Chapter 3:


Saga of Saturn: Benevolent Processor

The ship ventured beyond the planet's atmosphere and into the void of space, the crew secured themselves with seat belts, preparing for the rift travel. The rift, a tear in the fabric of space, offered a shortcut through the galaxy, reducing journeys that would normally take days or weeks to mere seconds.

A robotic voice echoed through the ship, its countdown reverberating across the vessel's speakers. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

The ship quaked, its occupants feeling the pressure and force of the rift travel. In an instant, they were enveloped by blinding white light.

A few heartbeats later, the light dissipated, revealing a breathtaking vista of frozen planets. They had arrived at the desolate expanse of the Lklandkeeling region, a frigid and lifeless part of the galaxy, except for a handful of few capable of holding life.

Saturn signaled for the crew to proceed, and the ship advanced without resistance.

"Captain!" one crew member exclaimed. "The landing protocol is active, and we're ready to dock when you are."

"Aye," Saturn replied, her gaze shifting to Plutonia, who was still captivated by the stark beauty of their surroundings.

"The lever, my dear sis."

"Huh, me?"

"Yes! Pull that lever there so we can land."

Plutonia, with childlike excitement, pulled the lever without hesitation. The ship's controls shifted to autopilot, and it descended toward the main planet of Lklandkeeling. Skyscrapers and snow-covered landscapes came into view through the ship's windows.

An upbeat tune filled the air outside the ship.

"Did they set up a parade for us?" Plutonia inquired.

"Nope," Saturn replied. "It's a special feature of the 'Jellyfish,' our very own entrance music to look cool."

Plutonia regarded her sister with a mixture of wonder and amusement, torn between viewing Saturn as a genius or simply a kid.

The ship landed smoothly at a specially designated port for Plansanturian visitors, designed to prevent the frequent accidents caused by the tradition of awful pilots from that part of the universe. Usually ending any visit with a significant part of the planet in ruins from crashes.

As the ship touched down, Saturn cheered with her crew, racing outside to the ship's side ramp, dragging Plutonia along. The ramp released a puff of smoke before slowly lowering, revealing Lumi and a tall butler-clad man on the other side of the dock.

The biting cold of Lklandkeeling immediately struck Saturn and Plutonia. They huddled together, shivering uncontrollably and stuttering incoherently. Snow began to gently blanket them as they approached Lumi, their embrace growing tighter with each passing moment.

Lumi welcomed them with warmth in her voice, "Welcome to Lklandkeeling."

Saturn and Plutonia, nearly frozen in the harsh climate, were rendered speechless as the snow gradually covered them, turning them into snow-covered figures.

Lumi reached out her hand and whispered something to herself. Beams of light slithered out, like graceful serpents, it encircled them tightly, and their shivering ceased. They stared at Lumi in awe, still holding each other close for warmth.

"WOAH!" Saturn exclaimed. "So that's how you keep warm, huh?" She playfully teased, her eyes falling on Lumi's thin white.

Lumi responded with a silent, blank stare, then turned and led the way inside Lklandkeeling's Deae Turris. The rest of the crew followed suit, everyone was silent except for Saturn, who started to whistle a joyful tune throughout the walk. Once inside everything seemed familiar to the processor of Plansanturia and her sister. The layout of the tower was almost identical with the only major difference being the theme. Snow-white walls and ice-like structures filled the rooms and corridors. The scale and size of the halls were much more grand than the ones at Plansanturia.

Unlike their nation the abundance of guards was intriguing. The white knight guards, dressed in their armor with laser rifles at their sides, stood out as they emitted an aurora of power. Eventually, they all arrived at an elevator which like Plansanturia's launched them up and its glass walls allowed a view over the entire city. Unlike their nation, which boasted advanced technology and towering skyscrapers, Lklandkeeling had a more traditional charm. The city below was a patchwork of millions of cottage-like houses with smoking chimneys and a scattering of modest skyscrapers. People went about their daily lives, working and moving through the streets, creating a scene of bustling activity. It was a stark contrast to the technological marvels of Plansanturia, but it held its own charm and warmth.

The elevator abruptly stopped and the silent butler from before exited the elevator. No one said a word. Saturn, seemingly in her own little world, continued to whistle a cheerful tune. However, the longer that Lumi listened the more her brows furrowed into a deep V shape. Plutonia glanced between her sister and Lumi, sensing the growing unease but unsure of the cause. The elevator closed and continued ascending until opening at the final floor unveiling a large office room and a bookcase covering the entirety of one wall.

The trio went in. Plutonia walking respectfully towards Lumi's desk, ready to receive further instructions. Saturn, on the other hand, couldn't resist the urge to explore. She began to wander around the room, her curiosity leading her to examine various objects and trinkets.

Suddenly, Lumi's voice erupted in a shout that echoed through the office, catching Saturn completely off guard.

"Oi, you brat! Act like a proper processor and stop that incessant whistling! My ears can't take any more of your FWEEET and TOOT TOOT nonsense. Do you even get what was stolen? How can you be a procesor, when your darn candidate is more presentable than you?"

Saturn's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she realized this was a serious matter that needed full attention. She quickly made her way back to the desk and took a seat beside Plutonia. The scolding cut off her playful mindset and started acting in a more serious manner, but it was still clear some of it was left.