Chapter 35:

Chapter 35 Gorbledee-snacko! Flamboshta?!

Bound by Fate: The Elf's Embrace

As we strolled down the street, the idyllic weather that had greeted us in the morning began to take a gloomy turn. The once-clear sky was now marred by ominous, rolling storm clouds, their shades of gray hinting at an impending downpour.

Noticing the change in the weather, I pointed to the darkening sky and said to the goblin, "Hey Goblinworth, look up in the sky. It seems like we might have some rain heading our way. Maybe we should think about finding some shelter or a cozy spot to wait it out?"

As the goblin scampered about, its tiny shoes pattering against the ground, he suddenly halted, turning back to me with an excited expression. I noticed that the goblin was more occupied with the tantalizing aroma of street food wafting through the air than the actual weather. His eyes twinkled with delight as he pondered our dilemma.

 In a spirited, high-pitched voice, he responded, "Rain? Hmm, rain clouds do look a bit grumbly, don't they? Uh-hu, yes! The storm is coming! Hmm, what to do, what to do? Maybe we should find a cozy nook before the rain starts dropping? I do not like to get drenched, soggy clothing feels yucky! But..." 

With a grumbling stomach, he couldn't help but let out a guttural sigh. 

"Ah, but my belly's roaring like a dragon, it is! Goblin's tummy always longing for munchies! Food's calling to me like a siren's song. We oughta keep going to the food stall, Master Kazuki. Rain won't stop us from filling our bellies! Food! The food is good! Maybe we can find a place to eat and enjoy a meal while we wait for the rain to pass! Yes, that's it!"

"Well, you do have a point. Who cares about a little rain when there's delicious food to be had, right?" I agreed, mirroring his excitement.

As we ventured further through the streets, our anticipation for the food grew, but so did the ominous signs in the sky. Dark clouds, heavy with rain, merged overhead. The once bright and promising day had taken a dramatic turn for the worse.

We stumbled upon a food stall, the smell of sizzling meats and savory spices filled the air. As we approached the stall, a distant rumbling echoed ominously, as if the very heavens were protesting our festive mood.

"Looks like the weather's taking a turn," I observed, trying to keep my tone light despite the growing unease, "We'd better hurry if we want to enjoy the meal without getting drenched."

Goblinworth fueled by hunger charged toward the food stall. Every step he took was a whirlwind of flailing limbs and bounces, his demeanor that of a goblin on a noble quest for the ultimate feast. As he approached the food stall, the vendor, a patient soul accustomed to Goblinworth's flamboyant visits, greeted him warmly.

 "Ah, Goblinworth! Back again, I see! What delightful delicacies shall we embark upon today?"

With a flurry of energetic gestures, Goblinworth's arms became a flurry of motion. His voice erupted in a series of guttural tones and curious clicks, he was eager to explore the culinary wonders before him.

 "Ah, my dear vendor! Today, I seek the most tantalizing, the most jaw-dropping, the most finger-licking wonders your culinary prowess has to offer! Lay them upon me, I am ready to indulge in a tummy adventure like no other!"

The vendor chuckled, accustomed to Goblinworth's spirited banter. 

"Very well, my enthusiastic friend. How about we start with a plate of Goblin Grub Galore? It's a medley of crispy fried critters and spicy mushrooms, seasoned with a secret blend of herbs and spices, and that's not all. I will add a few slices of Goblin's favorite Wild Rush apple!"

 He pointed at the array of dishes with excitement, his fingers dancing in the air as if tracing the contours of an imminent feast.

Goblinworth climbed on top of the chair, his eyes widened, and he danced on the spot while gazing at the delicious-looking food spread on the table. 

"Goblin Grub Galore with Wild Rush apples, you say? A symphony of critters and mushrooms? My taste buds tingle with anticipation! Bring it forth, give me that tasty munchie, my tummy can't wait any longer!"

With a glint of curiosity, I turned to the vendor and asked, "I'll have what Goblinworth is having, please."

The vendor hesitated before responding, "Ah, my adventurous friend. Goblin Grub Galore is a dish unlike any other, and Goblinworth here has a palate especially attuned to its flavors. For a goblin, it's a delectable delight, but I must caution you, for a human, it would be a perilous venture. The spices and ingredients might prove to be quite... poisonous."

With each mouthful of Goblin Grub Galore, Goblinworth's delight was heightened. He couldn't contain his glee, yelling between bites, "Oh, the crunch! Mmmm! The spice! Uwyyy! This is a taste sensation beyond compare! A culinary masterpiece for the belly!"

 Turning to Goblinworth, who was still slurping his meal, I said, "Well, little buddy, it seems this dish is meant for goblins alone. I'll have to explore other meals that are more suited to my human taste."

Goblinworth, his mouth full of the scrumptious dish, shot me an animated nod of agreement, his eyes twinkling with delight and bliss.

As he munched on his savory Goblin Grub Galore, he turned to the vendor with a friendly grin, his mouth still partially occupied by the flavorful dish. Between bites and chomping chews, he managed to articulate his request.

 "Vendor, vendor! My Master Kazuki here needs a taste of your culinary magic too! Get him something tasty to nibble on!"

The stall owner pointed at the meat skewered on the spike, well cooked, and asked the goblin, "How about Flamboshta?"

"Gorbledee-snacko! Flamboshta?!" Goblinworth yelled, food scrubs flying out of his gaping mouth while his eyes were wide with joy as he pointed at sizzling meat.

