Chapter 26:

Purin's jealousy

Spice of Life

"The hell!? Murder!? Not again dammit! Why the hell do you you always blame me for murders huh!? Bet it's another damn poser like it was 9 years ago and all the times after!" Mocha fumed.

"The hell do you mean mass murder?" Matcha shouted.

"*Tch* You're here huh? Still slaving away at 5-11?" Purin glared.

"No, she got a job at a restaurant!" Mocha retorted.


Purin immediately stormed up to Matcha and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck.

"I'm in the middle of something, let go Nee-san," Matcha glared.

"How the hell are YOU able to work in a restaurant!? You have NO taste in food! Or a license!"

"Purin nee-san, please stop harassing Matacha nee-san," Mochi glared.

Purin twitched and unleashed a glare full of pure scorn and malice towards Mochi.

"You, YOU! So now you're a stylist huh!?" Purin shouted.

"Your eyes have gotten more envious since the last time I saw you. At the rate you're going at, you'll be a green eyed monster of envy in a month," Mochi sighed.

"Want me to kill you you little shit!?"

"You're a cop aren't you? Then why're you acting like some gangster?" Rika glared.

"Oi Freak! Wanna fight? Take everyone out while I kill this shit," Purin glared as she drew her gun.

"We were ordered not to cause unnecessary turmoil," Makoto sighed as she walked up to Purin.

"HUH!? The hell's your purpose then you freak!?"

"To hold you back."

"*TCH* What the hell is Yumeko doing!? Her ass better get here so she can babysit YOU!" Purin growled as she sheathed her gun and approached Mocha.

"Hands behind your back, you're under arrest-"

"Oh come on! I didn't kill anyone!" Mocha fumed.

"HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" Purin yelled as she pinned Mocha face down on the floor and cuffed her as Makoto blankly stared at the exchange.

"The hell are you doing!?" Hina glared as she stood up, but was stopped by Makoto.

"Don't interfere. I'll break you," Makoto growled.

"Look's like the freak's starting to go feral again," Purin grumbled as she began dragging Mocha out by her hair.

"OW OW OW! Stop pulling my hair you little shit!" Mocha yelled as blood trickled out of her nose and lip.

"I'm trying to yank this trash off your head. Guess I'll just shave it off at the station for your mugs," Purin snarled.

"DON'T YOU FUCK WITH MY HAWK YOU BITCH!" Mocha roared with fury as she began to struggle.

"I've decided what I'm going to be!" Mochi declared.

Purin stopped and angrily turned to face Mochi.

"I'm going to become the superintendent general and reform your corrupt station," Mochi glared.

"YOU NOT SATISFIED WITH TRYING TO SURPASS ME ONCE!?" Purin shouted as she pulled out her gun and fired a shot.

Mochi glared, and managed to barely dodge the bullet. Blood trickled from her cheek as the bullet embedded itself in the wall behind her.

"Huh!? NO! NO! NO! I WON'T LET YOU SURPASS ME AGAIN!" Purin screeched as she prepared to fire again.

"You're disobeying orders," Makoto growled as she squeezed Purin's wrist causing Purin to drop the gun.


Makoto had grabbed Purin by the mouth and hoisted her into the air.

"I think you need to shut up for a bit," Makoto glared as she began to squeeze Purin's jawbone.

Purin struggled and howled in pain as her jaw began to crack.

"No way, she's lifting her in the air and crushing her jaw with her bare hand!?" Rika thought as she went on guard.



Makoto then released Purin, sending her falling to the ground.

"U BETCH! O'LL ILL U OR AT!" Purin shouted as she held her hand over her bleeding mouth.

"What on earth happened here!?" a voice rang out.

Everyone turned to see Himawari standing by the door.

"The suspect put up a fight. I was just giving Purin medical treatment," Makoto declared.

"Bullshit! That officer broke Purin's jaw after she tried to MURDER Mochi!" Hina shouted.

"Murder? Myouchi! Inohara! What the hell happened!?" Himawari glared.

"Purin got mad, the suspect was resisting and she pulled out her gun-"

"Um, no! She got all jealous with Mochi and tried to murder her on the spot!" Hina yelled.


"Yeah no, all five of us saw you fire a round at Mochi," Rika glared.

"Is this true?" Himawari asked.


"No, the entire account is false," Makoto stated.

"Myouchi, your gun is laying on the ground. It's more plausible to believe everyone else's account over yours and Inohara's. I'm disappointed. There will be repercussions," Himawari glared.

"I say cuff her and take her away instead of Mo-chan," Hina glared.

"There is a proper protocol for these things. Besides, Mocha Myouchi is the prime suspect in a mass murder that just occurred an hour ago."

"I was HERE for the past 3 hours!" Mocha glared as Makoto stood her up.

"We found strands of your hair at the scene. DNA testing confirms it matches yours that we have on file."

"AGAIN!? I'm telling you, some crazed shadowy bastards are secretly snipping my hawk in order to frame me!"

