Chapter 26:

The Danish cold case (4)

Mystery ghost foresight

Kaemi raised an eyebrow at the odd crowd gathering in the lobby of the station.

"We got an old guy, an old lady, a young man, and a middle aged man. All of whom look like they're some kind of government representatives," Kaemi noted.

"So, what is the reason for all of you visiting?" Yoriko asked the group.

Immediately, all began talking at once.

"One at a time please."


"So this Vivi supposedly lives in the woods?" Ri asked as she and Mimi walked through the woods.

"I mean, I guess. I don't know," Mimi replied.


"Say, why're you kinda... depressed?"


"Yeah, you don't look like you're enjoying yourself."

"Well, I guess it's more me realizing I'm bound to a fate I don't want. See, my family's a branch of an elite assassin family. My father's a terrifying and ambitious man and wants me to kill in order to raise his status to greater heights, but I honestly don't want to be a killer."

"You wanna be a spy right!?"

"Well, no. Honestly, I'd just prefer an ordinary career, but I don't even know what I'd choose, and even then, no way my father would allow it."

"Then just run away."

"If I could, my father or one of my bloodthirsty sisters would then hunt me down like prey."

"You have sisters?"

"Four of them, they're all sets of twins, one set older than me, and one set younger. I'm the 3rd of 5 children all together so I really am the middle one."

"I've been in an orphanage until I decided to become a spy."

"I envy your positive demeanor."

"It's been a bit rattled these past few day- er, I guess it feels like it was just days to me," Mimi somberly smiled.

"I guess I can see why, you woke up in a foreign land and everyone you know might be gone or drastically different from how they were before."

"So that's why I gotta make new friends too, like you."

"And the optimism's back."

"And it's staying long enough for me to impart some words of wisdom as an- well uh do I qualify as an elder?"

"Sure, we'll say yes to make it easier on your brain."

"Then here's my wisdom. *Ahem* A good friend who confessed her feelings to me once said, "If you can't escape the chains of order, find a loophole to slip through.""

"So you're just copying a friend."

"Hey! It applies to you!" Mimi pouted.

"Loophole huh? So you're saying I should try and find something my father would be OK with me doing instead of killing? No, he'll want me to do something where I could still kill- _! That's it! Mimi, your friend's a genius!"

"I mean, yeah she is. But I-"

"I just gotta say I'll get a job that would allow me to kill targets with ease, then just not kill. But what?"

"What are you good at?"

"Well, slicing things with knives, though due to my age and size, my technique is limited."

"But you took out that guy at the prison just fine."

"No, I ----."

"OH! Well still, it's impressive that you know knives so well. That's it! You should be a knife maker!"

"I'm good at USING knives, not making them."

"Then um, uh what jobs use knives besides killing. Oh, a butcher!"

"Nah, too much blood, I'd prefer something a little less bloody."

"Then, um just plain ole cooking?"

"Huh, maybe. No clue how good I am, but maybe it could work."


"And why am I stuck doing the interviews?" Kaemi grumbled as she sat in an interrogation room with the old lady.

"My name is Marzi, I work at the Danish embassy. I was told that the former King of Denmark was found frozen in a lab," the woman stated.

"One of em was a king? Well, honestly I don't know, I'm just doing the interviews."

"But you WERE there yes? Tell me what occurred."

"Well aren't you sharp for your age, well to give you the public statement, a researcher was found dead, murdered in that tiny room with all those frozen people."

"How many others were there?"

"Well, Kin-kun mentioned a President, and if another one was your king, that leaves one more."

"So there were three containers then?"

"Well, three occupied ones, there were ctually 4 total, but one was empty, guess it's for our prime minister I guess."

"Thank you, that is all I wish to know, I will have someone contact you eventually regarding our king," the woman said as she got up to leave.

"Well, guess that was easy, so nex-"

"The hell's the head researcher! Thrasher growled.

"Oh, in that case your ass is last in line, he's in questioning," Kaemi glared.

"Then get him out so I can talk with him!"

"And who are you?"

"Max Thrasher, United States Senator from Arizona, also the senate majority leader."

"Well that's quite prestigious, so how'd you get here from DC so quickly?"

"I flew girl, was already here for business beforehand."

"What business?"

"Political retreat dammit! It's public knowledge, look it up!"

"Guess I'll just interview you to pass the time," Kaemi groaned.


"Uh, are you sure we can do this?" Chika nervously asked.

"She said it was fine, besides it probably makes her feel safer knowing we're listening in," Reiju said as she jotted down notes.

After being asked to help with interviewing the diplomats, Kaemi had requested the two listen in and take notes for her.

"Still, you'd think they'd have more staff for this sort of thing," Reika grumbled.

"Perhaps it's not a lack of staff, but rather a lack of elite trusted personnel," a female voice stated.

Chika and Reiju turned to see Reika smiling behind them.

"The hell'd you get in?" Reiju grumbled.

"Telling you would not be advantageous to me, so I won't. You're free to deduce though assuming you have the smarts for it," Reika smiled.

"I really want to punch her," Reiju thought.

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