Chapter 8:

The Last Judoka

Where the Rivers Meet

The early rain and humidity cleared away by break-time. The temperature rose. And every movement provoked a new layer of sweat in Conan. Maths class was especially hot. He wore his usual white shirt, soaked in the back. It stuck to his body in an awkward way. And he was hungry. But thinking too hard about the pre-made meal he’d found last minute did not make it better.

Someone knocked at the door. The whole class turned around as Mr. Brown stepped in with a somber face. "Sorry to interrupt. But could I borrow Conan for a while?"

And everyone turned to Conan.


He now stood with Sassara in the Dean's office. It felt unreal. No one would ever be called in for an insult like that. But it was the first day of school, and this new woman clearly seemed nosy.  

There was a large painting of the world with rainbow-coloured people joining hands around it.

Is this for real?

"Frankly, I am very surprised by what has come to my attention," said the Dean. "I had only heard praise about you, Conan. But if what I heard this morning was true, it seems unfit for you to remain Class President."

It took him a second to compute. When he did, he just laughed. "What?"

This is for real. 

The Dean raised her hands, as if to say it was out of her control. "This all very unfortunate."

"Mrs. Wilson, I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused," said Sassara. "But Conan was only trying to defend me. This morning I was lost in the school and he-"

"I'm sorry Sassara, but you have no authority to defend him when your own position is precarious."


"You failed your diploma last year, and have to retake Grade Twelve. You arrive late on the first day, and end up in the Dean's office. It does not bode well for the rest of this year."


Conan stared as Sassara closed her eyes. Her lips were thin. "I'm sorry. You're right. I apologise."

They walked in the hall. The weight of their failures made their steps heavy on the squeaky floor. 

"I can't believe she said this," Sassara uttered.

"You know, I had to retake a year as well."


"Yeah, back when my parents were divorcing."

"Oh," she paused. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, they're happier apart."

A silence fell on them.

"Well," said Sassara. "You said spending time with you would keep me in the teacher's good graces, but I guess that was a bluff."

"I guess so. Though I had bluffed myself too. That's how good I am."

"Anyway. I don't regret it. I was able to miss some math class."

And the both of them returned to their different math classes. The students walked from subject to subject.

And fortunately, lunch came around. A brief moment of peace. 

But the sermon in the Principal's office had really twisted his guts. He had been demoted from the Student Council. Still. He had a solid reputation in the school. Sassara on the other hand had really taken a big hit in the face. He was worried. Apparently she had failed the high school exams once. 

But why? 

And there was also the Judo tournament.

Conan stood at the high table, and flicked away at his computer. He waited for his meal to heat up. “I wish I’d bought a pasta box,” he said to Ali who was already eating.

“I wish you would’ve,” Ali answered, eating away. “I'd eat all of it.”

“Well you can try my caramelised pork instead," Conan said.

“Then you know the rule: you cannot kiss me for the next 24 hours.”

"Oh yeah?"  He showed him his computer screen. Ali stopped chewing.

“You did not.”

“I did. I nailed those sales baby.”

Ali laughed, clapped his hands, and grabbed Conan by the head.

“You haven’t ate  yet, so I can still thank you,” he said. Ali gave him a big smack on the forehead. Then, a smack of the hand right on top. 

He groaned. “Oh I can’t wait to throw you flat on that mat."

"Yeah yeah. Just don’t puke your pork on my clean kimono.”

The bell rang. A few minutes later, students poured in the lunchroom. Marco, Zyra, Lance and Sassara filtered in. They headed towards them.

The tournament. Every time he thought of it, a headache slithered around his head. It tightened around him. Conan closed his eyes. Crossed his arms.

A wail. He jumped. It's the microwave. He took out his meal without a word.

Sassara heated her pasta. "Are you thinking about Judo?"

"Yeah. I don't know what to do. And don't listen to this crazy woman. You'll have a great year in this school. Alright?"

She nodded. "Still. I'm sorry, I didn't know there was so much at stake."

"It's not your fault Sassara," said Ali, who then stared at Conan.

"Don't," he said.

"If it's anyone's fault," said Lance. "It's Zyra. As the other female judoka, you should have told Sassara the moment it escalated.

"I know," she said with a vehement exhale. "But Sassara was right. I was so tired of her attitude.  Plus, I talked to her later. Our stand this morning tipped her over. But the complaints were about Conan.”

Sassara was listening, pensive. She turned the rings on her dainty fingers. 

“If she cannot stand the pressure, then it is not my problem. This is a judo club. Not her damn gym.”

Her fingers stopped.

“Well you know what Conan? You’re all bitter now because of the Competition. But don’t take it out on us. We’re not as passionate about it as you are.”

“The point is,” Conan cut in. “We need to find another female judoka.”

"So who will take part," asked Sassara.

"Zyra, Ali, Lance and I. Marco prefers golf."

"Oh shut up don't act like you don't love golf," Marco said. He then went to chat with other classmates on the couches.

"Can we really not just find someone outside of school," said Zyra.

"Let’s just convince the witch to return,” said Ali

Sassara laughed. “Agreed, great team spirit there."

Ali turned to Sassara "What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Well have you ever done martial arts?"

"Are you saying that because I'm Japanese?"

"What," said Ali with shock. "Of course not! I would never-"

He assessed the big smile that Sassara had kept, and he grinned. "Ahh girll you're a sneaky one. I almost fell in the trap."

"But you do look quite muscular," said Conan.

"It's gym, actually."

"Oh yeah?"

She chuckled. "Is it that hard to believe?" 

"What are supersets," Conan asked her.

She took out her lunch. "Super painful." 

"Are you sure your pasta is warm?"

She chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, Conan. My pasta is fine. I’ll start going .” She turned to Zyra who was chatting with Lance. “So we meet at the amphitheatre?”

“Perfect, let me finish here!”

Ali finished eating. He headed to the couches where Marco sat. 

“So is Sassara your new best friend,” Lance could not help but ask Zyra.

“Yep. She’s great. Finally someone that doesn't annoy me.”

“What is she like,” Conan asked.

He’s eating his pork now. It’s too hot to eat, but he does anyway. Not wanting to cross their stares.

“She has a wholesome family, with dogs and cats and chickens and the whole Ark.”

Conan looked up at Zyra. He smiled. A silly one. “Really?”

She laughed. “Yes. Are you interested in her?” No answer. “Because she doesn’t seem to have a boyfriend.”

Conan stared at the hallway. “Why did she leave so fast though?”

Zyra took out her fuming curry. Conan’s nostrils started to tickle. “How should I know? I don’t know her."

“And adorable,” she added for Conan and headed out of the lunchroom.

“Can I join you girls,” Conan asked.


Lance raised his sandwich high, like the fire of Miss Liberty. “I join too."

She irked, and turned around. Not waiting for them.

"Are you sure it's not worth a shot," Conan said. 


"With Zyra." 

"Take care of your own girl before you start asking about mine."

They laughed.

"Can't argue."