Chapter 7:

Scene 7 "Insectocraft".

Infinite Loops Book 1 "The Kingdom of Sunflowers". Section 1

-Vinz let's run to our home.

-I took him by the hand just as the puddle had reached our feet, and the same way we had left in the morning is how we returned, with the difference of the red footprints we left all over the road.

-I was still in shock, our kingdom is peaceful, there are no violent dead, but I had to tell Vinz what I knew, what happened the night before, I started by explaining that I already controlled the stellar flight, that I had surpassed the use of royal jelly by far, that the moon was not what we had been told all our lives, that there was a huge secret nest of monstrous Wasps in it, that I had barely made it back, but the more I talked the crazier I sounded, I myself would not have believed half of all that, even if I had seen it, that I had barely made it back, that there was a huge secret nest of monstrous wasps on it, that I had barely made it back, but the more I talked the crazier she sounded, I wouldn't have believed half of it myself, even if I saw pictures or videos as proof, it all just sounded like an invention of someone who has been living between padded walls for years.

-Vinz took my hands to calm me down, looked at me with his two huge eyes sparkling like diamonds and told me what I needed to hear, but he meant it, not like when adults say it.

-I believe you Vaini

-What do you mean, you believe me? I don't even believe myself, maybe I imagined it all because of an overdose of royal jelly and lack of oxygen.

-We are always fighting but you are my big sister, you don't need to convince me, I will always believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself.

-I couldn't do anything but hug him and burst into tears because of everything I was going through.

-So, you were the shooting star of the charlatan Oracle's prophecy.

-Yes, but don't mention him to anyone, I don't want to remember that horrible man, and

let's not talk about him anymore because his ghost may appear.

-Let's play insectocraft, you promised me.

-Yes, yes, but first to take a bath and eat something.

-Yes, I'll show you the trick I learned on insectube this super honeyed.

-Once we had eaten and cleaned up we spent the whole afternoon playing and laughing as children's afternoons are supposed to be, just fun, with no other things on our minds, or in our hearts.