Chapter 14:

Fun on Land

What All Mermaids Are In Search Of

“Hello? Hiromi? You haven’t moved a single flower…”

“Oh, wow… I’m sorry, I just got something on my mind... Please don’t kick me out!” I clapped my hands together.

Hands over my head. I sat motionless in the Kado Club room, detached from the world around me. Thankfully Ichigo was able to bring me back to reality.

“I’m not going to kick you out, we’re not that elitist.” Ichigo gently explained.

“Phew, I still feel bad. I’m grateful that you just accepted me into the club, but I feel like I'm not taking it very seriously.” I whimpered slightly.

“This is a place of Zen, we only want you to feel at ease here. It is perfectly fine that you have a life outside of this club, and that the life you have may be overwhelming at times. We wanted you to be part of this club. We aren’t going to charge our minds just from a few sessions.” Ichigo gracefully described.

My eyes started to water with acceptance and joy as I looked at Ichigo.

“Maybe try to minimize the tears, if possible.” She commented.

Ichigo walked back to her assortment of flowers and I quickly whipped my face of any lingering tears. In any event, Kiyoshi was in fact correct and I was accepted into the Kado Club. The moment they told me of my acceptance, I, unsurprisingly, still cried. What was somewhat funny about me crying this time. When I did, the three of them just stared blankly at me, like they were almost expecting me to become overly emotional.

Thankfully the club members are very understanding and actually very accepting of my personality, even if mine is somewhat the opposite of theirs. Everything about the Kado Club was everything I’d hoped for. Calm, quiet, and of course perfectly Zen as Ichigo mentioned. I truly love this club! This place has been very helpful for my brain. I need this peaceful atmosphere now more than ever! Because, because, because… Tomorrow I’ll.. I’ll have my first. Date…!

Ever since Minato asked me, and my nice talk with Kiyoshi. The days leading up to it have been surprisingly average. What I'd kind of expected from High School, which I think is good. Mainly, I must be more relaxed here with every passing day. I’m slowly forming a routine, aside from my makeup and breakfast with my parents. The past week and a half, I’ll walk to school with a group of students in the area; we don’t really talk much, just nice to have some company. I wave to Kiyoshi; he’ll sometimes wave back. I participate in my class's overzealous behavior in the morning. I’ll have lunch with Minato. Lastly, I go to Kado Club to finish out the day.

However, my lunches with Minato have been kinda awkward. Because of, you know… I wanted to tell him that I’ve never been on a date before, but never did ask him. I asked my parents if that is something I would say. They said if I want to, no harm in it. But, they also said that Minato has likely never been on a date either. That logic made sense, so I declined not to ask and just let it flow when the day comes.

One last thing I did today. Kiyoshi is quite reluctant to return my text message. I often have to text the same message several times before I can get a proper response. Having said that, today, I wrote him a ‘Thank you’ letter, but the best part. In similar fashion, I slammed the letter onto his desk much like he did when he gave me his second letter.

Now I’m off to bed, in hopes I'll be able to seamlessly slip away into dreamland.

◑ ◒ ◓ ◐

“Oh, jeeeezzz…”

It’s already the day of my date. I feel like Minato just asked me yesterday! Why couldn’t he plan this a year from now! I don’t know if I’ve mentally prepared myself enough! Which is ridiculous! I’ve had nearly two weeks to prepare myself. I haven’t really chosen an outfit or what makeup to wear. I’m completely unprepared for this date! The only thing I really did was talk about where to go and catch up on homework.

Not only that, I cried at the table in the morning because of my obvious nervousness. The worst part about it is this seems like the first time they aren’t taking my crying seriously! I swear, Motoko was chuckling at me. Just because I was making weird noises from the siffling snot running out my nose doesn't mean you should laugh! Oh well… I can’t blame her. This is somewhat of a trivial thing to get all worked up over. Especially for a marred couple.

“Ahhggrr!! I just don’t know!” I huffed and puffed at how unreliable my sense of fashion is at this moment.


“Come in…” I whimpered.

“Hey Love, how are you doing? Getting ready, still?” Mom popped in with a chipper tone.

“Well, I don’t really know…” I gazed in the mirror.

