Chapter 7:

Goblin Zone

Reincarnation Zone

~After 8 hours of traveling and resting they reach the goblin zone at noon.

Commander Wasp: Listen up everyone we will now enter the goblin zone. A zone known as the nest of goblins expect ambush on tall grass, trees above and on the ground as elite goblin learn how to make tunnels underground. This is where most of the casualties occurred, extra attention is required we will just stop at the camping site on the open field.

Now girls, ladies or ladyboys should stick with the guys near you that you can trust the guards are not enough to watch you all. Thats all! Does everybody got that?!

Everyone: sir! yes sir!

Akim: *surprised* woah i didnt expect that! We should be near the pretty ladies since the start!

Kaito: *laughs* yeah what a surprise commander wasp really take care of us.

They saw two newbie young lady at the distance that dont want to group up. Akim approach them.

Akim: hey ladies! You can trust us. *funny grinning face*

Lady 1: uhmmm i dont think so?

Lady 2: yeah your face looks like a goblin.

Kaito: *laughs* dont be so hard on him you can come with us!

Akim: we will protect you at any cost! *brings out his pike*

Lady 1: okay atleast 1 guy looks decent enough.

Lady 2: i guess we can take chance we can scream for help anytime if these guys do anything funny to us.

Akim: come on guys do i really look that bad.

Lady 1: *laughs* we’re just toying with you next time dont approach young lady with a creepy grin like that.

Lady 2: yeah and dont be the typical knight in shining armor guy too!

Akim: i guess thats fair i learn enough lesson from 2 ladies today. By the way what’s your name beautiful ladies!

Lady 1: i’m eka

Lady 2: I’m liza

Akim: im akim nice to meet you two. *About to do handshake*

Eka: we don’t do handshakes.

Liza: yeah i bet your hands goes to something dirty.

Kaito: *sweat laughs* I’m kaito.

Akim: these ladies maybe hard to deal with. I dont know if their tsundere, yandere or just being doremon. *whisper* They’re cute but their attitude maybe a little bit of for me you can choose between them now.

Kaito: uhmm im not the type that hit on every cute girls i saw you know. Im looking for the one that will caught my attention without even trying.

Akim: okay i guess its not our day to get ladies today.

*they laughs*

The caravan tighten their distance to easily protect each other from attacks of the monsters.

They continue to walk to the goblins territory as the sky begin to darken they heard faint screeches all over the forest. After a while the front unit begin to encounter some hungry goblins and exterminate them quickly. The goblins got a cheap loots because of their absurd number and production rate. But the elite goblins that have weapon is more valuable their body is built different. The weapon or armor that they pick got a value itself if its belong to the royalty victim it will be really expensive.

As they go deeper into the goblin zone while they carefully keep tracks of their surroundings kaito saw something, their first encounter with monster since they got weapons finally happens.

Kaito: hey guys i finally saw goblins look at our left side! There’s two slowly closing.

Akim: *surpised* they look creepy in person. Keep your distance eka, liza they’re about to attack. Just leave it to me they should be just one thrust in the head each.

*The two ladies screams*

Liza: waaaa! Goblins are charging at us.

Eka: Let’s bring us our weapon. Liza just remember what granpa teach us.

Liza: okay!

The two ladies brings out their weapon its a katana and a whip.

Akim: hmm the katana is obvious but i didnt expect a whip.

Kaito: *laughs* yeah i thought its just a rope. I think we should leave it to them so if they go on their own they dont rely on somebody to protect them.

Akim: okay i guess thats reasonable, i will just kill one to test out how my weapon par with goblins.

Akim proceed to stab 1 approaching goblin it didnt go down in one thrust in the face the goblins screams. So he stabs his heart black blood burst all over his weapon. The other goblin continue to charge at the ladies.

Eka slice the goblin chest but its not deep enough to fatally injured the goblin. Liza whip the goblins head many times so as eka slash it with her katana and the goblins head cracks opens. The two young ladies are terrified their weapon are socked in black blood.

~Goblins: a class “d” monster their appearance is about 3ft tall for the normal ones the elite goblins is about 4ft tall. They weigh from 20-40 kg got dark green slimy and sticky skin because of their poor hygiene and their filthy environment. They got pointy ears and eyes like a snake some got hair some dont have because of their mix genetics.

~Black blood: this is the “blood” that all monster have humans begins to categorize animals, beast and monsters by their bloods.

After they killed the goblin akim demonstrate how to take their mats basically dissect them. Kaito open his newly bought monster guide book to learn whats the valuable part of the goblin.

Kaito: their valuable mats are their claws, fangs, ears and eyes as for the elite ones they almost same just a little bit more expensive but if they hold a weapon its can more valuable than the mats itself.

Akim: okay leave it to me watch me eka and liza. If you want to be a true adventurer you must learn this basic skills. This is basically how we can earn gold coins aside from the quest rewards.

*akim proceeds to harvest the goblins with his dagger*

Eka: *puke* what a stench i cant stand goblins really..

Liza: anything but goblin.. i know we should hate them for their crime against women their foul smell make my stomach turns too.

Kaito: you guys should be accustomed by the smell of flesh or rotten things. You cant be adventurer if you two are scared of cutting them.

Akim: yeah you guys should harvest your kill. Just think of it as he wants to kill you earlier and make it fast the caravan will leave us.

*After they saw akim cut harvesting mats they just imitate how he cuts*

Eka: *holding breath* okay i guess its now or never..

Liza: yeah lets just tough it out real quick.

They successfully harvest the goblin mats and put it in their mats sack.

~Mats sack: a special sack bag that all adventurer must have to preserve their loots. It a sack bag with salt and preservatives so the mats will not smell or rot immediately.

After a while of fighting they defeat 10 goblins along the road. They split the mats. Then they arrive to the open field where they will camp. The trumpets starts to horn signaling they should stop and start to camp.

Eka: uhmmm.. we should thank you guys for not babysitting us and for treating us like equal adventurers.

Liza: yeah sorry for not trusting you guys at first specially akim. You guys are awesome we learn a lot from you guys today.

Akim: *blushed* i knew you just will come through realization at some point i didnt really expect its this fast you guys are fast learner.

Kaito: yeah experience is the best teacher as the saying says. Tomorrow we will fight for our lives again. Our journey is just starting. *chuckles*

*They begin to camp beside each other*

Eka: what are you guys doing you dont have a tent?

Kaito: yeah this is my first time outside the village and i dont really have the money to buy it. *laughs*

Akim: this is us on the rock bottom literally starts from scratch. *laughs* not if some pretty ladies let us sleep on their tent. *imagining eka and liza on their pajamas* *funny face*

Liza: *blushed* idiot! Even its raining or snowing we wont let guys sleep beside us inside our tent you know. Its how to be girls 101 you know.

Eka: the only exception is if you’re a very handsome prince. See you guys tomorrow

*The ladies laughs*

*closed their tents*

Kaito: i guess we will just sleep under the stars like a man!

Akim: *puffs on his pipe* yeah i wont trade stargazing and feeling the night breeze inside a hot tent. But if theres hot ladies inside why not.

*They laughs*
