Chapter 14:

Outlook 1 (Unfinished)


Ridge Ableton

Astrological Sign/Birthdate: June 1st, Gemini

Height: 180 cm

Description: Brown hair, comb over ¨flow¨ type of hairstyle, white, blue eyes, light faced, one that is very approachable. Average build, not skinny, but average. Business casual attire

Hobbies: Reading comics, usually concerned with work but if he has time, he reads comics, American Comics

Interesting fact: Owns every copy and or release of the entire Batman series in comic form. Every single one.

"It's supposed to be a surprise, that way, the news will actually shock you. It's not supposed to be something that he could predict."

"But why can't you tell me? Especially if this has something to do with me."

"Because, like I said, it won't work. Today, we didn't come here for that we came to...ah! You see him? All the way back in the corner?"

Where are they? I'm sure Shin would've been late, but this new woman, or Rin, seems to have had an effect on him. Not unusual that something shiny catches his attention, but look at me, the one who has to clean it up. It's busy in here. I found it on the Internet, this nice ramen bar in Nagoya, tucked away in the heart of the city. Usually, I'm not one to acquiesce so easily to the demands of others, but she's right. She always makes sense; it's exactly as she told me it would happen. I'm sitting at the bar, looking around, bumping shoulders with the person next to me, glad I got here early. Finally, I see them walking in and I motion for them to meet me in the booth over.

The two of them sat together, shoulder to shoulder in the seat across from me, which is cool. No difference to me. If it wasn't for this stupid recommendation that I needed and the fact that he's my boss, I would've left him a while ago right here in Japan. But now, there's something more here. Nagoya confirmed that. 

"You two seem...different." I asked the two of them, almost face to face they were sitting. 

"Uh...not really. You're wearing sweatpants. What the fuck happened to you? Don't tell me Rin sent you on a secret mission where you're only allowed to wear sweatpants."


That was funny? Ugh, I hate seeing people in love. Their whole personality changes. 

"NO, for your information, I can choose what it is I want to wear." I said, straightening up my shirt. "But seriously, what brings you by here? I thought you were going to Tokyo?" I had to ask him. Him, at least.

"Well, we wanted to see what came up. You're the one who messaged me saying that you had something, and you found something." She said, pretty matter of factly.  

"Yes, I did. I assume is all good on your end?"

"Yeah. Ok, anyway, let's get to it. I'm so interested in what you found. I've been searchin' and looking for-anyways. We're listening."

How's Shin doing? I'm sitting in front of the guy, and he hasn't said a word, just a big stupid grin on his face.

"Well, we already know that Osaka Industries built this port with the intention, maybe you didn't know, but with the intention of making it their major exporting port out of Japan, replacing the current Sendai. They ship fish, glassware, produce, gases for airplanes, general cargo, and all signs point to it being...a front? A mask, maybe. Could be wrong of course, but yep, just a front."

"For what though? Drugs or something?" He replied, leaning on Rin's shoulder with his head. I do keep getting looks. I'm the only Canadian person in here besides Shin. It makes sense. 

"No, they stockpile weapons and send arms to other countries."

"That's crazy, to it say it so bluntly. You're Ridge, hm, so I get it." There it is. The real him. The dude is a horrible worker but he's a nice dude. I can't say any different. Honestly.

"This doesn't seem like an exaggeration, but I'm not inclined to fully believe that. What kind of arms? What countries do they deal to? How much is the government in on this? Are they just a government front, is that what it is?"

"Yeah, essentially. If you tra-well, let's back up here. How does a company amass that much value or stock into a government's or no, a State's GDP which accounts for 30% without government funding? Or doing something illicit, which they were." I brought the folders that I compiled all my notes on. She got me in simply by saying I worked with her, and they cleared full access around the port; talking with some of the people that worked there. You always get the best conclusions from the workers. The bosses don't say shit.

"But the answer to this one is..."




Sunny. Glad I brought my glasses. What a great day so far. I went to the part in the city that had the Sakura blossoms. You have to really see it in person. There's nothing like it. But no importance, apparently all I need is this..." A badge. It says guess pass, but it looks as if I actually work here. 

It's very industrialized. There's oil and pipe machines with an almost city like block that stretches out for about 175 km away from the pier, and we were a bit closer. Russel and Ryugi-san (?) accompanied me or well, they are accompanying me. Their tour gui-

"Ryugi-sama says that we are now approaching the new part where the pier was just built." It's basically a tourist attraction for the workers. It's a large-scale pier that for some reason has a Ferris wheel before you can walk up onto it. It's wooden, up the staircase, you'll be able to look at the view of the ocean from here, down towards the shore you can fish. The other-"

"So, they have like some park or amusement th-"

"Can I finish the story?" Jeez.

"Yeah, I need to hear the rest, baby."

