Chapter 4:

Chapter 4: No Answers, No Main Quest, No Problem

The Age of Romance

Although the cold water does little to quench my thirst, if anything the demand for more intensifies, at least my heightened worries of it being poisoned are soothed. It's also nice to have it rejuvenate my tense spirit.

Water is life after all, and I'm planning on savoring every essence of this invaluable life force.

One more quick drink might placate this newfound addiction. After a quick sip, and having it linger on the edge of my throat to savior the moment, I banish it to the deepest depths of my stomach.

That second sip did wonders as I feel like I can speak without having my throat punishing me.

Its not every day that people holding you hostage would be treating you for a job well done without watering down- pun not intended- the rewards. Though sometimes, I can’t help but wonder why people doing nice things just leaves me feeling… exposed or more nervous than usual.

I guess that’s just a me thing, but it would be really embarrassing if I start losing my composure now.

I need to distract myself by what I have learned, and more importantly what I can still gather about the realm I’m in now.

A realm that I finally have a name to.

"Ilroint." I repeat imprinting that nice ring into my memory.

I like it. It doesn't feel contrived, dull, repetitive, or even have a mouthful of obnoxious syllables. Not to mention the smooth roll off the tongue with the L and R. That's gotta ring to it.

"If we're being more accurate, we're braving through The Storm as we speak." The Boss Lady dubbed Ori casually explains. "Once that's out of the way, we'll be safe and sound in Kingdom waters." She scoffs. "If there's even a kingdom worth following at this point."

It's safe to say she's not much of a fan of, what I assume is, The Kingdom of Ilroint given the amount of snippiness buried in that last part.

Still, though, wonder what she meant, exactly? 'If there's even a kingdom worth following'.... So either I'm stuck with a rebellion... or the kingdom has fallen apart. Both, of which, do not sit well with me trying to find a way back.

Ori's curious hum serves as the perfect remedy to resume my focus, and I can see her casting an odd look on me.

"Huh. You are an odd one."

A rogue brow sprouts up as I'm left wondering if I should feel insulted or not.

No... she has to know that I'm not whoever... this person is.

"Strange compliments aside, do you... I mean..." I choose to be direct with my question. "Have we met before?"

Her thoughtful gaze grows sterner, but my limited knowledge on body language assures me that Ori is not giving me vibes that see me as a weirdo.

"I never had to." She grimly states. "And honestly, if we did, it would be a very unpleasant introduction for you."

If that doesn't bring beads of sweat rolling down my temples, I don't know what will! Even though she wasn't concrete in her answer, I could only imagine that it would mostly involve around me pushing up daisies. And I can even go as far to guess that it wouldn't be painless, let alone a dignified one.

Alright, so new me has got beef with some- or a lot- of people... IE almost everybody aboard the same ship... Guess the smart choice would've just been me waiting out the storm instead of... Nah... like she said, if they wanted me dead, they would've done it the moment they spotted me.

"But... here I am." The illusion of appearing calm and collected cracks as my voice stumbles from the realization that I'm far luckier than I'm comfortable with. Still, despite having it killing every nine-live feline, curiosity digs away into my bones, demanding me to spill my next query.

"Why am I still here?"

A snort and chuckle serve as Ori's initial response. "Like I said much much earlier; the crew seemed convinced that you're better off to us with all your limbs and organs intact." The muscles on her mouth curve into an amused smile. "And based on what I've seen, it turns out that our faith in you was right on the spot."

I can't help but feel that was a speech check option. And I failed miserably.... Why am I never ready for how much failure hurts?

“Maybe a little too right on the spot.” Ori hints on how obviously strange I must be acting. “No whining, no pish posh boy with a superiority complex. Some of the boys wondered if the ocean water got the best of you given how hush hush you were in the guest room.”

“Are you implying that I’m a totally different person?” Ori's little game is trying my patience. Can’t I have the honor of just engaging in an honest and somewhat decent conversation with my captor?

“I’m implying nothing, Ken.” Her voice sharpens at my alias. “Maybe you’ve been rechristened anew, maybe you hit yourself on something fierce, oooorrrrr…. Maybe you’re a far better patron of the theatrical arts than I give you credit for.”

The muscles in my face begin contorting and locking in place, all in a desperate feat to shield the fear swirling within me. Though I guess whatever cringe expression I must have plastered onto my face reveals how far I’m keeping my cards close to my chest.

Interrogations have never been my strong suit, and throughout my life whenever I was scolded, all I wanted to do was curl up into an impenetrable turtle shell and be protected from the cold harsh wasteland known as the world.

Much like right now! Only I wish I’m so freaking deluded that I’m eternally locked away in my happy place of my apartment and binge watching all of Guardian Girlfriend with vanilla tea and all the best girl RomCom manga by my side.

In times like this, I would take up all of Cyan-kun’s bad luck if I had a girlfriend like Otome-chan. Hell, I feel every fiber of misfortune seeping into my soul right now! If there was a moment for my girlfriend knight to come to my rescue, can this be the time, please?!

“Of course, she won’t.” My mutter is littered with hopeless dejection. “This is a dark fantasy isekai, not a slice of life RomCom.”

“Hoping your dashing knights will come to your rescue?”

The wily voice of my host holds a small token of sympathy that touches my heart. But, then again, I guess I’m just this delusional and desperate for attention and kindness that I might as well distort cruel words for my own petty comfort.

