Chapter 23:



As the horse-drawn wagon rumbled along the dusty road, the sound of its wheels echoed through the air. Reed, his figure hidden beneath the shadows of his hood, trudged wearily on foot. The weight of his journey etched lines of exhaustion on his face, when suddenly, the wagon came to an abrupt stop.

The driver, a burly man with a grizzled beard, peered down at Reed from his perch. "Hey there, stranger! Need a lift?" he called out in a language Reed couldn't comprehend. Reed's brows furrowed in confusion as he struggled to decipher the driver's words.

In that moment, the vulture perched on Reed's shoulder sensed his distress. With a surge of energy, the vulture's eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and a voice echoed in Reed's mind.

[Fear not, Reed]

the vulture's voice resonated within his thoughts.

[I have granted you a new passive skill, 'Universal Linguist.' It will enable you to understand and communicate in any language you encounter]

Reed's eyes widened in surprise as the realization dawned upon him. The vulture had bestowed upon him a unique ability that would transcend linguistic barriers and bridge the gap between different cultures.

"How convenient " Reed replied in his mind, his voice echoing.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Reed approached the wagon with his hood drawn low. The driver's puzzled expression shifted to one of curiosity as Reed responded in the driver's native tongue.

"Thank you for your kind offer,"

Reed's voice flowed smoothly,

“I gratefully accept your generous invitation for a ride.”

The driver's eyes widened in astonishment, but he nodded in understanding. Reed climbed onto the wagon, taking a seat beside the driver, as a sense of anticipation coursed through his veins.

{Skill: Universal Linguist.}

Type: Passive Skill

Mana cost: None.

- Allows users to comprehend and communicate in any language encountered.

As Reed stepped onto the wagon, the driver turned its gaze toward him, its eyes filled with curiosity. The driver's voice, a deep and mysterious tone, resonated through the air.

"Hey there, stranger! Where are you headed?"

Reed, his voice cool and confident, replied with a touch of intrigue.

"I'm bound for the Forgotten Peaks, my friend. Heard it's a place shrouded in mystery and breathtaking sights."

The driver's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering across its face.

"Whoa, hold up! You're talking about the Forgotten Peaks? That's some dangerous territory, my friend. You sure you're ready for that?"

Reed's eyes sparkled with determination, his words laced with a hint of adventure.

"No worries, my friend. I've never been one to shy away from a challenge. The Forgotten Peaks hold secrets worth uncovering, and I aim to be the one to unveil them."

The driver nodded slowly, a mixture of respect and caution evident in its expression.

"Well, you've got guts, I'll give you that. Just remember, those peaks can be unforgiving. Keep your wits about you and watch your back."

Reed's lips curled into a confident smile as he assured the driver.

"Don't you worry, my friend? I've faced my fair share of dangers. I'll tread carefully and make my mark on those legendary heights."

With a nod of understanding, Reed settled into the wagon, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The driver tightened its grip on the reins, urging the horses forward. The wagon rattled and rolled, embarking on a journey toward the treacherous peaks of the Forgotten Peaks.

As the wind whispered through the rugged landscape.

"The Forgotten Peaks will be my stage, where I'll unlock my true potential. I'll embrace the challenges, level up my skills, and carve my own path in this world."

As the wagon rolled along the rugged path, the driver glanced at Reed, a glimmer of nostalgia in its eyes. It cleared its throat, preparing to share a tale that had been passed down through generations.

"You know, young traveler, the Forgotten Peaks have a legend that has been whispered among the locals for ages. It's a story that intertwines mystery, power, and tragedy."

Reed leaned forward, his interest piqued, eager to delve into the lore of the enigmatic peaks.

"Please, do tell. I'm all ears."

The driver's voice took on a melodic quality, weaving a tapestry of words that transported Reed to a realm of imagination.

"Legend has it that deep within the heart of the Forgotten Peaks lies an ancient relic, said to possess unimaginable power. It's called the Celestial Shard, a fragment of the heavens themselves."

Reed's eyes widened in anticipation, his heart quickening with each word.

"The Celestial Shard... It must be a source of immense energy and untapped potential."

The driver nodded a hint of solemnity in its expression.

"Indeed. But the legend also carries a somber tale. They say that many have ventured into the depths of the peaks, lured by the allure of the Celestial Shard. Yet, none have returned unscathed, if they returned at all."

Reed's brows furrowed with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"What happened to them? What dangers lie in wait within those treacherous heights?"

The driver's gaze turned distant, lost in the memories of the tale it was about to share.

"It is said that the Forgotten Peaks hold ancient guardians, fearsome creatures who protect the Celestial Shard from those unworthy of its power. Only the bravest and most skilled warriors have a chance to face them and emerge victorious."

