Chapter 8:

The First Fight

Reborn as a Prince in Another World

I saw Luna and her boyfriend walking towards me. They didn't notice me at first. They were too busy with each other.

I felt a surge of emotion in my chest. I felt betrayed and hurt by her. I felt angry and jealous of him. I felt confused and lost by myself.

What was going on?

Who was he?

What was she doing with him?

What did she think of me?

What did I think of her?

I didn't know what to do.

Should I confront them and ask for an explanation?

Should I ignore them and pretend nothing happened?

Should I run away and forget everything?

I didn't know what to do.

But then they saw me.

They stopped walking and looked at me. They looked surprised and guilty.

They knew they had done something wrong.

They knew they had hurt me.

They knew they had to face me.

Luna spoke first.

"Leon? What are you doing here?" She asked.

She had a nervous and apologetic voice that sounded like a lie to my ears.

She also had a fake and forced smile that looked like a mask to my eyes.

She seemed like a different and worse girl who lied and cheated on me.

She seemed like someone who could not be my friend.

I spoke next.

"Luna? Who is he?" I asked.

I had a calm and cold voice that sounded like a threat to her ears.

I also had a blank and hard expression that looked like a wall to her eyes.

I seemed like a different and worse boy who hated and despised her.

I seemed like someone who could not be her friend.

He spoke last.

"Luna? Who is he?" He asked.

He had a curious and arrogant voice that sounded like a challenge to my ears.

He also had a smug and cocky grin that looked like a taunt to my eyes.

He seemed like a different and worse boy who stole and mocked her.

He seemed like someone who could not be her boyfriend.

We stared at each other in silence. We felt the tension and hostility in the air. We sensed the conflict and trouble ahead. We prepared for the fight and drama to come.

To be continued...
