Saga of Saturn: Benevolent Processor
Feb 25, 2024

In a universe where galaxies are split and united under the guidance of divine processors, a young God named Saturn stands as the leader of the technological marvel that is the nation of Plansanturia. With her unwavering determination and compassionate spirit, Saturn, the 6th generation processor, navigates through different nations, understands responsibility and makes unexpected friends. Alongside her sister, Plutonia, the Processing Candidate, Saturn embarks on a journey to the nation of Lklandkeeling, to help out her dear friend Lumi.

As they journey through the cosmos, the sisters discover a conspiracy that threatens the delicate balance between nations. Amidst a backdrop of bustling metropolises and advanced technology, Saturn and Plutonia uncover hidden truths, forge unexpected alliances, and confront their own limitations. As processors, they are revered by their believers, yet their vulnerability and clumsiness puts them in curious places.

Note from author

Hello this here is the first novel that I am currently writing and hoping that from it I can learn for the future. I will post new chapters weekly on a Saturday and although very unlikely a chapter throughout the middle of the week. Hope you all enjoy :)

I'd also appreciate any sort of feedback or criticism about the work. I would love to improve and make better stories in the future :)

Hello this here is the first novel that I am currently writing and hoping that from it I can learn for the future. I will post new chapters weekly on a Saturday and although very unlikely a chapter throughout the middle of the week. Hope you all enjoy :)

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