Reed listened intently as the driver spun a captivating tale about the Forgotten Peaks. Legends of perilous heights and ancient mysteries stirred his imagination. However, Reed's focus remained unyielding, fixated on his true destination—the chapel of shadows.

"I appreciate the warning and the fascinating legend, my friend. But my sights are set on the chapel of shadows, a place veiled in enigma and secrecy."

The driver raised an eyebrow, concern etched on his face.

"The chapel of shadows? That's no ordinary spot, my friend. It's a hub of darkness and secrets, where the boundary between light and shadow blurs. Not many have the guts to tread there, for it conceals untold risks and forbidden knowledge."

Reed's voice brimmed with unwavering determination.

I know the stakes. But that chapel holds the answers I seek, the keys to unlocking my true potential. The legends of the Forgotten Peaks can wait for another day."

The driver sighed, realizing he couldn't dissuade Reed from his chosen path.

"Alright, young traveler. I won't stand in your way. But remember, the chapel of shadows ain't for the weak-hearted. May you discover what you're looking for amidst its mystic depths."

As the horse wagon trundled along, the weary travelers caught sight of a humble village nestled amidst the rolling hills. The driver, sensing their fatigue, proposed a brief respite at a nearby inn.

"Hey, Traveler, I reckon it's time we take a breather. There's a cozy inn just up ahead where we can rest our weary bones."

Reed nodded, his mask concealing his weariness.

"Sounds like a plan, my friend. My body could use a break, and a chance to refuel wouldn't hurt either. What's the name of this town, by the way?"

The driver grinned, his eyes crinkling with warmth.

"Ah, this here's a bustling little spot known as Havenbrook. It's a hub for travelers and merchants like me. We gather here to trade our wares, share tales of our journeys, and seek a moment's respite before continuing on our respective paths."

Curiosity sparked within Reed as he took in the sight of the lively village. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the chatter of the locals and the clinking of coins.

"Sounds like an intriguing place. A melting pot of stories and experiences. Let's find that inn and recharge ourselves."

The wagon came to a gentle halt near a charming establishment with a wooden sign that swung lazily in the breeze. Reed and the driver stepped down, their weary legs yearning for a moment of rest.

Inside the inn, warm light spilled from the hearth, casting a comforting glow over the worn wooden furniture and the weary faces of fellow travelers. The innkeeper, a jovial middle-aged woman, greeted them with a kind smile.

"Welcome to Havenbrook Inn, weary travelers. Come, find a seat by the fire, and let me fill your bellies with warmth and nourishment."

Reed and the driver settled into a corner table, their bodies sinking into the well-worn chairs. Reed's eyes scanned the bustling room, his masked visage observing the diverse faces and lively conversations. His mind buzzed with the realization that each person harbored a unique tale, waiting to be discovered.

As plates of hearty food arrived, Reed savored the flavors, replenishing his energy after the long journey. The inn resonated with the harmonious blend of laughter, clinking glasses, and the hum of animated conversations—a true reflection of the vibrant tapestry of life.

Behind his mask, Reed felt a sense of detachment, his features hidden from view. Yet, within the confines of the inn, he sensed a camaraderie among the patrons, an unspoken understanding that travel brought both weariness and a shared sense of purpose.

In the midst of the mirth and warmth, Reed allowed himself a moment of respite, knowing that the journey to the chapel of shadows would continue soon enough. But for now, within the walls of Havenbrook Inn, he found solace amidst the lively ambiance, a temporary escape from the world where his masked countenance blended seamlessly with the tales and laughter of the weary souls around him.

After enjoying their hearty meals, the driver leaned back in his chair, a curious glint in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel intrigued by Reed's destination—the mysterious Chapel of Shadows. Breaking the comfortable silence, he decided to engage in some small talk.

"So, Traveler, pardon my curiosity, but what's your business at the Chapel of Shadows? It's not exactly a common destination for travelers."

Reed, his masked face betraying no emotion, paused for a moment, weighing his words carefully. He was accustomed to keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy, especially when it came to matters of the arcane.

"Ah, the Chapel of Shadows. It's a place that holds some significance to me. Let's just say I have some personal matters to attend to there."

The driver, sensing Reed's cautious response, nodded understandingly.

"I see. We all have our reasons for seeking certain places, don't we? Well, I won't pry any further. Just remember, Traveler, there's a reason they call it the Chapel of Shadows. It's a place cloaked in mystery and darkness. Be careful."

Reed's mind raced with unspoken thoughts as he listened to the driver's warning. He knew the risks that lay ahead, the challenges and secrets that awaited him within the chapel's hallowed halls. But he was undeterred, driven by a deep-seated purpose that only he fully understood.

