Chapter 1:

The Hidden Village of Kagemori

The Curse and The Forest

Noroi Kodomo had always lived under the shadow of an unusual family curse. Ever since he was a kid, he heard stories about how this curse brought nothing but trouble to his family. He never really bought into these old superstitions, but then weird stuff started happening around him, and it made him an outcast in his own town.

One night, Noroi was sitting in his cramped, messy apartment in Tokyo, thinking about his tough situation. He was fed up with the gossip and odd looks from people who knew about his family's supposed curse. The city felt like it was closing in on him, and he was desperate to get away.

In a moment of desperation, Noroi remembered hearing about this ancient, remote forest at the edge of the prefecture. It was said to be so secluded it was almost legendary. He thought maybe he could find some peace there, away from everyone. So, he grabbed what he needed and snuck out into the night.

Getting to the forest was no walk in the park. As he went deeper, the city noise just faded away. The forest seemed to welcome him with the sound of leaves and distant animal noises. For the first time in ages, Noroi felt relaxed.

But when night came, he realized he'd gone way deeper than he meant to. The trees were so thick overhead that they hid the moon, making everything creepily dark. That's when he found a hidden path, all overgrown and hard to see.

Curiosity got the better of him, and Noroi followed the path. It took him to a cliff edge, and when he looked down, he couldn't believe his eyes. There was a village down there, like something out of a fairy tale. It was all shadowy, with the buildings glowing softly in lantern light. It seemed like it was from another time.

Noroi knew he should head back to what he knew, but the village had a strange pull on him. He took a deep breath and started down toward the hidden village of Kagemori, not realizing how much this choice would change his life.

As he got close to the village, something felt off. It was like he crossed some unseen line. The air turned colder, and the quiet of the forest was replaced by a weird, low humming sound.

When Noroi stepped into the village of Kagemori, it was like he'd walked into another world. The buildings mixed old Japanese styles with something he couldn't quite place. The air was heavy with a strange vibe, and even with the lanterns lit, shadows seemed to move on their own.

He walked down the tight streets, taking in the sights. The place was super quiet and looked like no one lived there, even though the houses were in good shape. The doors had cool carvings and talismans on them, showing a deep-rooted culture and maybe some deep beliefs.

Just as he was getting into his exploration, a voice caught him off guard, "Lost, are we?" He spun around to see a woman standing in a doorway. She had long, dark hair and a mysterious smile, wearing a kimono with a pattern that seemed to shift in the light.

"I'm... I was just..." Noroi stuttered, surprised by her sudden appearance.

The woman introduced herself as Akane Tsukumo, stepping closer. "And you, stranger, have wandered into a place not too fond of unexpected visitors."

Noroi tried to get his words out, but Akane's stare was kind of intense. It felt like she could see right into him.

"You're carrying a big burden," she said, almost to herself. "Maybe that's why the forest brought you here."

Noroi was shocked. How could she know? But before he could say anything, she gestured for him to follow. "Let's talk somewhere more private."

He followed her to a big house that stood out with its fancy design. Inside, it was a mix of old-world style and some mysterious artifacts.

Over some hot tea, Akane told him that Kagemori was hidden for a reason. It was a refuge for those affected by the supernatural, away from the critical eyes of the outside world.

"The people here," she went on, "aren't normal folks. We're all different in our own ways."

Noroi was both intrigued and a bit nervous. Akane's words hit close to home for someone cursed like him. He began to share his own story but was cut off by noise outside.

They looked out to see villagers gathering in the square, looking worried. Akane's face turned serious. "Your arrival's caused more than just some talk."

She faced Noroi, a decisive look in her eyes. "You've got two choices. Leave now and go back to your life, or stay and find out Kagemori's secrets. But know this, staying will change your life in ways you can't even imagine."