Chapter 3:

Scene 3 "Grimoire".

Infinite Loops Book 1 "The Kingdom of Sunflowers". Section 1

Just before the alarm clock goes off, when the sun's wicked rays enter without asking permission into a lady's room, I open my little eyes, which are the only part of me that I don't feel bruised, but that's the way it must be, if I use my healing magic for this I won't learn my lesson, I unset the alarm so it won't wake Vinz, put on the first thing I find, grab a note and write:

"No video games, yes study".

I leave it on the kitchen table, next to a toast with peanut butter and honey, and an orange box juice with honey, like the breakfast daddy used to leave us when he was in a hurry.

Today I'm in a hurry, I went out with my respective juice with my straw already in place and the toasted bread hanging from my mouth with a few drops of golden honey dripping on my way, I ran so fast that when I turned a corner of the Panalacio, I did what every girl with a bread in her mouth would do, as long as she is the protagonist of her own story.

I crashed in the most exaggerated way possible and as books and loaves of bread, juices and papers, flew through the air, I should have thought.

-Oh my goodness, is this my true love?

-But I'm still too young for that so all I could think about was my lunch, and how I had wasted my delicious bread by bumping into the bland, lukewarm and unmemorable library assistant.

This skinny scholar got up with an agility that did not correspond to a librarian, picked up his things while apologizing without letting me speak, and left, I would have liked to apply some healing spell as an apology, after all it was also a little my fault, plus my light magic is the best in the kingdom that I am given naturally, but he escaped, as one who escapes from a monster or specter, what disrespect for his future princess.

Looking for the remains of my breakfast I found my bread, well what was left of it stuck with the honey side to an old leather bound book, a GRIMORIO, it can't be possible, these books are forbidden, they contain spells and top secret information, but what is something like that doing in the kingdom, where was that strange guy taking it to?

I took the grimoire and hid it under my big dress, picked up what was left of my breakfast and applied the five-second rule, I went slyly out into the field, to the hill of the night before, there, in the solitude of nature I could keep an eye on it.

It was not stealing, as I will soon be officially the princess and in many years to come I will become the queen, everything in the kingdom will be mine, therefore I am not stealing the book.

It seems to me that reading this is more difficult than learning to fly, I don't understand anything, it's as if the letters change places every second, as if they were shaking with cold and moving all over the place throughout the book in complete disorder.

That must be why they haven't bothered to get it back, how old is this, it's probably older than my Abu, it feels cold and gives me a sense of danger I think it wasn't a good idea to take it, I should have just gone back for another loaf of bread and forgotten about all this.

-With a grimoire Vaini.

-AHHHHH, I screamed loudly, frightened by that voice that came out of nowhere.

-Vinz, what a scare, what are you doing here, you should still be at home sleeping or studying, not out here in the middle of nowhere scaring princesses, besides, how did you find me?

-Elemental my dear sister, I followed your honey drops all along the corridor, you must have bumped and after that your weight increased by a kilo and a half, just what that big book weighs, so I was not sure that they were your demon footsteps, but with my magnifying glass I managed to see that the anthropometric distance between foot and foot were still those of

my favorite sister, lightly marking the grass and by following the trail of your monster footprints (-hey that's two insults in one explanation- I thought) I got here to the hill.

-You should stop obsessing so much about those stories now, I don't have time for games, I'm busy.

-You can't read it, can you, you'll need my help.

-Little drone, you don't even know how to read well, but you're already here if you have an idea just say so.

-No, no, no, no, this will cost you.

-What do you want this time?

-MMMM will be 5 hugs and a slime brothers bedtime story, aahh and an hour playing Insectocraft together in your world.

-Well 3 hugs, the story and only half an hour of play.

-All right Vaini we have a deal, show me, I'll use my magnifying glass and my super brain,

-Wow, look how these little ones are shivering with cold, although it is autumn and the weather is nice, my logical deduction is that this grimoire was written and stored where it is very hot, but here it is freezing to death, so to solve it I will use this:

Robo finger of fire now burns with the force of ten suns!

-FIRE, but how did you do that, you have no mana, you were born without magic, aaaa I see it's one more of your robotic contraptions I already saw it come out under your sleeve, to cover your finger, the heat of ten suns yeah right, it's barely the size of a birthday candle flame.

-It's my latest prototype, one day it might burn down a whole building, just wait, but look, this flame will be enough to take the chill off these little guys, (or burn down this whole old book, I don't know).

-Wait, what was the last thing you said, so you're not sure what you're doing?

-Look Vaini it's working, they stop shaking and a sentence is formed, read it quickly, I have a bad feeling.

-For those who are able to read it (AND survive) 

will become the user of: EXPLOSION!

Yours faithfully. Lord Demon Levanov.

-After reading it, the grimoire exploded throwing Vinz and me through the skies, I'm sure we would have died, this was a trap book, but we survived because of the metallic umbrella that Vinz automatically deployed right at the moment of the explosion, and because of my healing light magic, although I used all my mana to heal the horrible burns of my little brother and me we are still recovering and there is that voice again, stunned by the explosion and tired of using all my magic in an instant, I managed to hear inside me something like this:

-New Ability Acquired: MICRO EXPLOSION.

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