"I'm aware of your record, but this is by far the most grizzly incident you've been accused of. We found possibly 20 unidentifiable corpses near an abandoned factory. The missing Kazuya Takeda's hair was also found on one of the burnt corpses. Since you recently had an argument with Takeda, you are one of the prime suspects."

"*Tch* so the Takedas are after me. I better not be offed in custody."

"Please calm yourself. Inohara, take her to my sqaudcar and head back with Yamaguchi. I'll take Myouchi to receive medical treatment.

"Yes ma'am," Makoto stated as she began to march Mocha towards the door.

"Oh OW AT ITCH OWS UP!" Purin fumed as she clutched her jaw.

"I see you're dying your hair back, Helga. And hello to you too Miss Komachi," Himawari glared as she turned to face the three sitting under the dryers.

"Well hello gorgeous, here to get your head shaved?" Rika sneered.

"I'm unamused by your jeers. Nonetheless, I apologize for my subordinate's behavior. As her superior, I shall see that she is reprehended," Himawari bowed.

"Bullshit! cuff-"

"Hina, it's fine," Mochi stated.


"It's fine. Though I do hope that at the bare minimum she is discharged and possibly  incarcerated for reckless action. I received this gash on my cheek from her stray bullet, that is now embedded in the wall behind me.  Surely an upstanding officer like you can ensure that she is properly punished and discharged," Mochi said to Himawari.

"I can make no promises sadly. The higher ups have the-"

"What is your rank?"


"That's the highest rank at the station. Unless you work at HQ of course, do you?"

"No, station E," Himawari glared in annoyance.

"Then you are well within your authority to arrest her. I doubt she has any powerful ties within the police nor outside it preventing you from acting out. Our father disowned her, and our mother is being arrested by you. So take her to a prison hospital or I will come forward about this incident publicly."

"*Sigh* Myouchi, hands together in front of your face," Himawari sighed.

Purin surprisingly complied and held her hands in front of her face as Himawari cuffed her.

"I do hope this isn't for theatrics," Mochi glared.

"I give you my word, I shall do all within my power-"

"I don't believe you."

"Very well, then allow me to prove my sincerity, and atone for my subordinates failings," Himawari sighed as she walked towards a counter and grabbed a pair of scissors.

Himawari then held her hair in a ponytail and cut the ponytail off. She then set the scissors and her ponytail down on the counter, and ran her hand through her now short hair before walking up to Mochi, kneeling, and pressing her head on the floor in dougeza.

"I once again apologize for my subordinate's violence, and vow to ensure they receive proper punishment," Himawari stated.

Purin began to break down in tears as Mochi sighed and allowed Himawari to rise.

"Very well. I will accept your words, and please ensure my mother is treated fairly in her interrogation. I believe she is innocent."

"I will do what I can," Himawari stated as she rose and began escorting Purin out.

Makoto followed shortly with Mocha in tow.

"Momma's proud of you Mochi," Mocha smiled as she was taken out the door.

"I'm proud of you too mother," Mochi smiled.

Yumeko gasped as she stared at the group approaching the squad cars.

"Superintendent-chan!? Y- Your hair," Yumeko stuttered.

"It will grow back. Now take Inohara and the suspect with you. I'm taking Myouchi back," Himawari stated.

"Why's she cuffed and bleeding?"

"I'll explain later."

"Om orry, OM ORRY!" Purin wailed.

"You will be punished. That I cannot stop. But it is ultimately my fault as your superior for assigning this mission to you," Himawari sighed as she patted Purin's head.

Mocha and Purin were loaded into separate squad cars before being taken away.

"Hello Yumeko," Mocha glared.

"Oh, hey it's the hawk bitch. Here you finally snapped and killed Takeda an a bunch of others," Yumeko sneered.

"I'll never forgive you for what you did to your own mother. She's still in an asylum to this day after what you and Fujiko did to her years ago."

"Seems like you need a beauty package from Fujiko. I can have her swing by your cell after she's done with her prior engagement."

"Superintendent said not to let harm come to suspect," Makoto stated.

"Oh yeah, tell me the deets Mako-chan. I wanna know what happened to Purin," Yumeko blushed as she handed Makoto a fresh pack of cigarettes.


"Wow, so Purin snapped and got caught," Yumeko laughed.

"Surprised you actually told the truth," Mocha glared.

"Mako-chan, you see anyone around?" Yumeko asked as she parked the squad car.

"No," Makoto replied.

"Good, now gag her mouth nice and tight while I phone Chief Sakaguro, and tell her what went down," Yumeko sneered as she handed a roll of duct tape to Makoto.

Makoto got out and went to the back to gag a startled Mocha as Yumeko began dialing a number.

"Oh, cover her ears until I'm done. Don't want her hearing this," Yumeko sneered.

Mocha was unable to hear what Yumeko said. Once Yumeko was done, Makoto uncovered Mocha's ears and hopped back in the passenger's seat.

"Mmph ngh mmph?" Mocha glared.

"Yeah no, the gag stays on. Unless you want Mako-chan to break your jaw instead," Yumeko sneered.

A chill ran down Mocha's back as the car began moving again.

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