Chapter 1:

Personification of death

Personification of Death

As the fireworks exploded into thousands of brilliant colors, I was plunging into an eternal slumber. And then everything faded to black…

A girl had just moved into the apartment complex I lived at. On one fateful day in mid-June, I’d met the girl, who would soon prove to be my demise. I’d met her atop of the apartment complex. She was gazing into the horizon with vacant eyes. As soon as I saw her face, my heart fell in love. She was the most perfect girl you could ever imagine. I called out to her, in hopes of getting to know her. She turned around and the setting sun seemed to illuminate her and highlight her features. When I got a grip of my mind, I instantly asked her out. To my surprise, she said yes.

We talked more, and hung out with each other. She admitted to me that she was about to suicide when I’d intially met her. I’d often wondered what the point of life was, but now I think I’d found my purpose of waking up every morning.

And now, I was standing on the roof of my apartment complex with the same girl. Again. I was panting from running up those stairs, little did I know it was going to be the last time I would ever climb them again. When I arrived at the top, I saw her standing at the edge of the building.

She messaged me saying just one word. ‘Goodbye’. I instinctively knew where she would be. It was on the last Saturday of July. Summer was about to end, and the fireworks festival was just about to begin.

She had the look of a dead man. She was gazing vacantly into empty space. The sun was starting to set, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the festival to begin.

“Wait!” I shouted. I ran to her side and took her hands. But she shook my hand away.

“Go away…” she said in a soothing tone, yet distanced. Like the voice of an angel, descended from the heavens above.

“Please! Why do you want to do this?”

“Don’t you get it?” she scoffed.

“No! Why…?!”

“Death…is a funny concept. It’s the end of everything. All the suffering. Yet people are scared of it.”

I was at a loss for words.

“Now, death is calling for me. I’m ready to embrace it, with all of my body and soul. The god of death calls forth to me…I must go.”

“Listen to me! There’s no such thing as ‘the god of death’! Focus on what’s real! I’m right here with you. Please!” I pleaded with her again. However, she still averted my gaze.

“I’m sorry…” she said quietly.

My heart was broken. At that moment, my heart was shrouded in the same darkness that had enveloped many that were lost because of love. I began to cry. Tears rolled down my cheeks, as I attempted to grab her hand again.

She looked into the horizon and a smile touched her lips. She slowly removed my hand and walked closer to the edge of the building. She was one step away from falling.

“If you’re really going to go, let me go with you,” one last desperate whisper escaped my mouth, “Everything means nothing if you’re not with me!”

She finally turned around and looked me in the eyes. She extended her hands and I took them hesitantly. A chilly breeze blew past us.

At that moment, the last light of the day vanished. In the absence of light, her features seemed to grow more cruel, and hard. But it was too late to turn back now, I was in too deep. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again, the darkness in my heart seemingly dissipated.

“Let’s go…into the night.”

You and I, running into the night. Anticipating what life has to offer after this…


I heard a final whisper…

A pair of black wings seemed to unravel behind her. The wings were blacker than the darkest woods, blacker than midnight, blacker than space itself…it was the color of death. I knew, the girl I’d loved so dearly, was the personification of death…but I was ready to give her my soul.

The sky seemed to close in on us as we fell. A loud bang cut through the darkness, and thousands of brilliant colors and lights lit up the night…as the fireworks soared into the sky, you and I were running into the night, hand in hand…
