Chapter 1:


Time VS World


                             Time remaining: 9 years, 364 days, 20 hours, 7 minutes, and 2 seconds.

                                                         Location: SXOS Tower, Region 1

One after another, figures clad in military attire took their seats at the conference table, a sea of eyes fixed upon them. The table was set in the heart of a wild and magical jungle, fully exposed. Those who had gathered were streets apart from pleased. They spoke with anger, venting their frustrations and grievances. As officials attempted to assert control, the murmurs escalated into a rising chorus of voices. The once scattered crowd is now united in protest, showing their collective disapproval. The pervasive discontent made it challenging for officials to proceed.

“How do you plan to explain this mess?” a voice from the crowd erupted, followed by a chorus of agreement that echoed like a storm. Several suited men exchanged silent scoffs and frowns amongst themselves. “Explain? ha!”

“For ten years, you hotshots have been keeping all the secrets to yourself! It’s about time you pricks exposed the real deal!” A tangible unity coursed through the crowd, faces resolute and determined.

“Yeah, yeah! Who’s gonna compensate for the lost lives?”

“Who’s going to take the blame for it?”

“Why the silence? Or are you just cowards?”

“What's the damn guarantee that history won't repeat?”

"Your ignorance won't drown our voices! No more hushing us!"

“Spill the damn beans! No more cover-ups!”

"We demand answers, not your hidden agenda!"

"Is this how you value human lives?”

“Stop keeping us in the dark!” “Bring me your manager, and do it now!” Karen's voice boomed, a demand reaching its peak.

“Human lives are just pawns in your twisted game?”

“Quit dodging reality! We won't be intimidated!”

“Transparency time! No more half-assed stories!”

"Our lives are at stake! We won't rest until justice is served!"

“Don't dare try to placate us with empty words! Action is what matters!”

"Don't underestimate us! We're not going away until we get the truth!"

“You betrayed our trust! How are you planning to make amends?” A voice, heavy with disillusionment, cut through. The crowd's anger surged, reverberating with chants for justice.

[A loud thud echoed through the air.]

Abruptly, one of the suited men sprang to his feet, palms slamming the table's surface with a resounding crack. His face contorted with anger, and his voice boomed with fury. “By making you eat your own goddamn shit!”

From within the crowd, a rock sailed through the air, hurled by someone who had channelled SXOS Energy through their palms, and struck the enraged man. But before the situation could escalate, the anticipated figure materialised, stepping forth from a shimmering portal crackling with golden electricity. One after another, bolts of golden lightning forked down from the ominous, cloudy sky, striking the figure. A collective hush blanketed the assembly, quelling any potential unrest.

The man, in his thirties, slowly turned his gaze from side to side, his eyes sweeping over the quieted crowd. Silence reigned, an unspoken command emanating from his presence. With purposeful steps, he ascended onto the table, each movement commanding attention.

"Everyone!" The single word sent shivers through the gathered assembly—an unspoken command that swept like a wave. “It is unsightly to witness division among ourselves. These are the times when we must stay united in mind and heart! We’re humans, not animals!” The man's powerful oration carried weight, impacting the crowd, many of whom were still grappling with their own traumas. This message, naturally, seemed to attract flocks of attention from potential enemies (?) who chose to remain on the outskirts of the gathering. The man, with a discerning eye, took note of their presence during his observation.

“Ten years ago, the human civilization we knew vanished into thin air, and we all got teleported to a new world for god knows why. Twenty years were given to eliminate a single person. But have no fear, my people! I know who that person is! It’s a disgusting lowlife that narrowly escaped my wrath a few hours ago. We’ll trace him down and pompously hunt him down to his grave!” The man's voice resonated, each word carrying strong influence over the minds of people. A confident smile graced his lips as he posed a question, “Isn't that right, Matvey?”

“Yes, Supreme Leader,” came Matvey's firm reply.

“We, as the defenders and saviours of our people, will do everything within our power to restore the glorious civilization we once knew. Ray Ryker, the target of our pursuit, will not evade us again. No stone will remain unturned!” The man's oration ignited a response. One by one, the crowd erupted into applause and enthusiastic cheers. With a satisfied smirk, the man gracefully descended from the table.

He leaned in, whispering into one of the general's ears, “Locate the scoundrel who stole my future wife—on the double!” Matvey, seated nearby, glared and let out an exasperated sigh in response.

One of the enemies (?) stationed on the outskirts, swiftly typed a message in a specific app. «Pull back, squad. Night awaits, and we're not wasting time on this bunch of lying losers.»

A response popped up from one of their own. «Copy that. Let's roll, guys. Don’t allow emotions to trip us up.»

Another member chimed in with a touch of annoyance. «Look at these dumbfuck puppets. Wagging their tails like mutts.»

Another voice, colder and more calculated, weighed in. «Reality check, folks. We're left with a kill-or-be-killed scenario. We actually need to kill someone in order to survive. And the troublesome part is that we don’t know who that someone is. It could be anyone among the millions scattered all over the world.»

Another voice added. «What if it's not just one target? Anyhow, let’s go find that Anti-SXOS guy.»


