Chapter 4:

Ep 4: Winning the flamewar

The Yowie Hunt Season 2

Capybarra walked into the cave and grabbed the keys.

"That's every one, now I just gotta log in and type my response," he said.

"I won't let you!" Ivo growled as he appeared.

Dumbee then threw a boomerang that beheaded Ivo and sent his head flying.

"Ouch! That hurt you asshole!" Ivo shouted.

"Quick mate! Score the winning goal!" Dumbee smiled as Ivo's head flew towards Yaoi.

"Let's yaoi," Yaoi said flatly as he kicked Ivo's head off into the sky.

"This isn't the last you'll se of MEEEEEEE!" Ivo shouted.

His body then got up and began chasing after his head. Capybarra then logged into his flamewar account and typed his response.

"Amelia, you're a whore. I'm now dating a hot guy because you insulted my flamewar career. No one would ever want to date a bitch like you that hates flamewars. I even got my first kiss from my boyfriend, it was a french kiss. You can't even kiss my ass. You're never losing your virginity. You suck," Capybara typed.

Once the message was submitted, a message reading "FLAMEWAR WON!" popped up on the screen.

"Good job mate! You won the flame! But I can easily make a fire with some stones," Dumbee smiled as he conked some stones together.

Suddenly, all the keys on the keyboard flew away.

"What's going on!?" Capybara shouted.

"Well, this is a series I want to last for years, so you'll need to find all the keys again. They'll disperse after you win a flamewar, so if you want to win any future flame wars, you'll need to find the keys again," the narrator explained.

"Hey, and I still gotta find all my hair," Prune king stated.

The narrator then handed Prune king a can of shaving cream and a safety razor.

"What's this for?" Prune king asked.

"It's a meta joke. You're gonna need it for at least a decade," the narrator giggled.

"Let's yaoi," Yaoi said as he held up a picture of a shirtless Dumbee.

"And with that, the gang will continue their yaoi Yowie hunt to find the keys again and win more flamewars. See you next week. Oh, and we'll be doing a giveaway of rare shirtless Dumbee photos. Just buy a DVD set and mail in the form that comes with it and you'll be entered to win 1 of only 100 shirtless Dumbee photos, and 10 grand prize winners will get a nude Dumbee photo of Dumbee in nothing but his hat and boots. So buy those DVDs as well as everything by me, Cringe," the narrator announced.


The screening group that had just sat through the first four episodes of Yowie Hunt season 2 cringed in disgust.

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