Chapter 10:

What Was a Lovely New Experience; School Clothes Shopping

Grimm: Life or Death

The anticipation of starting high school had bubbled within me ever since I left the celestial realm. It was a chance to experience the ordinary, to understand the complexities of human life. My grandmother accompanied me as we ventured into the bustling world of school clothes shopping.

Every aspect of this human experience fascinated me—the vibrant colors, the varied textures, and the countless options. As we perused the racks of clothing, Florence's laughter and animated conversation were a comforting presence, grounding me in the excitement of the moment.

We carefully selected an array of outfits, from casual jeans and t-shirts to dresses for special occasions. With each piece, I felt a deeper connection to the human world, an understanding of how clothing could be a reflection of one's personality and style.

Yet, as we approached the checkout counter, the tone of our experience shifted. A group of students, barely older than me, stood nearby. Their laughter was accompanied by mocking glances in my direction. I couldn't comprehend the reason for their amusement, but it soon became clear—they were making fun of my choices.

Words like "strange" and "weird" were whispered behind cupped hands. Their laughter echoed in my ears, a cruel melody that struck at the core of my being. I glanced at Florence, hoping for reassurance, but her eyes were filled with a mixture of empathy and sadness.

As we left the store, the weight of their words settled on my heart like a heavy shroud. I had longed to understand the human experience, to bridge the gap between celestial and mortal, but this encounter had left a bitter taste in my mouth.

In that moment, I couldn't help but question the nature of humanity. Why did some humans derive pleasure from ridiculing others? It was a stark contrast to the celestial realm, where compassion and empathy reigned supreme.

As we walked away from the store, I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and disillusionment. I had thought that the human world held the key to understanding the beauty of life, but this encounter had exposed a darker side—a side I had never encountered in the celestial realm.

In the days that followed, I found myself grappling with conflicting emotions. I still longed to explore the depths of human existence, but the encounter with those students had left a scar on my perception of humanity. It was a harsh lesson in the capacity for cruelty that resided within mortals. Do I even want to help these people as an angel either? I'll just have to try to let it go and give the other people of this realm a chance to prove that humanity isn't all bad.

But for now, as the first day of school approached, I couldn't help but wonder if I was prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. The desire to be an angel, to return to the celestial realm where compassion and kindness were the norm, began to tug at my heartstrings. The celestial realm felt like a sanctuary—a place where my celestial light would shine undiminished, free from the judgment and cruelty of the human world.

The encounter at the store had opened my eyes to the flaws of humanity, and I couldn't help but question whether I truly wanted to be a part of it. My journey into the world of high school had just begun, but already, I found myself at a crossroads—a crossroads that would ultimately shape the path I would choose to follow.
