Chapter 1:

The piece of my other half

The two moons

At first it bothered me that I was always different from the others.

Now that I think about it...

It's not that bad.

I always loved the nights.And the full moon.

I felt I could escape from this harsh reality.I went into the dream world.

I met a lonely boy.He seemed suprised when I told him to become friends.

His name is Tsukito.It's not his real name.But he said he felt it was familiar to him.

I told him my name too.Not my real one cause I feel my so called "name" doesn't suit me.I chose the name Aruna.

Tsukito lives very far away just like I do.

In my dream world I could see the cherry blossoms.

"Do you like them?" he asked me

"Yes.And it makes me happy I can see them with you."

He just smiled.Whenever I went to the dreamworld...I always visited him.

Before I could realised it,I fell in love with him.

He told me that I shouldn't care about him.

"Just what am I to you?"

I smiled and touched his cheek.

"You are my life."

He realised my feelings for him.He smiled at me and also hugged me.

"I thank the God everyday ever since you came to my life Tsukito.I am happy that I met you."

"And I thank the God everyday too.I thank him because you exist Aruna."

"I always wish the night can last longer so we could be together."

He just smiled and kissed me.I was so happy...I can't even describe it.

"Even if try,I can't ran away from you.I am happy that YOU are my fate."

Once again I cried.I am such a crybaby.He wiped my tears and touched my cheek.

"From now on,let's meet into paraller worlds in dreamland.So we can't never be apart until we meet in the real world.What do you say?"

"Yes.With all my heart."

Our fingers were wrapped by the red string of fate.

I accept my destiny because HE is my destiny.

In my waking life I always look up to the sky and wonder "where are you?are you ok?please be careful".

I also see visions with him.

I was lost but he...he helped me and guided me.I always say to him to share both his pain and happiness too.

We lived many paraller lives and we still do.This period right now for me is difficult.I saw him tonight.

"I am sorry love."

"It's ok.Take your time.Even a small step at a time matters."

We hugged and kissed.He offered me his hand and I followed him.

One life isn't enough for me.I need a lot of lives to be with him.

Love wherever you are if you feel a warm presence,it's me.

I ask from the moon to look after you in the night.

I am blessed and I want to be with you,more than anything.

That's my wish.

The two moons