“Relax, come here.” Mom extended her arms for a hug.

I slowly went to her with open arms.

“How about I get you ready? Do your makeup and pick out some clothes?” Mom warmly asked.

“Okay…” I mumbled.

We went into our office room where she uses it for private at home appointments, while Motoko uses it the most for her work.

“Look at us. Don’t you think we look a lot alike?” Mom smiled beautifully as we looked in the mirror.

“Well, I look like Motoko too.” I remarked.

“Hmm, well yeah, when your face is all gloomy like that.” She pouted.

“Haha, yes we look alike.” I giggled.

“Okay, so. What are you thinking? Do you… Want to ‘Wow’ him, or do you want to have a relaxing time together?” She proposed.

“Re-relaxing time… Yeah. I don’t want to get overwhelmed by anything.” I mentioned.

“Got it!” She smiled brightly.

Mom quickly began crafting a true masterpiece on my face. Despite the less magnificent angle Mom imagined, her skillful technique and colorful insight is something that will take me several more years of practice to even come close to achieving such a vision. Finishing her artful precision and incredible craft, she has completed a true one of a kind. An absolute mastery of the maquillage.

Almost ready, now time for the outfit. Still taking the casual position. We decided on simple white shoes, with a stylish skirt, and a complementary blouse. Accompanied by a nice belt hanging around my waist to tie the outfit together. Nothing too dazzling, exactly how I want to be.

I’m finally ready. Just in time. As soon as I went to the front door, it was already open with Motoko blocking the view to the outside. She must have answered the door, I could just tell from her posture that it had to be Minato. As I walked over to the door, I had the thought. I don’t think that she dislikes Minato, I think she is just protective, with pretty high standards for other people. Which is probably a good thing. Right?

“Hi… Minato.” I said slowly as I approached the door.

“Ohhh…” Minato gasped at the first glance at me, he was speechless. Which of course made me blush.



Motoko menacingly snapped her fingers twice; loud enough to even pierce the ears of the neighbors. All to be sure that Minato’s full attention was solely on her urgent gaze. Sure enough, Minato's eyes were instantly focused on Motoko.

“Boy… You understand that I want My Hiromi to arrive home unaltered by 8:30 PM.” She demanded with the vocals of a war goddess.

“Hai! Wakarimashita! Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu!!!” Minato hollered, swiftly bowing into a harsh acute angle, all to convey that he has the greatest of respects toward Motoko.

“Alright, see you later.” I walked out the door and waved at my parents.

The two of us promptly made our way to the train station to the busiest part of Chiba! On the train it wasn’t as busy as I thought. Plenty of seats so we were able to sit wherever.

“Lucky, huh?” Minato commented as we settled in our seats.

“Yeah, it must be because it's early in the weekend or something.” I mentioned.

We were quiet for a moment as the train began to move slightly.

“So, um, your parents seem pretty cool.” Minato sparked small talk.

“Thanks, and uh, sorry about Motoko. She can be pretty intense at times.” I explained, burying my hands in my lap.

“You can say that again, I thought I was going to pee myself, hahhah. She must have a tough or demanding job, or something, huh?” Minato chuckled.

“Haha! It’s funny you said that specifically, because she was telling us the other day that the same thing happened to someone at her work.” I giggled.

“Wow, really, haha! What does she do?” He chuckled, following a question.

“Yeah, she works for Public Safety, she was a researcher for them before, but got a big promotion, which is actually why we moved!” I explained with glee.

“Oh cool, what’s that? What did she research?” He curiously asked.

“Mmm, I don’t quite remember exactly, something like… Naturalistic Contract Analysis. I need to ask her, she, uh, doesn’t talk about work too often. It's a kinda old government run thing, she says that it was pretty huge in the 80s and 90s.” I explained, following gestures that indicate a thinking mind.

“Huh, I’ve never heard of it. Sounds important though.” He remarked, impressed.


“Ah, sorry!” The train slowed to a stop at our destination but I lost my balance in the seat, falling slightly into Minato’s side.

“Ah, it’s all good.” Minato's face turned red.

Heart throbbing excessively.

We then got up to exit the train.

So far so good! My first date seems promising!

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