Chapter 84:

080 – FInal Day

Rainbow of the Horizon

"Hey… Wake up…

Gin… It's already morning… Wake up now…"

Gin's eyes half-opened.

He was not in the middle of a dream, and yet what he is seeing is deviating from reality. It was as though he is in an imaginary reality in a not very distant future, opening his eyes in front of a woman that is looking at her very closely as she leaned forward.

A slight movement of his fingers made him snap back to reality and saw that he is inside a Japanese-styled bedroom. He maybe saw an imaginary reality, but what was after that was real. Gin's eyes then opened wide with the fine appearance of Rin in front of her.

Rin looked closely, and saw the extreme worry written on his lover's face. While that is still on her mind, she bent a smile on her lips and spoke up.

"Didn't I tell you that I'll wake you up?"

As fast as two consecutive blinks of an eye, Gin tightly wrapped his trembling arms around the body of the woman and cried out a struggling voice.

"R-Rin… Thank goodness… you're alright…"

"Yes I am… But I think… it's best if you let go now, Gin… You kinda caught us off guard."

Gin realized what Rin meant. He remembered that Shiro and Nanase are in the same room as the two. From where he is sat, it had seemed that he fell asleep without lying down on a futon. He felt a slight stiffness on his back.

Attempting to satisfy his assumption, he turned his head to his left and saw Shiro's nonchalant face as she covered her mouth femininely, and Nanase whose face is turning red.

"I'm so glad you're fine," he turned back and did not even let go.


▪ ▪ ▪

"I'll be on the rooftop for a bit to sort out my head. If anyone looked for me, just tell them where I am," is what Gin said to Rin upon briefly meeting after getting changed. And thus, he is found leaning on the cold railings on the rooftop of the hotel with his "armor" as his layer, a red scarf that is originally Rin's, a beanie, and a pair of gloves.

Rin had kept silent upon noticing, but at this point, Gin's right eye has not yet gone back to its true black.

"So this is where I would find you."

He turned his head and saw Ryota ways behind him and turned back anew to the view of the horizon with a few words.

"Did you ask Rin?"

"I found you on my own. Can we have a talk?"



"Feeling down aren't we. Well, you're not the only one. Even I was devastated to hear about that accident two years ago. I asked Nagi about it."

"I see."


Actually, I think I'll go down for now. It might be best if I give the silence to you alone."

"I appreciate it, but I don't really mind company."

Ryota saw her classmate, Yui, going up the stairs once he had faced opposite of Gin.

"Is that so… I'll leave anyway as I think Yui wants to talk to you. But there is one thing that I need to say, Gin…

You are a human and an Exile, and nothing else."

"Good morning… Gin."

"Going to confess to me again, Yui?"

"Can I see your eyes, Gin?"


Without a second thought, he faced Yui with his eyes looking down.

"As I thought… so it was definitely it. It's as Ginji said to me… what happened yesterday really was connected to Queen Street."

"I'm really sorry if you saw me like that… I must have nearly fallen to wrath."

"Ryota was right earlier. If you're isolating yourself because you feel like you are something like a monster… no one thinks of you like that. Besides… will a monster really save his love if he really is like that?

Gin… you are not being derailed from your path of humanity. It is the opposite."


I'm really glad about that. But I suggest that we end that topic now. I don't want my inner thoughts leaking out here."

Gin then walked to a shade and sat on the very end of the bench while turning his gaze to the horizon once again. With that, Yui sat on the other end.

"How are you and G? I genuinely want to know if that's fine."

"I guess… we have changed quite a lot. We were never close from the start, but he decided to close our gap bit by bit after I received his confession. Although, we're really not on some kind of relationship."

"I really don't have a say about that, but I hope that you will find the happiness that you didn't get from me. G is a very good person as himself—as Ginji Satoshi, and not as me. I'm actually really glad that he chose a life deviating from mine.

I know that he can give you what I was unable to. But then again, there is still a lot of time."

"Just so you know, Gin. I have finally moved on. But I don't think that my heart is going to be ready anytime soon."

