Chapter 1:


The Last Life of the First King

“Prisoner 10061, step forward.”

I mindlessly followed the guard’s instructions. After inspection I retreat back to my cell. My days repeat in a carefully controlled cycle. Wake up, eat, read, work-out, eat, inspection, stare at the white wall of my cell, yard time, eat, read, then stare up at the top bunk until I finally go to sleep and begin the cycle again.

“Prisoner 10061, step forward.”

Another day. I share my cell with another person but they never seem to stay very long. As I stare up at his bunk I hear a commotion outside of my cell and an angry yell. It was none of my business. Blood splattered across the bars of my cell but I remained indifferent. This was the law of this place: you didn’t stick your nose into business that wasn’t yours. I didn’t have any interest anyway. It seemed like I would be getting a new roommate soon, that was all I needed to know.

“Prisoner 10061, step forward.”

There was a thoroughly barred window just outside my cell. The lights passed across my face as the sun moved from one end of the sky to the other. Time continued on. I’d seen enough sunrises to fill five life times and misused all of them. This was penance.

“Prisoner 10061, step forward.”

Breakfast and afternoon inspection were the only times we were required to leave our cells, it was a hassle, but every day was the same and routine became habit no matter how bothersome it was. The guard was Orson, he’d been here for longer than I’d been alive. There were numerous rumors about him and the stuff he was involved in, but it was none of my business so I turned a deaf ear to it.

“Prisoner 10061, you’re getting a new cellmate, everyone else is dismissed. Return to your cells! Now!”

“What’s the heads up about?”

“It’s a special case.”

“hmm.” I didn’t particularly care who it was since prisoners rarely lasted long in here. They’d be transferred or killed within the month. They nicknamed this place, “The final stop” and most people knew this coming in. Unfortunate ends were unavoidable in this prison.

The familiar sound of metal doors clanging open the sharp shing of chains dragging across the ground. I sighed and went back into my cell. I concentrated on the book I was reading. It didn’t really provide me with much insight, I knew the contents of it by heart, but I suppose it provided comfort and it killed time until I might meet my final end.

The clanging ceased and I vaguely registered the sound of cuffs being released, footsteps in my cell and a door closing.

The book detailed an appalling period of history where a corrupt and idiotic king ruled. He used his connections and power to force himself into the position and then abused that power without thought.

“Nice to meetchya!”

Eventually one of his closest advisors broke free of the kings influenced and left the kingdom. From there he raised support from the surrounding countries and led an army back home.

“I’m Walter, I’ll be your roomie!”

The country itself had become a den of sex and debauchery, any sort of strict law enforcement was no longer in effect, the government was in shambles, and military was essentially just for show.

“So, whatchya reading roomie?”

The battle that followed couldn’t even be called a battle. It was over in under an hour. The king battled his former right hand. This too was over quickly. The right hand died but provided enough distraction to let another take the king’s head. And just like that his reign ended.

“C’mon can’t you be a bit sociable, rooooomie?

“This is my bunk. Take the top. Try not to turn too much.” I snapped the book shut and turned toward the wall.

“Man of few words, I respect it.” The entire bed shook as he climbed up top, “What a crazy day! Well… I probably shouldn’t say anything, you wouldn’t even believe me, but man… insane!”

I had no intention of engaging in any sort of conversation, “It’s late, if you don’t mind…”

“No, no, it’s cool, I understand. Hush, hush, quiet time. I got it.” A few moments passed, “Is it though? It’s like 2 or 3 o’clock isn’t it? And the sun is still out. I’ve never been in prison so is it, like, normal to go to bed so early?”

I opened my eyes, “No, it’s not, I was trying to be polite.”

“Oh. That’s okay, I appreciate the honesty man.” Another couple moments, “So, do you know when meals are? What next? Is there like an orientation for new prisoners, or a pamphlet for me to read? Some dead guy’s journal telling you “don’t do this or you’ll end up like me,” anything like that?”

This guy would not let up, it was taking all my self-control not to take a swing at him. I sat up with my hands on my face, “Next is yard time, everyone is assigned a time to go outside and walk around for a couple minutes. It’s a peaceful break from the stuffy white and grey stone interior of this prison and I don’t particularly care for it; I prefer to stare at the walls or read, that’s what relaxes me, but since you’re new I’m going to escort you just this once and you might make it to the courtyard and back alive, just this once, but I promise you it won’t happen again. Then evening meals are delivered to our cells, don’t expect anything remotely palatable, and be extremely grateful you get anything. After that it’s do whatever the hell you want until light out time. And that’s it. If I told you anything more than that, you might get it into your head that you’ll be living to see tomorrow. Every day is a coin toss in here and upbeat pricks like you are the first lambs to the slaughter, you’re more like sacrificial goats. Don’t be surprised if you never wake up again. Got it.”

“G-got it.”


“Doe and Walter! Yard time!”

“Time to go.” The cell door opened.