Chapter 6:

Bros Meet Boogie

Where the Rivers Meet

The ceremony seemed to last forever. Once people got up, the two tardies made their way out. This time, everyone pushed. Sassara grabbed his hand before she was swept away from him. He took it. Moved away from the current of people, to the side of the double doors.

"Are we waiting for your friends?"

"Yes. They sat at the back. "

"Makes sense." She looked back at the river of people making their way to their homeroom classes. "Well, I guess I'll see you later then." She took a step towards the stream of students.

"Where are you going," he said with incomprehension. 

"I thought you might want to reunite with your friends and stuff." 

Conan laughed hard. "What are you saying? I've seen these idiots all summer. And I'll be seeing them every day now." He paused, "Just stay right here. Besides, do you even know where you have to go?"

"Well I would've asked someone!"

"Just ask your Student rep," he said, pointing to himself.

Conan saw them. The guys walked to their side. They were all smiling.

“Guys, this is Sassara, she’s the transfer student in our class." He then turned to her. "Sassara, these are my guy friends. There’s Ali. His dad works for the FBI."

"I can say it because we're not on American soil." Ali smiled at Sassara. He chewed his gum with an opened mouth. They checked but she fumbled. Ali laughed. "Girl, are you high?"

She laughed "I'm sorry. Just bear with me. I learn fast."

Conan continued. "Then there’s Marco, The Poker Master. His dad fights for big banks against small people."

"That's true, but I won't be like that," Marco said, and shook her hand. "I'm Marco. Your future lawyer, and future husband."

A smack on the forehead wouldn't hurt.

“And then Lancelot," Conan finished. "Who actually looks like the original Lancelot. His Dad is a textile manufacturer for designer brands."

He gave her a kiss on both cheeks. “Welcome Sassara. Call me Lance. I hope you’ll like it here.”

“And also,” Lance added. “Because otherwise it’s not fair." He turned to Conan. "This is our friend Conan. His dad is the CEO and founder of a stainless steel manufacturer. "

"So your dad builds motor parts?"

"Yeah. From rockets to racing cars."

Lance continued. "He's strong, he's kind, and he's the only Italian that can't tan."

"No way," Sassara said. "You're Italian too?"

"Wait. You're Italian?"

"Seriously," said Ali, looking her up and down.

She laughed. "Yeah! My dad is Japanese, but my mom is from the Abruzzi. You know? On the opposite coast to Rome? Do you speak it? Do you often go there?"

Conan was beaming, but his friends grew loud."What are we going to do? There's two of these peasants now," Ali said. 

"We gotta stick together then." Conan said to her. 

"Sounds good to me."

Their class walked a long corridor. They passed the corner, and a teacher faced them in front of open doors. Their homeroom class. 

It was also where they had economics. Conan's favourite class, and teacher. 

He was a short British man with shoes that echoed in the corridor halls. His hands joined together in front of him, a funny smile on his face. “Hello there, welcome back, come in, come in.” The four boys passed. “Ah hello there, the three musketeers and D'Artagnan have arrived.”

“Good morning Mr. Brown,” Conan said. “I’m so happy you're our homeroom teacher." 

He lets a high laugh escape. “I hope you do not regret these words in the weeks to come.” 

After a quick talk with Mr. Brown, Sassara entered the class. A bay of tall windows stretched across the wall. It overlooked a part of the park, which spurred her on as she searched for a seat. 

The room was longer than large. Desks placed facing the middle of the room. No groups, just side neighbours. Everyone knew who they would sit with long before entering the homeroom. 

Conan and his friends sat in the far right corner, laughing. They had not reacted when she entered, but Sassara felt Conan's eyes flutter to her. 

They were a funny bunch, but Sassara had to focus in class. This was her second chance. No. What she wanted, was to find a nice girl. 

She walked to the back of the class, closing in on where the guys sat. Conan looked up. 

She smiled at him, and passed them. 

Be cool be cool be cool.

She headed to where a group of girls were taking a bit more time  to sit. “I swear Zyra you're so dramatic. This is just homeroom.” said one to a girl who was sat down.

“But then I don’t have the best view of the class,” she replied. She was pretty, petite, with short black hair and long bangs. "Come on Julie. Can't you just gossip at break? I was here first."

 “I want to chat with Louise," said Julie. "Just move." 

The guys were listening.

She pulled up to the girls with a big smile. "Hey! I'm the new student. Sassara. Nice to meet you girls." She turned to her side. "It's Zyra, right? Is it ok if I sit next to you?

She smiled. “Sure,” she said without acknowledging the girls still standing. 

“It’s nice to meet you girls too! Louise and Julie, right? What subjects are you all taking?” 

“Who said you could sit there? Didn't you hear what we were saying?”

 “I'm sorry, I didn't want to cause trouble. I just liked this spot." She started moving her hands around. "You see, on the left there's the windows. Straight across, you have the whiteboard so I can see every corner clearly. And most of all,” she adds “I’m not distracted by people sitting across from me.” 

She looked to the distraction on her left, and caught Conan staring right back. 

"I like your way of thinking," said Zyra.

“Whatever," said Julie, and they left. 

Sassara and Zyra talked while everyone sat down. They then listened to Mr.Brown talk about dress code, lockers, and timetables. 

Later, Mr. Brown reached for his phone. "I have to go to the main office. I will be back in fifteen. You're old now, I trust you will behave." And he left. Chatter rose.

Zyra fell in her own silence and took her phone out. Good. Sassara had kept her spirits up all morning despite the unexpected turns of events. With everything being new, she had been functioning on pure adrenaline. 

Now alone with her thoughts, the tension wooshed out. She had been bitten, and ran longer than she had ever done before. The main office had not even let her in at first. She was a last-minute transfer. She understood the confusion, but still. 

However, everything had gone well thanks to Conan.

Conan. He did look like a Conan. He was big and strong, with dark hair and fair skin. She could see the Italian in how hairy he was. And his laugh was loud and full of life. Like thunder in a summer storm. But she had to stop smiling so much. When he looked at Sassara, her cheeks would hurt. Ridiculous. 

People started chatting. Conan looked at Sassara and Zyra. He was in a great mood. “Isn’t it nice? They’re getting along!"

Lance looked at the girls. “Yeah, it is nice. Like this, she’ll stop sticking to us,” he said louder on purpose.

Zyra shouted at Lance. “Oh yeah? Come back when you’ve grown a full beard, little boy,” she threw with a smirk.

"Don't bring my facial hair into this!" The guys bursted into laughter.

Julie and Louise were gosipping next to the whiteboard. They stared at Zyra with bitter daggers. They were clearly talking about her. And did not care to hide it. 

What were they so damn sour about? It was the first day of school for pete sake. 

Ah. So tired. She fell deep in her thoughts. 

"Hey, new girl. What are you staring at?"