"Hahahaha, I see. But knowing G, I know that he can literally jump really high hurdles on his own.

Perhaps… you'll eventually find how amazing that man is."


Uhh… are you rooting for Ginji, or me?"

"Huh, of course to the both of you."

"I see… Then I think he'll need to be patient for a few years."

"Hahahahaha. What, like, when you're 25?"

"Mmm… Maybe something like that."

"Wow. Then I might have been married by that time."

"Ahahaha. You jest… or not?"

"Hey, at least let me graduate and be very stable at my work to even consider that wholly."

"I guess Ringo is the one waiting, then."

"Not at all. It's quite the opposite. She has a dream that she wants to pursue while I don't have anything significant in mind. I want things to be how they are right now, or rather… I will do my utmost to prevent something like the incident from yesterday to happen again."


It is really amazing that you have such a power to protect. You even abandoned your pride for a very important thing. See, it is already making a statement that you have accomplished so much.

Gin, it's not a bad thing to dream humbly."

"Hmm. I'll remember that."

"Then I'll excuse myself. It's also not getting any warmer so you should also go down."

"I'll be, in a bit."

▪ ▪ ▪

Since the extreme upbringings of the past day, the students were given a choice to just stay in the hotel until departure or continue to tour around the city at their discretion while minding their own safety.

Thus, Gin had decided to stay in the hotel for the day as he made the nonverbal statement of changing back to his yukata. He had concluded subjectively that this ought to be his first and last academic trip to attend. In the end, he was never convinced that a trip like this is for him to have fun. As lowly as this may look and sound, he has planted himself inside their shared room, either drawing or watching his missed anime; and regretting.

He had surprisingly moved on quickly on yesterday's events, but his eyes still remained imbalance. He regretted, thinking that he would be much more comfortable if he's doing the chores in his house, or working his body and mind in Giotto's. He could have easily come back to his home without the need of the trains, but he knew that it would sadden the already fatigued Rin. Therefore, the trip for him had become awfully dull.

"Gin. Do you have a minute?" Jean asked upon entering the room. "Oh, guess not. Did he jump from the window?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Jean. I'm here at the bathroom. Is something up?"

"I know that you get away from social media whenever you're moping around, but I have good news for you."


"Thankfully, you didn't appear on any news."

"Thank goodness," he sighed while leaving the bathroom with a damp hair, which made Jean the least bit surprised.

"Oh, it's silver again.

Anyway, although you weren't on scoops, the truck was really a star of the headers. Forensics already says that, and had already identified that the truck indeed had lost brakes, and was stopped by an impact on the bumper considering how it bent like a tin can. What people got skeptical about is the damage on the road, though."

"Did I really leave that kind of trace?"

"Yes, you did. It's great that there were no eyewitnesses around apart from the other students… But well, most of them already know that you are an Exile. Anyway, here's a picture taken a few minutes after the incident."

From Jean's phone projected a minute ditch thirty meters in length that was dug on the road from Gin's invulnerable soles upon decelerating the truck.

"And here's a picture I took an hour ago."

"Seriously… it's already replaced with new tarmac?"

"Even I was surprised. From what I have heard, the local government seems lax and didn't really fuss about how a tinny tiny valley appeared, and just fixed it right off the bat. It's like they are treating this as water under the bridge already."

"…You sure nothing's up with this city? You know what I mean, right?"

"I don't even want to talk about it even if there is. Seeing how one of my friends nearly got into an accident makes me want to get out of this city and rest back home. That's too much stress, even for me."


You know… I was extremely frightened when Rin collapsed on me. Her condition wasn't bad, thankfully. But it made me realize how worried and scared Rin was when I am on the verge of dying. It really helped that I talked to some people. It diverted me from extremely negative thoughts after my imagination ran wild.

Still, I can't help but be worried even after all of that."

"I guess that's how you feel right now, but she's fine now, I'm telling you."


Yeah. She is.


"Hey… Gin. Do you think I will also have the ability to protect, like, say… Ai?"


Let's be real, though. Truth to be told, I almost got my whole leg fractured just in that one time. But I know that you have the ability to protect your family even if you don't have that kind of physicality. In the first place, how my body survived and got cultivated is still a mystery to me.

