Chapter 33:

Chapter 33 – I Miss You

Accidental Encounter

"Miss, you have someone who's insisting on meeting with you," Nina knocked on Charlotte's door again.

"Who is it?" Charlotte opened the door to her office.

"Kallum Moltz," the older man held his hand out to her. "I've done some research on your company and I heard you were looking for new investors."

Charlotte's eyes widened. "Do you mean the Kallum Moltz who came up with the program for cyber defence that acts as the base for everything these days?"

"One and the same," he chuckled.

Charlotte shook his hand. "How did you end up researching my company, though? I heard you left the business world decades ago."

"I did. There were some complications with others in the field who wanted to capitalize more on the program. No one liked when I went wide with it, basically giving it away. We had made plenty by then, anyway. As you said, it was a base to build on. I tried to stay out of that world, but I do like making investments in worthwhile companies."

"And you think mine is one of them?"

"A young man I've been talking to recently sure seems to think so."

Charlotte froze. "By young man, do you mean...?"

"I'm sworn to secrecy on that part. I can say he can't stop thinking about you." He noticed a sparkle in her eye and couldn't help but smile. "Now, what was I hearing about a new project you were working on?"

Eric bought a new phone once he had saved enough money for one, along with the cheapest plan he could get. At his motel room, he'd use the free wi-fi to look up new articles on Charlotte to make sure Dean kept his word, and to keep an eye on her business.

Eric sighed. I miss you so much... and this probably isn't helping me get over you. Do I want to get over you, though? You're the only woman I've fallen in love with, but I can't be with you. Maybe I'll just pine for the rest of my life.

He laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I should probably find a proper place to live in. I've been here long enough. He tried to keep all his expenses as low as possible so he could save up some money, but it was taking it's told.


I fed you already! Eric groaned as his stomach growled again. Kal kept insisting on feeding him meals at the store, but when he was off on the weekend, he stuck to eating ramen and drinking filtered water.

Unable to bear the hunger any longer, Eric rolled out of bed. He grabbed his wallet and keys and headed to the grocery store down the street.

I can only imagine how Timo would complain if he saw me eating only ramen. He stood staring at the vegetables. It's not like I have a stove to cook anything with, though. Microwaveable food it is. He grabbed a bunch of frozen dinners like he used to eat. I hope I can fit these in that tiny freezer they give you.

Eric paid for his frozen dinners and a few pieces of junk food he splurged on, and headed back to the motel. He shuffled his bags around, reaching for his keys while in the parking lot. When he got close to his room, he froze. A woman with a hat, mask, and sunglasses on was waiting at his door. She turned to him and he dropped his bags.

There was no way he wouldn't recognize her, even with the mask on.

"Char..." Eric stumbled back a few steps. His heart rate spiked and breathing went ragged. "What... are you doing here?" He backed away further. "You can't be here..." He turned to run.

"Wait, Eric!" Charlotte chased after him. He didn't make it far before she grabbed his arm to stop him, and then wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. "You have no idea how much I've missed you," she sighed and leant her head on his back.

What are you doing here? And how did you find me? Eric opened his mouth to ask, but nothing came out.

"I'll get you back and out of this motel soon, I promise. It'll just be a little bit longer," Charlotte sighed. "But I had to see you."

"You know, I thought if we saw each other, you'd be angry and slap me for being an ungrateful man that broke your heart..."

"I know why you did it, and I've been trying to focus on fixing things so I can safely bring you back, but it's hard to not have you to come home to. It's funny, since I should still be used to it, considering how many years I've done it... but I feel you missing more than I ever thought possible. I will get you back, Eric."

"Has... Dean bothered you?" Eric managed to ask.

"He's tried to get closer to me, but I've turned him down at every corner."

"Did he threaten you with the evidence?"

"Not yet, but I've been trying to keep our encounters as brief as possible, and Timo has been sticking to me as much as possible. He's not really supposed to go near Dean, but since Dean's the one coming close to him, he can't complain."

Grumble. Eric's stomach let out a loud growl.

"Was that... what I think it was?" Charlotte asked, loosening her grip on him.

Eric's face turned red. "Um... He turned around and pointed at the grocery bags left in the parking lot. I was out on a food run to stop the growling."

Her brows furrowed. "You're not eating well?" Charlotte automatically pulled out her wallet. "I can give you some cash so it can't be traced." Eric put his hand over hers.

"Thank you, but that's not necessary. I'm doing okay."

"Your face and stomach tell a different story," she lightly trailed her hand down his cheek. "You're looking quite pale and have dark circles under your eyes."

"So do you..." Eric trailed off, not sure he should mention it.

"I know; I should cover them up better," she looked down.

"That's not what I meant. You're not sleeping much, are you?"


"I guess I should let you eat something," Charlotte went over to his bags to help clean up the spilt contents. "Frozen dinners and other junk food?"

Eric scratched the back of his head. "Uh, well, I don't have a stove here, and I'm used to living off of these..." He knelt down to pick up what was left. "Thanks."

"I guess I should go now..." Charlotte sighed, her shoulders slouching.

A sense of panic flew through him. "It you don't mind frozen dinners, would you like to join me for a meal? Unless you've eaten..." Of course, she has; Timo would make sure of it.

"I'd love to." Charlotte followed him into his motel room. She noticed right away how small it was, but at least he had kept it clean.

"Please have a seat," he pointed to the kitchen table. "Now, which one would you like?" He spread them out on the table.

"Hmm... How about the chicken fettuccini one?"

"Sure, whichever you want." Eric microwaved both their chosen dinners and sat down at the table across from her. "Careful, it's pretty hot when it first comes out."

"So..." Charlotte twiddled her thumbs. "You're doing well?"

"Could be better, but well enough. I have a decent job, and this place is cheaper than renting my old place, somehow. It's a miracle Karen could set me up with this. It was a whirlwind."

"How long are you planning on staying here?"

"It's a good place, but I guess I could use a real stove... Um, you didn't say, how did you find me?"

"Do you really need to ask? Timo; he's an excellent tracker." Charlotte blew on her fettuccini and ate. "Oh, this is better than I was expecting."

"I know it's still not the professional kind you're used to."

"No, it's good, really."

Neither knowing what else to say, they ate in silence.

Charlotte wiped her lips when she finished. "Thank you for the meal. And while I'd love to stay longer, I'm sure Timo might find out I'm missing and come looking for me."

Eric froze. "Timo doesn't know you're here?" He'll kill me if he finds out.

"No, he was against me coming here, but it's been weeks, and I couldn't take it anymore." Charlotte stood. "I'll show myself out. Until next time, Eric," she approached him, and leaned in close, gripping his chin.

Eric went rigid. "What are you— Hmm!" She cut him off with a deep kiss full of longing that sent electricity flowing through him.

"Don't you dare court anyone else. You're mine, Eric, and I'll be back for you, so keep waiting patiently for the knight to rescue her prince." Charlotte released him and left, the door clicking shut behind her.

Eric stayed sitting at the table, stunned for a long while after she was gone.

She's my knight in shining armour?