Chapter 42:

Chapter 42 Goblin Feast Under the Table

Bound by Fate: The Elf's Embrace

The grand feast was a lavish spectacle that had been meticulously prepared to celebrate Lumi's remarkable achievement: her enrollment into the prestigious Magic Box University. The manor's main hall had been transformed into a dazzling venue, adorned with rich decorations, glittering chandeliers, and elegant drapes that exuded an air of sophistication.

I was in awe of the grandeur surrounding me, and couldn't help but express my amazement, "Wow, this is incredible, isn't it? I mean, look at all of this!" I gestured toward the opulent surroundings.

Lumi, beaming with pride, replied, "He He He! It truly is something, Kazuki. We put a lot of work into this feast! Everyone will have fun today!"

I looked around taking in the sumptuous spread of dishes on the banquet tables and said, "And the food! It's like a dream come true, just look at Goblinworth. I've never seen him so excited! I just hope he won't explode from all the food he eats."

Lumi chuckled, "Goblinworth certainly knows how to appreciate a good meal. But you know, this feast is not just about celebrating my achievement. It's about sharing this moment with all our friends and allies who made this possible. And talking about guests I should probably go and at least greet some of them. Have fun, Kazuki."

As I turned my attention back to Goblinworth, I realized he had vanished from sight. Given his earlier enthusiasm, I could only assume he'd found something particularly interesting or had gotten himself into some sort of amusing pickle.

My gaze scanned the room looking at the guests from various races of Luminecia. Their laughter and chatter filled the air. Distinguished figures were in attendance, including Vincent, Alitia, Helen, Olivia, Hermit, and all of the council members except Valerius. Bill the minotaur was having a conversation with another minotaur, they both looked intimidating, to say the least. Lumi, adorned in a radiant gown, stood at the center of attention, her radiant smile lighting up the room.

Approaching the table, I couldn't resist the temptation to savor the diverse and delectable spread of dishes. Luminecia's commitment to unity in diversity was brilliantly showcased here, with an array of culinary delights representing every race. 

In the midst of the lively feast, a sudden motion caught my attention. From beneath the ornate tablecloth, a scrawny green hand, unmistakably goblin in nature, emerged, its fingers reaching out in a sneaky attempt to snatch nibbles of food from the banquet table. 

My curiosity piqued, I leaned over to the table and whispered, "And who might this daring culinary bandit be? Hmmm!"

 To my lack of surprise, the hand belonged to none other than Goblinworth himself, savoring his own gluttonous banquet beneath the table's hiding. With a playful and happy glint in his eye, he extended me a welcome to partake in his secret luxury.

"Ho there, Master Kazuki!" Goblinworth greeted me with a hearty goblinish grin, his mouth still full of food, causing his words to come out as a delightful jumble, "Comesh, comesh! Try the nummy-nummy treats of the hidden table banquet!"

Emboldened by the friendly environment and a few glasses of liquid courage, I decided to accept his invitation. I joined Goblinworth beneath the grand table, where I soon discovered I was not his only company.

Under the table's cover, a hidden world of goblin feasting unfolded, a gathering of mischievous gourmands who had slipped away from the prying eyes of the banquet above. The goblins chattered in their own peculiar and cheerful tongue, their voices a raucous noise of hilarity and excitement.

Goblinworth, with a broad grin that displayed his delight, welcomed me, "Ah, Master Kazuki! Welcome to our secret feast beneath the table, where flavors dance and mischief reigns supreme! It is so nice that Master decided to join us, lowly goblins."

His eyes glimmered with delight as he presented me with an assortment of his culinary treasures.

"Look-look! You taste tasty treats! Crunchy critters, squishy mushies, spices that go boom-boom! Master Kazuki, is sure to make taste buds dance, yes! And the quenches! Oh, how they quench! " he declared with infectious enthusiasm.

Before indulging in the offered delicacies, I leaned toward Goblinworth and made a request.

 "Little buddy, would you kindly introduce me to your fellow goblins, who are reveling under this splendid table with us?"

With his mouth still partially filled with food, he gestured grandly to the group of goblins nestled beneath the table and gestured to them to introduce themself.

"Gob-friends, introduction!"

Goblin who wore a battered pot as a makeshift helmet, chimed in with an earnest smile, "Hoo-hoo! It's Gog! I love shiny things and crunchy bugs!"

Next goblin, who wore a pair of mismatched shoes as hand puppets, added with a mischievous wink, "Meez Snik! I like to dance on toesies and play tricksies!"

The last goblin, adorned with a tattered cape made from what appeared to be discarded napkins, introduced himself with an air of self-importance, "I am Zib! I know all the bestest hiding spots in the pantry!"

Goblinworth introduced his companions with a flourish, "Master Kazuki, meet Big-Ear Gog, Crunchy-Tooth Snik, and Slipin-Jack Zib! They are my fellow goblin hatchlings that survived in the goblin breeding farm!" Each goblin bowing or nodding in their own unique way.

I responded in kind, addressing the goblins with a playful tone, "Hello, everyone! It's a pleasure to meet you all. I hope you're enjoying the feast as much as I am!"