‘The driver's words hit me like a reality check, reminding me of the imminent dangers lying ahead. The Chapel of Shadows... it's straight out of a video game, a place where only the boldest souls dare to venture. But I won't back down now. The answers I'm after, the truths I'm chasing—they're all waiting for me within those mysterious walls. This quest is high-stakes, and I can't afford any slip-ups. I'll play my cards close to the chest, revealing just enough to satisfy curiosity while keeping the rest under tight lock and key. This journey is mine and mine alone, and the less I disclose, the safer I'll be.’

Reed's eyes flickered with determination as he glanced around the inn, taking in the warm and lively atmosphere. His gaze shifted back to the driver, gratitude evident in his voice.

"Thank you for your concern and words of caution. They are not taken lightly. I shall tread with caution, knowing the risks that lie ahead. But the path I have chosen leads me to the answers I seek."

The driver nodded, a hint of respect in his eyes.

"I understand, Reed. Sometimes, we're driven to pursue what lies in the shadows, no matter the cost. I wish you luck on your journey, my friend."

Reed leaned in, his eyes filled with curiosity as he turned his attention to the driver.

"Say, I couldn't help but notice you mentioned Havenbrook. What can you tell me about this small town we're in? It seems to have a unique charm."

The driver, a weathered and knowledgeable man, smiled warmly at Reed's inquiry.

"Ah, Havenbrook, a hidden gem nestled amidst the rolling hills. It may appear modest at first glance, but it holds a wealth of stories and history. The townsfolk here are known for their tight-knit community and warm hospitality."

Reed's interest piqued as he eagerly listened, wanting to learn more about the place he found himself in.

"What are the main attractions or notable features of Havenbrook? Any places I should explore while I'm here?"

The driver chuckled, delighted to share his local knowledge.

"Well, Havenbrook may not boast grand palaces or towering landmarks, but it has its own unique charm. The central square is where the heart of the town beats, bustling with market stalls and friendly faces. The Whispering Willow Inn is a cozy spot where weary travelers like ourselves find respite, and the town's enchanting forest trails offer tranquil walks for those seeking solace in nature."

Reed nodded, taking mental notes of the driver's words, eager to uncover the hidden treasures within Havenbrook.

"Thank you for the insights. It seems Havenbrook has a rich tapestry waiting to be discovered. I'll make sure to explore its nooks and crannies during my stay here."

The driver smiled, appreciating Reed's curiosity and thirst for exploration.

"You're in for a treat, my friend. Havenbrook may be small, but it has a way of leaving a lasting impression. Enjoy your time here and may you uncover the wonders it holds."

After exchanging some dialogues, his eyes scanned the surroundings as he bid farewell to the driver.

"Thank you for the ride. I appreciate your kindness. Safe travels to you, my friend."

The driver nodded, a warm smile gracing his weathered face.

"No need for thanks, lad. It was my pleasure to have some company on the road. Take care now, and enjoy your time in Havenbrook."

With a final wave, the driver walks in the opposite direction to a nearby inn while Reed turns his attention to the inn before him, the Whispering Willow. Its rustic charm and inviting atmosphere beckoned him inside.

As Reed entered the inn, the sound of lively chatter and the aroma of hearty meals filled the air. He approached the reception desk, where a friendly receptionist awaited him.

"Welcome to the Whispering Willow Inn! How can I assist you today?"

Reed offered a warm smile in return, his eyes glancing briefly at the golden coins in his hand.

"Thank you. I have a question before I proceed. Are these golden coins accepted as currency here in Havenbrook?"

The vulture, responded telepathically, its voice resonating in Reed's mind.

"Fear not, Reed. The golden coins you possess are recognized as a form of currency in Havenbrook. They hold value and can be used for transactions within the town."

Reassured by the vulture's words, Reed nodded gratefully.

"Thank you for the information. It's good to know I won't encounter any difficulties during my stay. I'll make sure to enjoy the hospitality of the Whispering Willow Inn."

The receptionist smiled warmly, her eyes gleaming with genuine hospitality.

"We're delighted to have you as our guest. Feel free to make yourself at home and let us know if there's anything we can do to enhance your stay. Enjoy your time in Havenbrook, and if you need any recommendations or assistance, don't hesitate to ask."

With a nod of appreciation, Reed made his way toward his room, feeling a sense of comfort and excitement for the adventures that awaited him in the quaint town of Havenbrook.

Reed closed the door behind him, finding solace within the confines of his room at the Whispering Willow Inn. He glanced around, taking in the simple yet cozy interior. The vulture perched on his shoulder, its sharp eyes keenly observing their surroundings.

[Reed, did you feel as though someone was following us?]