The stall owner responded with a hearty laugh, "Snortle-yes! Crispo-flamboshta, fresh from the fire!"

Goblinworth's excitement knew no bounds, his hands clapping together as he joyfully yelped, "Snortle-snacko indeed! One flamboshta for Master Kazuki and one with extra snizzle and snortle for me, if you please!"

The stall owner nodded with a grin, his hands a flurry of action as he assembled a culinary masterpiece and handed it to me while saying, "Here you go, one flamboshta, just for you, Sir Kazuki."

 Then he handed the other plate with a dish to Goblinworth, "Snizzle, snortle, and flamboshta, just for you, my dear goblin friend. Enjoy the taste!"

Goblinworth's eyes locked onto the colossal chunk of meat, a gleam of insatiable hunger in his wild, green orbs. With a goblin-like piggish passion, he seized the mammoth nibble in his grubby hands. The succulent juices dripped down from the meat, causing his fingers to glisten with grease. Without hesitation, he flung his jaws wide open, creating a thunderous clap as he smacked the meat into his cavernous mouth. The saucy juices erupted in a glorious, chaotic spectacle, splattering across his face like a flavorful shower.

As he continued his ferocious feast, he grabbed a giant wooden spoon, specially provided for him by the vendor, and began to pound the meat down his throat with rhythmic thuds. In the midst of his meaty conquest, he couldn't help but vocalize his satisfaction with a series of guttural, goblin-like noises.

"Grrrrowl! Rrrrragh! The meat! The sauce! This is goblin happiness! Grrgargh!"

As we indulged in the delectable cuisine, the weather around us gradually took a turn for the worse. Dark, foreboding clouds thickened, and the first few raindrops began to patter down from the sky. It wasn't long before the once-bustling streets began to empty, leaving only a scattering of panicked goblins frantically scurrying about, their confusion and desperation visible as they sought shelter from the impending storm.

Amidst the encroaching storm, the goblins around us began to engage in a raucous exchange, their voices a chorus of confusion and absurd.

A frightened goblin, who had sought refuge beneath an overturned wooden cart, squeaked in terror, "Eeeeek! Wreeee! What's happening? Sky boom! Reeee! Why does the sky try to blind me!"

One goblin with wild, flailing arms babbled, "Rain from the sky! Oh, woe is us! What do? What do? Rain falls, thunder roars! What can poor goblins do?"

Another, attempting to hide under a large cabbage leaf, added with wide eyes, "Oh, oh, big noise! Very big noise! Hide! Hide! The flash of light will fry the goblin! Run fried goblins!"

Equally confused, responded, "Hide in the hole! Find hole! Find shelter! But not the crack! The hole is better!"

A particularly troubled goblin piped up, "No hole! No hole here! What now? What now?"

Yet another, clutching a shiny trinket in its trembling hands, cried, "Bright flash! Bright flash! Make it stop! My eyes! I will turn blind!"

Their frantic dialogue continued, each goblin trying to outdo the other in expressing their confusion and distress.

Yet another goblin attempting to use a small pot as an umbrella, yelled, "I heard the sky is crying! We need to make it stop! Wait! I have it! We must throw the water back at the sky! That's how we'll win!"

The scared goblin clutched his head, his voice rising in an exaggerated wail, "Ahh, water! Water from the sky! What treachery is this?"

A goblin with an empty bucket on his head shouted in alarm, "Run for cover, fellow goblins! The sky is leaking, and it might not stop! Seek shelter in the nearest hole!"

One goblin, with a perpetually bewildered expression, shouted, "Skywater! What does it want from us? Is it hungry? Should we feed it something?"

Another, clutching a handful of soggy leaves in a futile attempt to shield himself, babbled, "The sky's leaking, I tell ya! Someone call a roof fixer-upper!"

A particularly anxious goblin, eyes wide with terror, blurted out, "I heard this happens when the moon is upset! We must apologize to the moon immediately!"

Some goblins clung to lamp posts, their tiny hands gripping the metal with white-knuckled intensity, "Lightning bad! Thunder loud! No want to be crispy fried goblin! Lamppost save! Keep goblin safe!" one goblin yelped, his voice a shrill symphony of panic.

In the midst of this chaotic dialogue, Goblinworth leaned over and whispered, "Master Kazuki, perhaps it's best we stay under this roof for now. It seems the goblins have their own unique take on the weather. Silly hatchlings, these are the less fortunate ones."

Our food stall had the fortune of a small roof that provided shelter from the rain, keeping us relatively dry for the moment. However, as I glanced into the distance, a note of concern crept into my thoughts. The lightning flashes were becoming increasingly frequent and intense, and the rumbling of thunder drew nearer, each clap rumbling through the air.

As I observed the goblins in the midst of their frenzied panic on the streets, an unexpected turn of events unfolded before my eyes. Out of nowhere, a group of catpeople sprang into action, their agile movements swift and graceful. What had initially appeared to be ordinary house cats had, to my astonishment, transformed into humanoid cat people within a matter of seconds. I nearly dropped my food in my awe at this startling sight.

The transformation was nothing short of mesmerizing. These catpeople, now standing on two legs with fur-covered bodies and distinctly feline features, emanated an air of confidence and capability. Their eyes, which had once been those of docile domestic cats, now gleamed with intelligence and resolve.