                          Time remaining: 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 4 minutes, and 49 seconds.

                                                         Location: SXOS Tower, Region 2

Amidst the harsh sea and beneath a sky painted in dark gloom and snowy whispers, a ship pressed forward. Thunder punctuated the scene, a reminder of nature's power. In the heart of this vessel, a secure room held a gathering of key figures, their presence a testament to the gravity of the situation.

“It was Nixon all along?” Sora's voice quivered, his anxiety palpable. His clammy hands betrayed his unease, a sentiment shared by everyone present. Cold and anxious, they exhaled frosty breaths as tension gripped the air.

“That’s at least what the announcement indicated, and I don't find it hard to believe,” Ainz responded, his eyes narrowing. His features bore the traces of recent turmoil, despite their best efforts to appear composed. The room seemed to tremble under the weight of despair, and some sought warmth by rubbing their shoulders.

“But didn’t he leave ten years ago? If I’m not wrong, he stayed for less than two months here,” someone questioned.

Alex put his two cents in, offering insight. “He spent the majority of his time alongside Ainz, or, as Ainz would view it, his 'loyal right-hand hound'.” Alex's gaze shifted to Ainz, who was lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the corkboard.

Sora's fist clenched as he spoke, his breaths coming rapidly. “I travelled with him for over a month. He always felt off than others.” Anger laced his words, towing a doubtful look from Alex.

A figure in the room, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, scalp damp with cold sweat, and eyelids squeezed shut, responded to his statement. “And so do you, Thomas Henderson. You could very well be one of em as the announcement cited. There could be more we need to annihilate.”

Another voice took centre stage, hands clapping for attention, eyes wide, and eyebrows raised. “Good heavens! Hello?! Ain’t nobody gonna address how we just endured another ‘'Hell Loop,' far more excruciating, obnoxious, and traumatising than before? The announcer’s voice was different, we're left with mere ten years, and the freaking sun turned crimson and is scorching everything?! Why do y'all gotta harbour doubts about each other right off the bat?”

The person leaning against the wooden wall snapped back vehemently, veins bulging. “Because it could be anyone! Anyone! Anyone in this very fucking room!”

Ainz intervened, his tone commanding and frosty, tearing the stiff atmosphere apart. “The list of our allies grows thin. We’ll set sail for the mainland on the nail.” His voice grew sharper. “Everyone in this room is dismissed! Further discussion about this topic is forbidden for the day. Nobody is in their right mind and will end up spouting irrelevant nonsense.” Tongues clicked in frustration as they filed out one by one.

Just as Sora made to leave, Ainz's gaze, fixed on the corkboard, warned him, “Thomas Henderson, your past and present are known to us all. Nixon didn’t kill you without reason. Consider yourself under my personal surveillance henceforth.”


                       Time remaining: 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 37 seconds.

                                                      Location: SXOS Tower, Region 3

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” hollered the man wholeheartedly, his laughter a tumultuous symphony of madness.

“Get a hold of yourself! Now’s not—” The woman’s counsel, speaking in his mind, was abruptly silenced by the demon's imperious intrusion, residing within him.“Zip ya’r trap. Now’s the prime time for him to be a kill all in sight, cold-blooded bloodthirsty hound.”

“You were goddamn correct, Blood. He's the wretch responsible for my precious little sister's death!" The man's descent into madness was a tempest of furious intensity, a vortex of seething wrath. Blood surged forth from him—a torrent of fury made flesh. “I’ll motherfuckingly murder you, you little fucker! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” He malevolently laughed to his heart’s content, arms outstretched, bloodshot eyes fixed on the heavens.


                           Time remaining: 9 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes, and 50 seconds.

                                                      Location: SXOS Tower, Region 4

Perched atop a swaying train that ventured through an enchanting rainforest, a lone figure let out a cry of anguish. “For god's sake, someone fucking cease this ‘Hell Loop’ bullshit!”

A face popped out from a nearby window, hollering at him. “Oi, you knucklehead! Get down here! We’re holding an emergency meeting!”

With a sigh of frustration, the man looked up at the dark sky and said, “After all this, you turned out to be a traitor, Night?”

An alternate stream of thoughts marched in. “I still remember that night vividly. The 31st night of 2024. What followed those dazzling fireworks is what changed everything forever.”


                                Time remaining: ?? years, ??? days, ?? hours, ?? minutes, and ?? seconds.

                                                            Location: SXOS Tower, Region ?

“I'll never forsake your love and betray your trust! Please don’t leave me alone again! I'm pleading with all my heart!” A young woman's voice wavered with intense emotions as she clawed at the earth in a desperate frenzy.

“I love you, Raiha.” You’ll have to love me more! My love for you is boundless.

“You’re my heaven and earth, and I’m yours.” Yes! I belong to you entirely!

“Let’s be together for all eternity.” I’m all yours until the end of the universe!

“My love for you is unparalleled in heaven and earth.” Please don't abandon me yet again! It’s very, very lonely without you!

“Without you, I’m nothing.” I'm nothing without you by my side! Overwhelmed by memories of their shared loving moments, tears streamed uncontrollably down her face.

Time VS World

Time VS World