Chapter 21:

The Punch

Magic is in the Air

The environment was illuminated solely by streetlights, and Ren felt like he was in a horror movie, about to be skinned alive. The trio was already waiting, grinning as the young boy approached for the impending showdown.

"I thought you guys were gonna run away, but even Aria came to see her little boyfriend get beaten," Alex taunted, already provoking.

Leo leaned in close to Ren's ear.

"Oh boy, I forgot to teach you about smack talk. Knowing how to taunt is crucial in a fight."

Ren wasn't in the mood for that, merely staring at Alex in the dark night like an antagonist from his story, an antagonist everyone knew the protagonist had no chance of defeating.

"Let's just get this over with," Ren snapped, impatient with chitchat.

His words generated laughter from the trio, making Ren feel even smaller.

"In a hurry to get beaten up? Fine by me. I just realized I don't even know your name. Your little boyfriend is so irrelevant I don't even know his name."

More laughter as Alex and Ren closed the distance. Aria, however, walked alongside Ren, her posture suggesting an attempt to prevent any fight from happening.

"Can we cut this nonsense now?" she asked, staring directly at Alex.

"My dear, that ship has sailed. Shorty here wants to fight. It's my duty to crush him and show you the wrong choice you made."

"How does that prove anything? It just proves you're a stupid bully who doesn't understand how things work!"

Alex turned to Aria, his provocative smile replaced by the same aggressive glare he'd aimed at Ren earlier.

"And who do you think you are to say that?" Alex spat at Aria. "You're just an ingrate, and let me tell you, nobody will genuinely like you. I was your only chance. Sooner or later, everyone will find out who you really are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to crush this little runt."

He turned back to Ren, fists clenched, and the young boy assumed the stance Leo had taught him. Fists protecting crucial points, legs ready to provide support for the punch.

Alex exhibited a good posture too, seemed like he knew how to fight, and Ren realized it would be impossible to land a punch on his chin.

"And you, shorty, nobody will ever want to be with you after I'm done with your face!"

Aria couldn't bear the situation any longer, and Ren was trembling in fear of what would transpire when the punch landed.

And then it happened.

A direct punch to the chin, legs perfectly supporting the force, sending Alex crashing to the ground. Everyone stared in astonishment at Aria, who had punched her former classmate.

It all happened so fast that Ren barely comprehended. He heard a strange sound upon impact – not from Alex getting hit, but from Aria's own fist. She cried out in pain, clutching her hand with the other.

Alex's friends picked up the unconscious boy and dragged him away. Ren wasn't concerned about that; he turned to Aria. She was on her knees on the ground, clearly in a great deal of pain.

"Looks like she punched the wrong way," Leo analyzed. "But it was one hell of a punch."

"This is not the time, Leo! She needs to go to a hospital," Ren said, standing by his classmate's side, unable to offer much help.

"Don't worry; I've already called a car to pick her up," Erika said, putting her phone away. "I was all set to call for you, Ren."

The boy didn't pay much attention to the comment; he just wanted to see Aria's hand. But even if he saw it, he wouldn't know how to help. So, they waited for the car, Aria groaning in pain on the ground.

As soon as the car arrived, Ren helped her get into the back seat, and he sat beside her, his friends also joining, their concern evident.

In the car she still seemed to be in considerable pain, but she had regained some of her breath.

"You guys don't have to come with me," she managed to say through her gritted teeth.

"Of course I'm going with you" Ren replied, knowing there was no other option.

"All of us are going. We have to make sure you're okay after taking down that brute," Erika chimed in from the other side of the back seat.

It was then that the realization struck Ren. She had protected him, once again. Not only that, but she had managed to bring down the bully and hurt her hand in the process. He had been so worried that injuring his hand would prevent him from drawing, but now he was only thinking about her piano performance.

"Yeah, that was quite the punch; you've got potential in this area," Leo added from the front passenger seat.

Ren wasn't in the right mindset for these comments, and Aria could hardly focus on anything beyond her pain.

They didn't take long to reach the hospital, but after some initial paperwork, two problems arose. Only one person could accompany her, and they needed to contact a responsible adult for her.

"Well, Ren, obviously you're going with her. I'll try to track down her mom," Erika said, not particularly enthusiastic about her mission.

"No... don't call her," Aria pleaded, though she had no choice; it was hospital policy.

So, Ren accompanied Aria to the X-ray room, while Leo and Erika tried to reach Hanna.

Ren was plagued with insecurities from recent events, but at that moment, he could only worry about Aria's pain and whether she would be alright.