What's one of the best ways of protecting them is ultimately keeping them out of danger before it even comes."

"I didn't even think about that… I guess I owe you one, Gin."

"I see."

▪ ▪ ▪

This time of the year had shown an apparent change in the time of the days. The day has become shorter, while the night had gained more presence. It has come to the point where the sun begins to set an hour earlier than the normal time of twilight.

Once again, Gin came back to the hotel's rooftop together with Rin as the snow did not fall for this day. He invited her lover to watch the sun slowly sinking to the horizon before finally departing towards home.

"Oh, right. Thanks for the scarf earlier, Rin."

"You're welcome. It just felt out of place to see you not wearing a scarf in the middle of winter."

"You say that, but you've seen me run in the cold, right?"

"I swear I can't do that."

"Hmm… actually, why don't we get something for dinner and eat it in the train later?"

"Sounds good! What should we get?"

"Ding. I forgot that we stayed in a Japanese-themed lobby. Let's get a bento made by the hotel's cooks, then. I think they also give the containers as a bonus souvenir."

"I'll surely use it every time if that's true."

On the slowly dying orange light of the sun as it sunk, Gin's eyes directed to the person on his right with a nonchalant expression worn on her face. He saw the profile of Rin from where he is; he saw her pupils and eyelashes reflecting the dimming light as they watched on the horizon with her mouth with a slight gap between her lips. However, Gin was unable to discern if it was astonishment that was written on her face.

But his inability to utter another word made his heart ache.

~ ~ ~

Around thirty minutes after, they had entered and sat on the train until the cart began on its motion. Gin and Rin had the same setup in which they are sat just by the window and face to face with the table between them. There was however no one that occupied the two seats next to them. Gin had suspicions as he subtly looked around but was unable to gather a concrete conclusion. He knew to himself that exposing himself as an Exile and his physical abilities to the many made at least a great impact to those that had witnessed it with their own eyes. And yet, no one had seemed to be under unease after knowing and seeing that fact.

In truth, his minimal exposure was no way voided even after that revelation. Things are indeed normal inside the train, and Gin can still be hardly noticed. But the gut feeling of the students tells them that there is something different when they are in his proximity.

Nonetheless, they had opened their dinner after their travel had passed an hour, as it seems that the train is purposely slower when in the dark. Kaizo and Ichika sat down on the two unoccupied seats and joined them for a meal as they watch blurs of light through the window. No one had pointed out, but their dinner was very quiet and tranquil. Not even Ichika who is known for her energy and enthusiasm uttered even a single cheerful word. She just continued to move her chopsticks and chew with a gentle smile that is rarely seen from her regardless of her "ages". But upon finishing their food, the two adults did not stay for long, and the seats were unoccupied anew.

Gin had felt somewhat tired, as he observed that his head has been slightly nodding off. He mustered up a very tiny amount of strength to move and sit beside Rin without saying anything.

Not even a minute had passed, and Rin's head unconsciously leaned down to Gin's shoulders. She had immediately fallen asleep silently. Gin with such relief exhaled a weak sigh and yawned with caution not to wake the asleep. But in the same way, he slowly fell to slumber.

~ ~ ~


Kei had left the house entrusted to him by the time it was lunch. Thus, Haku actively took care of the house until it was time to open the lights of the house outside. While patiently waiting for the owner, his ears raised as he heard the landline ringing. From the small screen, he saw that it was Gin who is calling.

While struggling a little, he took the receiver off from the telephone and made sure his presence is by the phone.

"Meow. (This is you, right, Aruji?)"

"Thanks for picking up, Haku. Can I do you a favor of unlocking the window of my room? We're on our way home."

Haku unmistakably heard the gust meeting the microphone on the other side of the line. Even the cat was aware of Gin's abilities to its utmost, so he knew that he, or they are traveling with speed.


From Gin's side, that was the only thing that he heard. Haku's meow did not have anything behind it, and then the cat hang up.

With great accuracy, he stopped directly in front of Rin's house.

