

"I... can try to backtrack."

"Just stay where you are. I'll come to get you."

"But how—"


"Timo?" Eric sighed and leant against a tree. He hung up on me! He pouted as he looked at the phone.

Rustle. The bushes behind him moved.

Eric moved away, not sure if there were any dangerous animals in the forest.

"Find me soon, please..." Hugging his papers and tablet, he slid to the ground. He turned on the tablet to read as a distraction.