Chapter 0:

A warm feeling (v2)

My manga characters are here to help me defeat the demon lord!

A warm sensation enveloped me, and with a contented smile, I turned to embrace the mellow softness of the pillow beside me, savoring the comfort of the morning’s embrace.

“Mmm~” The pillow emitted an odd sound, prompting a moment of stillness.

Wait, since when did I have a pillow?

With that thought, my eyes fluttered open, clarity returning to my groggy mind.

Before me lay a girl on my bed, her arms entwined around me, her face nestled into my shirt.

“Hi,” she greeted, her voice a blend of cheerfulness and energy.

Oh, my eyes must be playing tricks on me, she also has… cat ears?

I reached out, my hand gently patting her head.

Her hair was impossibly soft, akin to the luxurious fluffiness of high-end carpets.

At my touch, her ears wilted, a contented purr vibrating through her as a smile graced her lips.

“What an interesting dream, I wish I could have a cat girl companion like you in real life,” I murmured.

"No idea what you say, master," she replied, continuing to enjoy the head pats.

“She’s only picked up a few phrases from your world. Besides, this isn't a dream, she truly is your cat girl companion," a voice chimed in from my desk.

Huh? What did that person just say? Why are there two strangers in my room? Daylight robbery? I swear I paid my internet fee a week ago.

A series of bizarre thoughts ran through my head as reality started to sink in.

"It’s alright, we're not stealing anything from you, we’re here to help," the girl at my desk reassured.


"I know this is tough to explain, but if you pay close attention to us, you'll realize we're your manga characters."

Let’s see: a cat-girl with white, long hair and glowing pink eyes, wearing a witch-like outfit, was lying next to me. And a girl with long, silver hair that reached her waist, styled in two braids that framed her face and a ponytail that hung over her shoulder, wore a white dress with a fur-lined coat. Nothing was wrong at all. Nothing was…

Ok, what is going on? They are just like the characters in my story.

That was how it all started. The day my life changed forever. The day my manga characters came to life.

I'm Nyan, a renowned story writer and manga creator. My fascination has always been drawn to the vibrant clashes of magical powers and the epic superpower battles depicted in those tales. It was from this wellspring of imagination that my own adventure sprang forth. The question that lingered in my mind - what if these fantastical adventures were to manifest into reality? - found its answer more swiftly than anticipated. Before I knew it, the characters of my manga, once confined to sketches and thought bubbles, stood vividly before my eyes.