I allow the small chuckle imprisoned in my throat to run free. A small part of me has escaped into the stale air. Maybe it’ll defy time and space and find a way back to my own world where I’ll materialize, and everything will be back to normal.

“More like a daring and courageous beloved.” I shamelessly confess. “Though knowing my fortune and my karma, I might as well not hold my breath.”

A laugh is her response, though it’s more out of disbelief than humor. “You admit it!”

I shrug not even making eye contact. “Looks like it.”

The heavy silence that follows threatens to strangle me from within with only the sound of the muffling hissing and howling creaks of the vessel callously toy with my mind with no resistance.

All that’s left for me to do now is to wait for Ori, the Boss Lady of the ship that is my prison, and my likely my tomb, to throw me back in my cozy little suite.

“Are Eeesakys and Raum…caums forbidden curses you picked up from remnant marauders?”

It’s likely she’s just messing with me at this point, but I decide to be truly candid. “They’re my favorite genres. Though the… tales of Isekai, most of them anyway, are long past their former glory.”

“You mean that there was a golden age for these types of stories?”

Ori's genuine curiosity weathers down my walls as I’m somewhat willing to entertain her.

“Oh yes… a very glorious one in fact.”

The sixties were a pure renaissance…

“Alright… I’ll bite.” Ori gracefully leans back in her seat. “Be a doll and indulge me in your favorite story then.”

That’s one way to take me off guard! It’s not every day when an Amazonian bombshell is asking you what your favorite anime show is! However, I could not allow my lukewarm giddiness to be unshrouded so easily and decide to keep my cards close to my chest.

“As you wish. Not like a have a choice.”

“You do.” She assures me, but I know full well that there’s a catch. “Though I highly recommend not being rude to me. Girls like me tend to… not want anything to do with guys like that.”

Wow… I’m not even allowed to play it a little cool?!

“Well… before we go down that whirlpool, let me give you the gist of what Isekai’s entail.”


If someone told me that I would make an interrogator laugh to their hearts content over a classic anime plot, I would straight up assure them that there’s no need to butter up my overflowing ego.

And yet, despite all odds, here sits Ori, giggling away as I recite the grand tale of PartyTime: Saving The Other World Against All the Odds, and the unforgettable misadventures of the most precious jerks and losers that hold a special place in my heart.

“Please tell me you’re not joking!”

I assure her with a resounding head shake. “Nope, they actually went through with it. And it worked! Although their methods were… let’s just say ‘leaves a lot to be desired’ would be putting it very mildly.”

“No, you think?” She snorts through her laughing. “Honestly, I can’t decide if they’re geniuses or complete morons!”

“That’s kinda the point.”

And also, why the show is an absolute gem!

“In fact, the show itself sparked an intense debate among their fans just on whether their crazy good or just lucky idiots.” My smile falters at those memories. “That also led to some serious screaming matches and friendships ruined just over the main characters, their deeds, their methods ect ect."

My little error of wording causes panic to fume, but quickly subsides when Ori didn't seem to notice or care.

Ori thoughtful gaze makes my heart sink. "It's hard to imagine such devotion to such an epic tale can cause a rift among it's followers."

"Sometimes it be like that..." I gloomily admit. "I think that's the funny thing when it comes to stuff like that, they'll always be that fanatical group of believers who will say 'its this way or the high way' and if you think otherwise, then you're not a true believer."

"That's a very astute observation." She praises before bowing her head, like she's deep in thought about something.

I feel obligated to say something, but that's the worst part about finding the right thing to say: you end up don't saying anything at all!

She lets out a low chuckle and murmurs. "You are a strange one, Ken."

"I'll... take that as a compliment."

"And a sharp one, too. It's official: You're not who I thought you would be."

"And that means...?"

"Exactly how it sounds."

Translation: Not spilling the beans so shut up and deal with it!

"But... I'm still a prisoner, right?"

"You're our guest." She says smoothly. "And given the circumstances, you're aboard one of the few safe places in a land where killing and chaos is just as natural as breathing. So, keep up the good work, Ken and your reward will become clear in time."


Funny as it sounds, being trapped back in my little suite doesn't sound all that bad now. Whether I'm letting the fact that the world outside this shape is in far worse shape, or the fact that I'm simply an honored guest, I feel like not everyone and their mother is not out to kill me.

Despite evidence to the contrary from Picky who was about ready to Isekai 2.0 my butt the first chance he gets.

Well, it's not like there's nothing I can do about that now. I just have to wait until...

Rapid taps on the door rattle my ears, scaring the crap out of me! Thankfully, even an idiot would know that a knock on the door is not going to kill me.

"It's me from earlier, from the rowing. Port side."

My heart skips a beat before I realize that its the girl that owned my obnoxious oar from earlier.

"It does my hear well to hear you're alive and well sire, and have no fear. We will deliver you to safety." Her whispering becomes more frantic. "Do not trust her. Whatever she promised you will mean nothing once she gets what she wants."

Just when I was just starting to like this place, that sinking sensation threatens make my heart give out from the terrified drumming.

"Once the time is right, you will be free." Her comforting words now serve as my guiding light to this new harsh reality. "Until then... wait for me, sire."

And just like that the creaking and muffling chatter beyond my door serves as the only background noise maintaining my sanity.

And the fact that I do, in fact, have my own guardian girlfriend who's gonna bust me out of here! And its truly a fantasy when soon to be best girl has dubbed....

Sire?! Wait what?!?!
