Chapter 14:

Need Of Stimulation

Art in Heart

Just after Diana's declaration, which had exposed a truth I had been fervently trying to conceal from anyone, even my closest friends, the professor made his way into the classroom. The shuffling of feet and rustling of papers marked the return to an atmosphere of studious concentration. It was as if the ordinary routines of academia had swept over the extraordinary revelation like a curtain drawn over a scene of unexpected drama.

The professor's entrance signaled a shift in focus, a collective turning of attention toward the realm of learning. I directed my gaze to the front of the classroom, my mind attempting to regain its footing amidst the whirlwind of emotions that had accompanied the morning's events.

As the lesson unfolded, I found myself intermittently drifting into contemplation, thoughts wandering toward the complex web of relationships and interactions that now seemed to envelop me. Diana's revelation echoed in the recesses of my mind, an undeniable truth that had been brought into the open.

With the arrival of the lunch break, a tangible sense of tension filled the air. The classroom emptied gradually as students made their way out, dispersing into the bustling corridors and open spaces of the college. Amidst the sea of faces, I too decided to step outside, my thoughts heavy with the weight of the recent revelation.

I hesitated momentarily, uncertain about how to approach my friends, who undoubtedly were privy to Diana's bold proclamation. Gathering my resolve, I moved toward Pam's seat, his presence a steady beacon amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions.

Just as I reached his vicinity, Pam rose from his seat, his gaze meeting mine with a firm yet understanding expression. His words, delivered with a sense of finality, resonated in the air, "Don't bother yourself with explanation. And we also won't bother you with upcoming events of you."

The weight of his response settled upon me, a mixture of surprise and relief coursing through my veins. Was this their way of showing understanding, or had they simply chosen not to delve into the intricacies of my situation? It was a question that lingered, an enigma veiled in their words.

Sid and Akhish, as if on cue, rose from their seats and joined Pam, their actions mirroring his sentiment. Without a word, they departed, leaving me standing there, a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions stirring within.

As I stood, grappling with the unfolding events, a voice emerged from the surrounding chatter, a voice that seemed to revel amid the chaos. Ereva, her presence marked by an unmistakable aura of whimsy, caressed her bangs as she remarked, "The day served you better."

Her words, though cryptic, held a certain playful tone, a contrast to the gravity of the situation. I turned to respond, ready to engage in the enigmatic banter that often characterized our interactions. However, before I could utter a word, another voice chimed in, a voice that carried a sense of authority and finality.

"Leave it, Ereva. Just let's go." Flaire's words cut through the air, her tone commanding obedience as she ushered Ereva away from the scene. The two figures vanished into the crowd, leaving a trail of intrigue and unanswered questions in their wake.

Diana, who had been approaching with intent to speak, now stood at a distance, a look of concern mingling with curiosity in her eyes.

I felt a pang of guilt for not addressing her, for evading the conversation that surely awaited us. With a sense of inner conflict, I chose to retreat to my seat, seeking solace in the familiarity of my corner.

The aftermath of Diana's bold revelation lingered like a shadow, casting an introspective hue over my days. As the college bell signaled the end of yet another day, I found myself walking homeward alone, a sense of acceptance settling within me. It was a realization that blame held no place in this complex tapestry, and that understanding and resolution could only emerge from within.

Even within the confines of my home, I grappled with thoughts of visiting Colie. The promise to complete her daughter's unfinished artwork tugged at my conscience.

Doubts plagued my mind – what if I couldn't comprehend the artist's intent?

What if my attempts fell short of doing justice to her vision?

In the midst of my contemplation, an idea took root, a solution that could be pursued after the impending date with Diana.

And so, I embraced the rhythm of college life, allowing events to unfold without resisting their current. I focused on my studies, not engaged in conversations with classmates, and sought solace in the routine.

The day I had been waiting for was drawing closer, a significant event that had woven itself into the fabric of my thoughts.

Just before the dawn of the day I was to meet Diana, the college bell chimed its familiar melody, signifying the end of classes. I exited the college gates, my thoughts absorbed in anticipation.

And there, by the gate, stood Diana, her presence a gentle interruption to the stream of students dispersing in different directions.

Our eyes met a silent exchange that spoke volumes. My steps were resolute, a decision made to keep walking, to allow the momentum of time to carry me forward.

Yet, in an unexpected twist, Diana reached out, her fingers grazing the fabric of my long shirt. "Stop," her voice carried a mix of determination and vulnerability, "I want to say something."

I complied, halting in my tracks, the distance between us filled with unspoken words. Her apology, a confession of regret, unfurled like a fragile blossom amidst the chaos of emotions.

"I am sorry for that day," her voice held a sincerity that resonated, "If you don't want to go on the date, I understand. But please, don't ignore me."

My contemplative gaze met hers, and a moment of shared understanding passed between us. It was a fleeting recognition of the complexity that had entwined our paths. As I pondered her words, a realization took shape within me. In a quiet exhalation, I spoke, "I forgive you, Diana. But there is something I also want to say."

Curiosity danced in her eyes, and she inquired, "What is it?"

I steadied my gaze, the weight of my resolution reflected in my words, "I have work that I need to finish. I cannot allow myself to date or entertain thoughts of love until that work is complete. And for that, I need your skills."

Her perplexity mingled with intrigue, and she regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "My skills? What do you mean?"

Certainly, your skills present a unique opportunity to accomplish multiple tasks concurrently, allowing for the efficient addressing of several goals at once. In this manner, you assume the role of a bridge, facilitating the journey toward my sought-after destination, thereby establishing a seamless connection between the present point and the desired endpoint.