Chapter 45:

Dinner for the Ginkawas

Spice of Life

It was all hands on deck in the kitchen as everyone was on cooking duty.

"Mimi! You handle most of the dessert items! Zuina! You handle the drinks! Hime-chan! The seafood! Waki! The salads! Matcha! the soups! Itsuki! You're on rotation duty! Start with Waki!" Rika ordered as she and Masaru got to work on the deluxe items.

"When I heard the Ginkawas made a reservation, I prepared myself for the workload, but to think it would be greater than I anticipated," Masaru sweated.


Waki nervously brought the first batch of dishes.

"Ah, Waki Kasegawa, the Wellpoisoner. If there's poison, you will be executed," Harumi threateningly smiled.

"N- NO poison ma'am!" Waki nervously stated as she placed the salads down.

Harumi scanned the dishes with a device and had a servant taste it. Upon receiving the  all clear, Harumi and Madoka began eating.

Once they had finished, Waki was allowed to leave.

"Wow, I haven't been this pale and nervous ever," Waki nervously chuckled as she headed back to the kitchen.

Matcha was next with the soups, and wheeled them out on a cart as Zuina came with the drinks.

"Here are all your drinks. One Iced caviar tea, one tropical fruit smoothie, and one hyldeblomstaft smoothie. All your soups are here too" Zuina stated.

"You're the younger sister of Rebelle? Correct?" Harumi glared.

"Y- Yes ma'am. I d- don't get along with her," Zuina nervously stated.

"Oh that's wonderful. I hate her. Now moving on to Miss Myouchi- never mind. Thank you for the meals.

"Y- Yes ma'am!" Matcha nervously stated.

The two returned to the kitchen just as pale and nervous as Waki had.

Benihime then served the seafood.

"Why I do hope you enjoy my seafood cooking Miss Ginkawa," Benihime bowed.

"You seem far more composed then your co-workers Miss Shinohime. Well, that is to be expected. You are more comfortable around aristocrats after all," Harumi stated as she sipped her hyldeblomstaft smoothie.

Benihime returned to the kitchen prouder than ever.

"Well aren't you hot shit," Waki glared as she wiped the sweat from her brow.

"It comes naturally my dear Waki," Benihime boasted.

Itsuki then went out to bring some wine and juice to the Ginkawas.

"I appreciate the wine and juice sampling. It's quality is comparable to the mansion's," Harumi stated as she sipped some wine.

"Thank you very much," Itsuki bowed.

"I pardon the rudeness, but are you alright?"

"Oh, I just um had uh, my face is fine," Itsuki stuttered.

"My apologies for asking Miss Makihara."

Itsuki then returned to the kitchen as Mimi prepared to bring out the Kringle.

"You're bringing out the desert now!?" Itsuki asked.

"This was the main thing she requested. Besides, the main course still has some work," Mimi smiled as she left.

Harumi smiled as she tasted the Kringle.

"Spoiling me before dinner. Well, I don't mind. This is the best Kringle I've ever eaten," Harumi declared.

Madoka also appeared to like it. So much in fact that she nearly gobbled up the entire thing. Harumi ended up fighting her for pieces.

"Wow, guess I'll have to make another one," Mimi nervously laughed.

Rika and Masaru then wheeled out their grand masterpieces.

"He's a bit nervous, so I'll say what we're all thinking. Please enjoy," Rika bowed.

Masaru trembled as Harumi and Madoka ate.


"Very good. I am pleased with your cooking," Harumi smiled after finishing.

"I want dessert!" Madoka demanded.

"Your wish is granted!" Mimi smiled as she arrived with a cart full of deserts.

Madoka's eyes watered with delight as she nearly leapt onto the cart and devoured everything.

"Madoka! Save some for me!" Harumi shouted as she began shoveling down whatever deserts she could grab before Madoka.


"This was amazing. Would you perhaps be interested in becoming personal chefs for the Ginkawa family at our mansion? There are plenty of amenities there," Harumi offered.

"Sorry, but I'm staying here. Appreciate the offer though," Rika smiled.

"I will stay with Rika," Masaru stated.

"Same for me, though feel free to come back and eat here!" Mimi smiled.

"And that we shall," Harumi smiled.

"Hey, can you make a Kringle crepe?" Madoka asked.

"Hoh? The young one's got a challenge, well if Masaru can whip up Col Masaru's, I can whip up a Kringle crepe," Rika smiled.


Rika happily placed her creation before Madoka. Before she could say "dig in", Madoka devoured the crepe.

"It's... THE BEST CREPE I'VE EVER EATEN!" Madoka cried as she blissfully passed out and began snoring peacefully.

"Seems she's finally worn out. Well, I'll take this as our indication to leave. We shall return though, and possibly request a catering at our mansion," Harumi smiled as she produced her credit card.


Masaru's eyes gaped at the total price of the meal.

"And she paid that like it was natural," Masaru trembled.

"Uh, isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Rika asked.


In the limousine, Madoka woke up.

"I want more crepes!" Madoka demanded.

"We're already on the road," Harumi stated.


Harumi nervously reclined and closed her eyes as Madoka threw a tantrum.


Back at the restaurant, everyone threw a celebratory toast to celebrate their success.

"That was worth closing early for!" Waki cheered.

"We can still re-open. In fact, why not?" Rika asked.

"Rika, even I'm at my limit. That was exhausting," Masaru stated.

"Well no worries then. Guess we celebrate."

"Yeah, and give me some more crepes, like 100, no 1000!" Madoka declared.

"Yeah- HUH!? Why're you here!? Where's your mother and entourage!?" Rika shouted as she turned to see Madoka standing proudly with her arms crossed.

"Um, even-"

"Relax, I got my own card," now make da crepes!" Madoka huffed as she flashed her credit card.

Everyone wearily headed for the kitchen to fulfill her order.

Mario Nakano 64
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