"Was it really necessary for you to speed up?" she asked.

"It's already late so we can't waste time."

Rin rotated her keys to the house and walked in with a greeting as Gin has excused himself in.

"We're home."

"Sorry for barging in so suddenly."

"Oh, musuko. Have you two eaten already?" from the living room, Shuu asked.

"We had."

"Actually, Uncle Shuu… Can I accompany Rin until she gets to her room?"


Your reason?"

Shuu read through the smile that arched on Gin's lips just now. His silver hair swayed minutely as he looked down, with the smile still maintained while his eyes closed. There, Shuu felt an utter sadness plaguing Gin.

"Hmm. Very well. But get things done if there is anything, and you go back to your house and also get some rest.

Also, since you don't have classes tomorrow, let's talk for a bit. Do you mind if I add a bit of a drink while I cheer you up?"

"Thanks… I honestly can go for some right now," he said with an obvious tiredness from his voice.

"I'll note that."

"Oh, yeah… I was also here before we set off for the trip, and here I am again."

Quietly, Rin placed down her bags and sat on her bed with her eyes looking down. Gin suddenly spoke on a weak voice.

"Hey… You don't need to hold them back anymore, Rin…"


Rin loudly heaved as her voice broke down. Her hands tightly clenched on her jeans, and a waterfall of tears fell on her lap.

"I'm scared… I thought that everything will just end like that…"

With that is a warm embrace that was received by the weeping girl that wrapped around her shivering core as the day had long grown cold. Finally getting to terms that she does not have to hold back her emotions, the extreme thoughts came back to her mind that hindered her from speaking up her mind to the silver-haired man.

In the midst of how fast the vehicle approached her, she was very much aware of what was happening. Her life did not suddenly flash before her eyes, but the thought that it was a striking vision of what has happened to Gin struck her with immense fear. It was not that she froze while standing, looking blankly at the impending peril; in truth, she did not even freeze up as she was immediately caught by Gin literally in the blink of an eye.

However, she was suppressing her closely exploding emotions for two days—just to let them out in severe pain as she knew that she is able to, finally, in her home. No one had asked her if things are really fine on her side or not, thus, it was never the thing of concealing or hiding her suffering in front of people. Most of the people that are very close to her knew how resilient Rin can be, as she had overcome many despairing circumstances.

However, a weak person can have their own special strengths, and a strong person can have the greatest weaknesses at the same time.

Gin has realized another similarity that they had. It did seem that their positions have switched. He felt somewhat pacified and thought to himself that Rin also has a side of a frightened child like him. Putting that to mind, he became quick to understand that they are both empathizing towards each other.

It was a long lamentation, but Rin fell to slumber not too long when she calmed down. Gin absorbed himself in the silence as he sat on the bedroom's floor, leaning his back listlessly on the bed. He stood up so as to leave, but first fixed Rin's blanket and turned off the lights of the room.

He had opened and closed the window, and his room's light opened even before opening his already unlocked window. He was welcomed by Haku who did not know what happened, but he saw that Gin's eyes are still not normal, and that his once, clear, pale blue eyes were even cloudy. Seeing him in that state, he kept himself silent and laid himself on the floor as Gin changed and landed on the bed. Haku leaped and tapped the light switch to turn it off, then climbed on the bed and situated himself cozily beside Gin who still has his eyes open.

Indeed… it was extremely difficult for Gin to sleep.

▪ ▪ ▪

The next morning.

"Good morning, Gin."

He hasn't even descended the lower half of his stairs, and he already heard Rin's voice greeting loudly as she heard his footsteps reverberating on the walls. The moment his gaze met Rin who is sitting in the kotatsu, their eyes looked at each other's.

"Hahh… I was extremely worried for nothing…"

With still four steps to the stairs, he let his foot loose on its grip and placed himself to a free-fall. In the nick of time, Rin threw a spinning pillow that then landed on Gin's face that had nearly planted on the floor.

"Good morning… Rin…" muffled, Gin let out.

"You don't have work today, right? Are you just staying home for today?"

"Kei used this place for three days so I have to stock up on my food. I'm just glad that he did a bit of cleaning here."

