Chapter 20:

Submission #1: Crossing


[Submitted by WittyAcorn]

A chicken crosses the road. John asks Susan, 'Why did the chicken cross the road?'

Susan says, 'I shall demonstrate a proof by contradiction.'

John asks the chicken, 'Why did you cross the road?'

The chicken says, '🐔'. 

Susan starts crossing the road but stops in the middle. She says, 'Ask yourself: "Why is Susan not crossing the road?" Once you know the answer to this question, apply a negation function after replacing the variable "Susan" with the variable "chicken". Then—' 

A speeding car materialises from thin air and fucking kills Susan. It runs her over. Her head smashes open and her brain spills out like jelly. Her legs are flattened. There is blood everywhere.

A light bulb lights over John's head. He smiles.

John says, 'Oh. I see now. It wanted to get to the other side!' 

The chicken leaves, never to be seen again. John goes back home, a changed man.

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