Reed's gaze narrowed, his instincts tingling with a heightened sense of awareness.

"Yeah, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone had their eyes on us the whole time. It's like we had a shadow trailing us."

[Stay on guard, Reed. Looks like we've got some unwanted attention. Keep your senses sharp and trust your gut. We need to be extra cautious in this unfamiliar territory.]

Reed nodded, a flicker of determination lighting up his eyes.

"I will not let my guard down. Whoever they may be, they will find that I am not an easy target."

[Good. Stay alert, and remember that we have allies in this town. Seek assistance if necessary. But for now, focus on your mission and the secrets that the Chapel of Shadows holds.]

“Yeah, yeah.”

Reed's eyelids grew heavy, fatigue weighing him down after the long journey and the unsettling feeling of being followed. He decided to take a quick nap, hoping to regain some energy before continuing his mission. As he drifted into slumber, unaware of the events unfolding outside, a group of figures cloaked in dark hoods maneuvered swiftly through the town, leaping effortlessly from rooftop to rooftop.

The hooded figures landed gracefully in a deserted alleyway, their movements swift and silent. With practiced precision, they approached a nondescript door tucked away in the shadows. The lead figure stepped forward, rapping on the door in a specific pattern. A small panel slid open, revealing a pair of eyes peering out.

"The shadow dances with the moon."

The eyes behind the door scrutinized the hooded figure for a moment before the door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit staircase leading downward. The hooded group descended, their steps masked by the hushed whispers of their cloaks brushing against the stone walls.

At the bottom of the staircase, they entered a dimly lit chamber, the air thick with anticipation. In the center of the room stood a figure draped in shadows, their presence commanding and enigmatic. The boss, their identity concealed, surveyed the assembled group with sharp eyes.

"You're late. Report."

The hooded man who had initiated the secret password stepped forward, his voice filled with a mix of respect and urgency.

The hooded figure who had initiated the secret code stepped forward, a mix of apprehension and determination in their voice.

"Apologies for the delay, Boss. We've obtained valuable information regarding our target, A Wandering Traveler. His arrival in town has not gone unnoticed, and we've devised a plan to relieve him of his newfound wealth."

The boss's eyes gleamed with a predatory glint, their voice filled with anticipation.

"Tell me everything. Spare no detail."

The hooded figure proceeded to lay out their scheme, describing the intricacies of their plan to intercept and rob the wandering traveler. The room crackled with electrifying energy as each detail unfolded, igniting a sense of purpose among the assembled group.

"Excellent. Our preparations must be flawless. A Wandering Traveler may be unsuspecting, but we shall leave no room for error. The spoils shall be ours."

The hooded figures nodded in unison, their faces hidden beneath their cloaks, their minds focused on the forthcoming endeavor. The stage was set, and a high-stakes heist awaited them, as they prepared to converge on A Wandering Traveler and seize the fortune that had caught their attention.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a pale glow over the quiet inn where Reed sought refuge. Unbeknownst to him, a figure draped in a dark hood had been silently tailing him, its presence elusive yet palpable. With swift and graceful movements, the hooded figure slipped through the shadows, their steps barely making a sound on the creaky wooden floorboards.

Every corner of the inn seemed to hold its breath as the figure carefully navigated the dimly lit corridors. Their form, concealed by the cloak's billowing fabric, moved with otherworldly grace, blending seamlessly into the night's embrace. Their presence, though concealed, emanated an air of both mystery and danger.

The figure's eyes, hidden beneath the shadow of the hood, darted from side to side, assessing the surroundings with a keen awareness. They expertly avoided patches of moonlight that streamed through the windows, their dark silhouette remaining an enigma amidst the faint glow.

As they reached the stairs leading to the upper floors, the figure paused, their hand gently grazing the worn wooden railing. They seemed to possess an innate understanding of the inn's layout, effortlessly avoiding the steps that groaned under the weight of unaware guests.

With calculated movements, the hooded figure ascended the staircase, each step an exercise in stealth. They moved as if part of the very essence of the night, a creature born from shadows, blending seamlessly into their surroundings.

Silent as a whisper, they traversed the hallways on the upper floor, their presence barely disturbing the stillness. They skirted past closed doors, their intentions shrouded in secrecy, evading the attention of the slumbering occupants within.

Finally, the figure stopped before one door, their gloved hand reaching out to the handle. They turned it with the utmost care, the metallic click barely audible. With a gentle push, the door swung open, revealing a darkened room where Reed lay, unaware of the intruder who had just eluded the inn's watchful eyes.

The hooded figure's eyes narrowed, their gaze fixed upon the sleeping Reed. They lingered for a moment, an inscrutable expression hidden beneath the depths of their concealed features.