Chapter 1:
The beckoning and The fool
It was the golden hours on a Friday; the sun was near setting, and the deep orange-yellow hue filled the silent classroom. Rows and rows of desks once filled with chattery students were now barren and still. I stood there by the entrance peering into the room; there she was amidst the emptiness, sitting in the back corner gazing out of the window. Her head rested softly on her hand. She had eclipsed my mind. I slowly made my way over to her without breaking contact, straddling the chair directly in front of her. She did not acknowledge me; her engrossing gaze out the window did not waver. We sat there in an awkward silence; slowly I collected my courage to speak; before a word could let out, she softly shushed me.
“Shhhh, listen, do you hear it?”
Her soft angelic voice was such a deadly concoction that soothes my ears. The room fell silent again. I focused hard to grasp what she meant; trying to impress her.
I blurted out, “birds!”
She turned to me and smiled, finally looking upon me. Her face was gorgeous, not a blemish at all. Her reddish-pink lips were mesmerizing. Her gaze made my heart skip a beat.
“That's right,” she whispered
I felt proud, yet I was still confused.
She spoke once more “Come closer.” she beckoned. “ look out there with me and see if you can understand.”
I slowly leaned in; our faces, mere inches apart. She had such an enticing smell. My mind was racing while my heart was pounding. My eyes slowly adjusted to the bright orange glare. What greeted my eyes were the luscious green tops of trees; sitting upon its branches were birds chirping and gossiping amongst each other. Oh, how marvelous the view was beyond the window. The branches gently sway as the wind grazes upon them; its gentle rustle quietly pierces through the bird’s chatter. I turned back to her, our eyes met; her looks made even the angels envious.
She spoke to me once more “Isn't the world magnificent? It's lustful wind brushing carelessly against whomever it pleases. The animals blissfully roam the earth without a hindrance, without a care.” she paused for a bit before continuing. “ It is all a lie; a facade to mask its true intent. This place, this planet is not the magnificent wonders that we see; it is an illusion to hide the fact that living is a pain.” Her words took me for a loop. The swelling of uneasiness started to weigh upon my shoulders, however, she remained oblivious. “Everything lies, everything hurts, everything kills. Nothing is beautiful here. An innocent flower may sweeten the eyes, but poisonous to the touch. Do you see those birds there, peacefully chirping away? Well, it only got to be that way because they had pushed their sibling out of the nest to ensure its survival. Its greed allowed it to prosper. We are no different. We lie, we take, we hurt, we kill, all for our selfishness, why must we stay in a world like this?” She turned to me and said, “What do you say; do you want to go away with me?”
She reached out to me with a lovely smile that did not reflect the words she had spewed. My heartbeat was erratic; my mind could hardly think. My mind was racing with conflictions; everything around me was a spinning blur, however her outstretched hand was the only thing that was steady and clear. I couldn't hide it; my face fell into a panic and I turned and bolted. Fear crept up my spine, gripping my neck refusing to allow me to look back as I fled down the hall and out the doors. The wind howled in my ears followed by the rustling of grass. I dared glance back; her tender gaze was still visible through the window; turning back and shut my eyes, I blindly ran home. Finally arriving at my front porch; stopping just shy of the steps to catch my breath. Amongst my heavy panting, My eyes began to wander; they gazed upon my home noting its imperfections. The decking is near rot, The paint worn and patchy, The window trimming is cracked and flaking. Catching my breath I carefully walked up the steps. My hand gently placed upon the worn brass handle; I gave it a jiggle.
“Unlocked as always,” I thought to myself.
I slowly opened the door. It was dark and in disarray as always; I could hear the television muffled sound. The wafting smell of cigarettes penetrated my nose. I entered my home, creaking at every step. I slowly made my way to the living room; the muffled sound of the television got clearer and louder followed by the thick aroma of cigarettes as I got close. I came face to face with the entrance to the living room. The light blue hue of the TV illuminated the room. My mother, sitting in the recliner with her back to me, dragging a thick ring of smoke.
“What took you so long?” Her voice was raspy.
“I- I was at the school,” I replied, my voice shaky
“School!” she shouted “You think you will amount to anything?” She continued her tirade. “Look around you, this is all you are.”
Her words pierced hotter than a knife. It tore my soul. I could only stand there in shame. The room fell silent except for the television.
Breaking the silence my mother spoke once more “Don’t ask for dinner, I don't have it. Find whatever or just go to sleep.”
I glanced over at the poorly lit kitchen, pots and pans were strewn all over. My heartache once more. I can only hold my head down as I head up the stairs to my dwelling. Later that night I laid on my coverless mattress lamenting about the young lady’s words. My eyes swelled with burning sadness as I lied there. Slowly unraveling her words; it began to grow on me. It showed how cruel the world was. My mind couldn't stop thinking about her pleasing looks; I fell asleep with her alluring words looming in my mind. It was the next morning; a Saturday. I awoke with her words marinating in my mind. I wanted to see her, I wanted to accept her invitation. My mind was made up. I had a feeling that she would be there waiting. I slipped out of the house, walking past the living room. I could hear my mother snoring with the TV on static. I got on my bike and pedaled as fast as my leg allowed. My mind was so occupied that it couldn't hear my legs cry. When I finally arrived, I looked directly at the window she sat at; this time it was blank. I could not bear not seeing her; racing into the building and headed straight to the room. My heart dropped as the room was hollow. Wobbling my way slowly to the desk where she sat and slumped down on it. I couldn't help but wept. Amidst my somber, I heard a slight rustle. I looked up with teary eyes and saw her; her soft angelic face, her fair skin and luscious lips, Her long hair swaying. My heart was delighted to see her once again. She had her hand outstretched like before; the invitation still lives. This time there was no doubt in my character. I wanted to hold her hand. I made my way over and our hands clasped. There was no doubt in my mind, I wanted to follow her.
I asked her a simple question “ When you asked to go away together, what did you mean?
She didn't say anything; she simply touched my lips, silently shushing me. I did not question her anymore. I was in a trance. She led me further into the school toward the back of it. She led me to the school’s overgrown garden; there in the middle of it all was a small pond no more than five feet wide. She took me to the edge. I stared at the algae-infested waters.
“Jump in” her heavenly voice tempts me.
Looking at her with confusion.
“Do you want to go away together?” she asked
I nodded; turning back to the pond, and closed my eyes before jumping. The pond felt deep. I opened my eyes and saw that the pond was bigger inside. Looking down the pond it was an endless abyss. Looking around, She was not by my side. She began to slowly fade as she watched me sink; no matter how desperately I tried to swim up I just sank lower. I couldn't help but give up, accepting my fate. With the moment of clarity, I realized I was a fool. That school was long abandoned and decrepit. She had deceived me; an illusion? What is she? Who will be lured next? My final thoughts as it grew dark… Fool.
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