Chapter 4:

Scene 4 "Fireworks".

Infinite Loops Book 1 "The Kingdom of Sunflowers". Section 1

-The atmosphere in the Panalacio is tense, something is happening among the high officials, things have been strange for months, I know they are hiding something from the citizens and me, but unfortunately I don't have time for weird ideas of plans in the shadows, maybe it's just a surprise party for someone.

I must concentrate, I only have two days left for the coronation celebration, with the grimoire explosion we almost didn't count it, I must thank that freak of conspiracies and mysteries for being ready with his homemade inventions, thanks to my little brother now I can use microexplosion an ability I never heard of before, although I remember reading Explosion and not microexplosion, I'm not complaining, getting an ability from a grimoire is even stranger than developing it, I wonder if it was just luck, or it was destiny to get it from a grimoire, I'm not complaining, although I remember reading Explosion and not microexplosion, I'm not complaining, getting an ability from a grimoire is even stranger than developing it, I wonder if it was just luck, or it was my destiny to get it, if I know something about the secret abilities of forbidden books is that the best thing is not to show them, because they surely bring problems.

I escaped from everyone and made sure I was not followed, here in front of the river that feeds our kingdom with the vital liquid I will be able to use it without burning anything, this place is ideal with

Just smooth stones scattered on the wet ground and with that big stream of water, no dry vegetation in sight, no other people to hurt, it's the perfect place to experiment.

I will take this speckled stone that looks like a marble, let's see if I can destroy it, let's see how the spell is called, "explosion! only a small flash appeared, that is micro, it barely looked like a spark, when I took the stone again and observed carefully, I see how it lacks a single black speck, instead of it there is a small hole, only the size of a grain of sand, that was its modification, that was the microexplosion, the great power to explode something so small, how disappointing, for that I would have better experimented in my room.

I know, I have an idea, I'll throw it to the other end of the river, my strength is not enough to throw a stone to the other side but if halfway I perform the spell I could propel it, explosion, yes yes yes, it worked, now I'll throw another one and make it dance all over the surface of the river, explosion, explosion, explosion, explosion, explosion, explosion, explosion!

¡explosion!, ¡explosion!, ¡explosion!, ¡explosion!,¡explosion!,¡explosion!, vaya vaya se fue reduciendo mientras saltaba, y dependiendo de qué lado de la piedra concentre el hechizo soy capaz de cambiar su dirección.

It's been several hours and I'm exhausted, exploding things even if they are super small is very very fun, the difficult thing is that it asks me a lot of mana, and as I'm not used to using my light magic, now I almost can't resist, the use of continuous spells tires too much, it feels different from my light magic, maybe it's because I've been using it since I was little, it has been very useful with a brother so naughty, I've even managed to regenerate small parts, a moment and si......

I managed to blow up the stone, maybe I can sacrifice my shoes by making them explode while gliding, and thus continue in the air.....

-Boom! .... -What was that explosion I didn't activate my spell, unless it was....

-Hello Vaini.

-I knew it, I can never get rid of you, what are you doing here?

-Look I'm testing my new invention, remember my flamethrower finger from yesterday.

-...... birthday candle finger.

-Yes flamethrower, now surprise yourself with my fireworks finger, boom, ideal for help signals, distraction, air route indications, look how it rises with that trail of colors behind it and how when it reaches the top it goes boom, don't you think it's great sis, the power of gunpowder, the beautiful colors that are created when it burns and all its possibilities of use.

-Yes yes, in fact I think it's great, you just gave me a great idea, if it works, I will be known as Vanilla the star flight princess.

You're here Vinz, come with me to the hill, I have no time to lose.

Finally I get to the hill, I need altitude to start gliding, it's getting dark, so they can't see me easily, now to run, run, jump, jump, jump, glide, and

Explosion! explosion! explosion! yes, yes it works, but my favorite shoes are falling apart too fast, I think it will only be enough for a few meters of flight before

.... "I'm gooooinnngg to fffaaalll!"!

This is what it feels like to fall from a height of 5 meters.

-Vaini, are you alive? I think you should leave it for now and come back when you have less wounds, and more shoes, too bad you won't be able to regenerate them.

Vinz that is, regenerate small parts, listen to me, my wings are composed of a fine translucent structure if it is possible to make them explode particle by particle while I am gliding this will produce an impulse and if I apply micro-explosion continuously on the tips of my wings, while gliding and at the same time used instantaneous regeneration of my wings all this with silent spells of those that you only say in your mind and do not shout them, I will manage to fly like your fireworks.

-It sounds honeyed Vaini, super impressive, but there is the problem of pain, damaging something as sensitive as the wings is in itself very serious for your health, and also when you make me healing, it hurts twice as much as the original wound hurt, healing, has a price to pay. And that price is measured in pain.

-Yes, don't think I didn't think about it, but I can't disappoint my Abu at the coronation, I can't let everyone down, if I don't fly, then I'll look like a fool, you know what can happen to the Abejoids that don't fly, they are considered a failureo. sorry Vinz I didn't mean it

like that, it's just that sometimes I forget that you don't even have ....

-Hahaha, it's okay Vaini, you have little time left and if this is your way, I'll be here to catch you if you ever fall.

-The hill looks higher today, but I must do it, I must learn to fly, even if it makes me cry with pain, blast, blast, blast, ahhhhhhh, healing, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Vinz was right, healing hurts twice as much, and with the wind going through the areas to heal it doesn't help at all....

-Come on Vaini, you can do it, yes, look at you 150 meters, 300 meters, you look fantastic with those hundreds of iridescent sparks exploding from your wings, you really look like a shooting star, but going up in the sky instead of coming down, it's incredible, you did it and you still have one more day to perfect it.

-Yes, I can't think clearly anymore, the pain clouds everything, did you see that Vinz, did you see it, I went all the way around the hill, although I feel like I was crushed by a whole army of marching ants, I just have to practice and I'll be able to manage it better, come, hold me, carry me, I have to vomit uagggggggg.

-You are Vanilla the shooting star of the sunflower kingdom, what do you think.

-Let me wipe it off, grab me well. Too long, too ostentatious, I like it, I'll keep it,

-I managed to smile at him, before fainting, leaning on his shoulders and leaning completely on his back... without wings at least for tonight we would be the same, I didn't even manage to understand that voice in my mind.

-New skill achieved, stellar flight.

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