"So you're shopping later?"

"Yeah. Are you going with me?"

"As long as you'll buy the liquor separately."

"Right… You heard that last night, I guess."

"Well, I won't bother you later. And also… I hope that this will end the things that happened…

But thank you for saving me, Gin."

"Always. I'll always put my greatest effort."

▪ ▪ ▪

"Seriously, musuko? I thought that you always try to be a minimum drinker."

"Then it'll be moderately for today. Even I'm stressed not just because of that incident. I just didn't like the school trip at all.

I'll never go to one again."

In the veranda of Gin's room, a table was occupied with two men and a cooler box beside them.

"I understand your point, musuko. But don't you think it just so happened?"

"I was nearly reduced to a crippled body when I was hit by one. There was no way I can just shrug it off, Uncle," Gin said in a joking way and took a gulp.


I was extremely worried when Mr. Juushiro called about Ringo. But when they told Sumi and I that you took care of things, I felt a slight relief.

For everything… I can't express how thankful I am for protecting our daughter, Gin…"

Shuu lowered his head while tightly clenching his hands and feet.

"Uncle… for you, what do you say about the way I perceive things now compared to the first time we met?"

"The way you perceive, huh…

If I were to say, you were really not the brightest person when you were 15. Actually, you're still not a very bright person, honestly."

"Ahahahaha. I'm glad to hear the honesty."

"You emerged from your disappearance extremely different from how you used to be. Looking back to it, I thought that you had matured quite a lot at that time, but actually, you were far from it. But then you recovered your mental state and your memories; you changed again. And then once again, when you realized the memories of your mother's brother.

It was at that point that I was convinced that you are not a kid anymore. You have grown so much to become the man which is who you are right now. But I guess a part of it was because of your parents and your uncle's life. This time, I can confidently treat you as my son in a sense."


I'm grateful to hear that…"

"Why did you bring that up, anyway?"

"That… it's to ascertain if you actually trust me or not."

"What are you saying, of course we trust you."

"But… you know that things can go wrong in a blink of an eye. There might be a time where I screw up so bad that I lose the trust you've given me. I want to say it again, Uncle-"

"That we shouldn't hesitate to decide to separate you two if you put your dung to your head? Don't worry, we'll let you talk one last time if that happened!"

"Thanks, but I'll still do my best so that it won't happen at all."

"Sheesh. Don't say such things as if you're going to propo-


"You see, Uncle… even if I have healed from my old mental wounds, my whole humanity is not going to come back any time soon. To be very honest, I don't think any woman we'll see me if they discover how dim my life was. At least, that's how I viewed it when I told a girl that developed her feelings for me. She got ultimately struck by it, if not scared.

I say that all, but Rin is still here. It still surprises me how she was able to put up with a person like me. For that very simple reason, I'm already grateful to her for adding flavor to my tasteless life. In other words, Uncle Shuu…

I don't think that there is anyone for me apart from her. But don't get the wrong idea, though! I'm talking about the future, alright? She might even slap or punch me a hundred times on the face if I tell her that now. Then she'll say no. That's how it would go."

"Yeah, yeah… You really caught me off guard…

But you forgot one question! You haven't even asked if I'm actually fine with it even if it's still far!"

"Oh, right. Are you really fi-"

"You big idiot…! Of course I'm fine with it as long as it's on the right time and when you don't do something stupid!"

"Shhhh…! Knowing how loud we were, I wouldn't even be surprised if your wife and Rin heard that from your house…!"

"Ah, sorry."

※ They heard it.

"But when that happens, let's call out the other men and gather here again just like how it was with Hiroomi!"

"Yeah. Though we'll be with a lot more people since I'll have my other friends with us.

But let's not talk like we time traveled from the future."

"I agree with you. Let's just savor the present for now!"



Chapter Message:

I'm late (again). But it's already been 10 weeks of coming back to publishing! I'll take a week off from releasing (since admittedly I haven't proofread the next ten chapters), and the cover will also update!

Thank you for reading!


081: Remember kids, don't take pills when you don't know where they came from.
