Chapter 0:


Nights at Drawn

It would nothing for it seems, at night, an some sort of kids pizzeria restaurant with an sign was "Drawn Fun, Party Wonderland". Inside the pizzeria, there was an dining hall, and an blue bunny boy animatronic was standing on the stage. Which, the animatronic named was Rabby-Bunny, the animatronic was an cunning, charismatic, and smart rabbit. Also, the animatronic bunny, there something about it.


An small guest house with white vinyl paneling with solar panel covering the roof, inside, there an young 15-year boy with black hair named Leo Reyes Gimmina, who was an total shut-in, that is, his own backstory, he was born in July/7/2007, and his father, the man with black hair and purple eyes, Rick Reyes and his mother, the woman with brown hair and blue eyes, Mari Gimmina, Leo was extremely quiet and kind.

In his first flashback childhood, Leo was 5-year old, he saw his parents are so busy about to his eviction of his house, his father, Rick was enraged about the woman CEO, Apona Lamani Rei, known as ALR, the mother of Rick Reyes, it would be happen his father will be join ALR? He was been shocked to much.

Next, his second flashback childhood, Leo was now an 7-year old, he was on school. Leo was been always quiet and mostly an simple boy, also the classmates realized about him. Some two schoolmates said in confusion.

"How come Leo doesn't talk?"

"Is he dumb?"

His third flashback childhood, after for that. Leo was going the therapist. But he didn't get diagnosis, the doctor said that he was became less cheerful and grew more quiet mostly.

Finally, in his fourth flashback childhood, after he was becoming a 11-year old, after getting graduate from many schools. He was seeing that, his parents are splitting up and get divorced, mostly his father was already joined with ALR, he become an ally, and his mother was going on the work, becoming as a doctor.

In his final flashback childhood, he now an 13-year old, still he was alone all years, he decided to go move on himself, when he was moving to the another field. After for that, he found an field and he builds the small house, that is his house, when the flashback ends. He was later becoming as a shut-in.

Mostly, he had his own loving family, his uncle, the baldy man with brown hair, Uncle Paul, and his own cousin, an 22-year old boy, Benjamin Josh. It was probably the perfect most family in alive. In short for his day.

Nights at Drawn poster

Nights at Drawn

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