My attention was then drawn to a goblin who seemed to have indulged a bit too much. He was hunched against one of the table legs with a bottle clenched in his tiny hand, snoring loudly and mumbling incoherent nonsense under his breath.

 "Food... good... dreams... tastyyyy... Big... chickens... dancing... bacon rain... treasure... and... oh, shiny mushrooms..."

I pointed toward the dozing goblin and asked Goblinworth with a chuckle, "Who's our sleepy friend here? Seems like he's having quite the adventure in dreamland."

Goblinworth turned his gaze toward the slumbering goblin, and a grin crept across his face. He then nudged the goblin with his foot, rousing him slightly. The groggy goblin stirred, his words a garbled mess as he muttered, "Nnngh-ugh... applesauce... sock puppet... moon cheese..."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of his words.

 "Moon cheese, you say? That's quite the delicacy! What's his story, Goblinworth?"

Goblinworth shrugged, clearly amused by the comical scene.

 "Oh, that's Gobblar. He's our dreamer, always lost in his own world, he is. Talks to the spoons, he does! But when he's not snoring, he's one of the jolliest goblins around! He's always like this after a good meal. Says the strangest things. Probably dreaming of a moon made of cheese, who knows? Not me."

While seated under the table I looked as guests mingled in a joyful ambiance, their laughter and conversation filling the air. Alitia, resplendent in her regal attire, engaged in spirited conversation with council members, while diligent goblin servants ensured the guests' every need was met.

Lumi, resplendent in her enchanting gown, moved gracefully through the crowd, her presence a beacon of joy that drew all in her orbit. For my part, I was swept into the euphoric ambiance, conversing with the goblin guests and sharing their enthusiasm under the table.

The evening was graced by live music, the sweet-sounding tones weaving an ethereal tapestry of sound that elevated the atmosphere to one of pure enchantment.

Goblinworth's reaction to the music was nothing short of comical. He sprang up from his spot on the ground, his enormous, meaty ears jutting skyward. With an array of incoherent sounds, he began a ridiculous dance beneath the table. He squatted down, protruding his buttocks out, and started wiggling from side to side, all while flapping his arms like a chicken and bobbing his head up and down.

While he was enjoying himself I took notice of a group of goblins huddled together in a dimly lit corner. These goblins were not like Goblinworth, spirited and filled with life; instead, they were a sorry assembly of jesters, living vessels of amusement for the entertainment of others.

 They seemed like they had been reduced to tools for laughter from the cruel and dangerous tricks they were forced to perform.

I walked up to them and asked, "Hey, little guys! What's the matter? Why are you huddled in the corner cowering? Have some fun."

The goblins flinched the moment they heard my voice and hugged each other even tighter, shyly answering, "M-Master? F-fun? We are not allowed, fun. We are kept as Jaster, for others to have fun."

I was a bit shocked to hear such talks, "What? What are you on about? Are you being abused or something?"

One of the goblins, his face adorned with the paint of a pained smile, spoke with a voice that carried the weight of despair.

 "Y'see, it's like this, they make us do these tricks, they do. But they don't care 'bout us. We tumble hard, we fall, we hurt, we burn our bum-bum and they laugh. That's all we are to 'em, just laughin' stocks."

Another goblin nodded in agreement, his eyes downcast and his ears drooping low, quivering in fear. 

"Yes, it ain't no jokin' matter. We're tossed 'bout like ragdolls, they are. And when we're hurt, oh, they laugh even harder. Ain't no kindness here, just cruel jest."

A third goblin chimed in with a sad tone, "We... we used to be free, we did. Roamed the woods, played pranks on each other, and lived our goblin lives in the forest free of breeding farms... escaped we did! But the man captured us and since then, we are to do his bidding. We's slaves to be a jest. Forced for their amusement."

I was even more in shock considering all of the goblins I met so far were loving and worshiping this town. I asked them, "Little guys, do you know the name of the one who is tormenting you?"

Their dialogue was punctuated by the collective sighs and murmurs of the downtrodden goblins, their faces reflecting the anguish of their existence. They spoke in the manner of those who had lost not only their freedom but their dignity as well, "Y-yes, we do know the name. Master Valerius, that is what he calls himself. With every whip crack, he made us sing his name, we will not forget that name."

Hearing the name I turned around to look for the man, but he wasn't around. However, my focus was drawn to Vincent amidst the throng. He seemed to be engaging in friendly exchanges with each of the council members in turn.

I wanted to turn to him and ask where was Valerius but I didn't want to cause a scene. I decided to wait for the man himself to show up or for an opportunity to speak with Vincent about these poor goblins.

 As the festivities peaked, Vincent made a discreet exit, leaving behind an air of intrigue.

Then, like a shadow, Mr. Valerius emerged, a sly grin adorning his features. I watched as he cordially greeted the most influential individuals in Luminecia, one by one, engaged them in brief conversations, and subtly indicated the main banquet table where Helen and Olivia presided alongside other captains. Following his interactions, the individuals Valerius had engaged with began migrating toward Helen.
