Chapter 0:



In the world I've crafted, there exists a powerful clan known as the Kinjo clan. Composed of individuals stronger than the average person, they reign as a dominant force in my unique creation. However, they bear a relentless curse—the curse of eternal rain. This unending downpour envelops them, cloaking them in perpetual clouds and denying them the sight of daylight. This curse's origin lies in their unwavering loyalty to their fallen king. When he passed away, they chose not to bury him, refusing to let their king mix with the elements. Instead, they carry his body, a solemn act that has strengthened the curse that binds them.

Within the Kinjo clan, internal struggles for supremacy are a constant presence. Five individuals within the clan are particularly unique; they exist in a moral gray area, adapting to circumstances rather than adhering to a strict code of good or evil. What sets them apart is their profound knowledge of an ancient martial art that grants them abilities equal to that of demons.

Amid this intricate backdrop, we meet Rohit, the protagonist of our tale. By day, he's a famous musician, his talents celebrated far and wide. Yet, Rohit carries a profound secret—a split personality named Anirudh. Anirudh is active only at night, where he excels in composing intricate musical notes but cannot play them. Rohit, on the other hand, can perform music but struggles to write it. Together, they create musical masterpieces that remain a hidden marvel, known to no one but themselves.

Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, we encounter Karthik, a member of a group of demons, man-eaters, and monsters. Their cruelty knows no bounds, and Karthik stands out even among them. Possessing a human-like form, Karthik is distinguished by his manipulative nature. He always seeks an advantage, despising anything slipping from his control.

As fate weaves its intricate threads, Rohit and Karthik find themselves in a tense confrontation. The scene shifts as they face each other, a tempestuous breeze signaling the turmoil within and around them. In the heat of their confrontation, colossal thunderclouds materialize, casting an ominous shadow over their meeting.

As they prepare to disengage, a phenomenon of epic proportions unfolds—the very sky splits open. In the distance, a group approaches, shrouded in rainy clouds that they seem to carry with them. This is none other than the Kinjo clan, and their arrival heralds a climactic collision of powers, a moment where the forces of light and darkness converge.

