Chapter 12:

Fill in the Blanks



"Uh...haha..." I always do this thing where I grab the back of my neck whenever I get nervous, so if you've known me for long enough, longer than this story of course, you'll find that it's so easy to tell when I'm lying. "Nothing. Just chilling. Uh. Haha. You're fast. By the time I looked up, you were gone. "

"Did you find the bath-" There couldn't have been a worse time for you to appear while wearing only a towel. Like, uh!

"Are you ready?" She asked me, not even turning to address Ritsika. I really wonder what happened between the two of them.


"Remember, back to Tokyo, I have to be there in a few hours. Meeting with my dad, remember?" She asked me, once more. She's never asked me if I was ready to go anywhere this entire time. We're not together or anything, and as far as I know, who knows if she really even cares? Ritsika showed interest in me, and I can't lie, it felt nice for once. Our relationship is purely one of tourist and tour guide. Nothing more than that. But this feeling...

"I remember. When did you want to leave? Right now?"

"No, well, yes. Can you give us a minute? I need to talk with my s-Ritsika for a second." Of course, I left them two standing in the doorframe. I can't help but feel that I messed up. It sucks and I don't know, it'll all happened so fast. One minute were chasing after Rin, the next she kisses me and somehow I ended up in her bedroom! No idea how that happened. Anyways, I'll sit on the couch until the meantime and from the looks of it, I don't know how well her conversation went. I'll admit, there's a lot of you know, fishy elements at play and I do think there is something deeper here, but I don't know. Maybe my time in Japan has expired. Do I have time to get in the pool or...?

"What do you want?" Ritsika sighed, returning to sit on her bed.

"Nothing. Actually, nothing. From this point on, nothing. I just wanted to say that before we left."

"Ts, okay. It's not as if you ever really saw me as anything other than annoying. Seems that runs in the family. Fine, go ahead."

"Don't do that. You always find some way to meddle in my life, my love interests, my family. Anything that's mine, I can rest assure that you will take it. Some way or another."

"And you think Shin is yours too? Don't worry, he'll run away when he finds out who you truly are. You just use people, and when you're done, throw them out like they never existed. Dad claims you did the same to him."

Ughhhhh, the pool is so warm. It feels like there's a jet blaster in here somewhere. I only put my feet in because I didn't know how long-oh.

"Let's go. Are you ready?" She asked me, appearing out of nowhere.

"Uh...yeah. Did you talk to Ritsika already?”

“Yep. We said what we had to say to one another. So, I couldn’t get a ticket in time for a plane and driving wouldn’t get us there in time. Sooooo,” her mood changed a bit, releasing a small smile, the one she always forms. “How about we take a private jet?”

From the hallway, I saw Ritsika in the doorframe and waved goodbye. She seemed upset as well, but I think Rin hides it better. I really wonder happened between them. With her mouth, she blew a kiss and out of obligation, I held onto it. 

Even though I’m about to get on a Private Jet with the love of my life. Forget you read that, let’s get on a plane!

“Sure. Let’s go.
